Ask for stats. Look it up. Not agree. Does fact checking for everyone else. You really never turn it off..
I agree.
I don't think Bill hate trans people or anything, but I hope he'll learn from this and adjust his viewpoints. Perhaps he'll invite a transgender activist on at some point?
Bill's far from the perfect liberal, and he's certainly not someone I'd call a progressive, but I do think he's better than this, and overall a good person despite his glaring shortcomings.
Maybe I'm wrong though, maybe Bill isn't much better than most anti-PC liberals and fedora atheists and him using his platform is counterproductive.
It was like Milo going to daddy Bill for comfort at points. Save me Bill from these stupid people!
Probably why he turns his followers on people too. It's probably all just to feed his ego. Look at his comments pre GG vs post GG, the dude is unprincipled.
He clearly doesn't like being challenged in an environment where he doesn't have someone to support him. He has no evidence to back up his claims, so when he can't win with facts he tries to appeal to the crowd in order to make it look like he won (kind of like a certain politician that recently took office).
Not much to do other than to just ignore him. Sadly there is no block button from life, and as far as I know he isn't violating the 1st amendment and crossing over into anything he could be charged for (as much as I'd like to see him lose a court case).