It seriously must suck to be a black entertainer. It's like if you make it and you're not from the 'hood, you're always gonna have other black people knocking ya, saying you aren't keepin it real. Fuck that. "Oh man, he may be black, but he don't come from where I come from, so he aint really that great." What the fuck? Does Jeff Foxworthy have to come from the same place that George Carlin came from in order to be a respected comic? You never hear comedians like Dave Attel going "Well shit, ya know? Mitch may have had a heart problem, but I grew up in the hood, ya know? I know problems... so Mitch's problems aint shit."
it's just such horseshit. seems like anytime a black entertainer makes it they've got twice as many other black people telling them they're fake. Look at Will Smith. The moment the guy breaks, all of a sudden he aint keepin it real. Fuck. I'm sure even Rock and Murphy went through that shit.
And isn't Christian Fannigan (the guy that played the white guy in Mad Real World) the only other white writer on the show, aside from Charlie Murphy helping with the Hollywood Story shit?
Its like people say. Funny is funny... I don't care what color you paint it. I think Cedric the Entertainer is one of the god damn funniest comedians out there, and the Kings of Comedy is up there close to being classic. Does it matter that they're black? Nope... cuz funny is funny, no matter who you are.