For new page, I'd only watch the overtime his 7 mins on the main show was pretty boring, just a lot of trolling. The overtime itself:
Great seeing Larry on TV again. Larry went in hard on Milo, "You can go fuck yourself" at 4:50 in to Milo. A few more Fuck You's through out the rest of the overtime.
Milo definitely comes off as an idiot but charming and insanely self centered. My wife has never heard of him, when we sat to watch Overtime (she doesn't watch the main show) she thought he was loud, brash, stupid but charming and totally agreed with his thing at the beginning about not allowing trans women into college locker rooms.
I think he's gonna get a lot of fans from his appearance on the show. Way more people in America are anti trans than people on here probably wanna admit, and I think Milo has seized on that as a point to grow his exposure.
"Are you American? No? Fuck off!" was the best line of the night. Also interesting at the end he shook hands with the republican congressman and then just walked off to get unmic'd, no talk with the two guys who shit all over him.
Like most political appearances nowadays I suspect people who hate him will see this as him getting shit all over, and people who like him will see it as him destroying liberals.