People can be swayed. It's a lot easier to sway them when you're not constantly letting them be exposed and/or exposing themselves to the low level (or sometimes turnt way the fuck up) radiation of normalized white supremacy via mainstream outlets.
Now the argument here seems to always butt up against
what I was talking about earlier - this fucking
crazy misconception that the only way to neutralize that normalization is to calmly counterpoint its idiocy
on a mainstream outlet
while it's still on camera and getting equal time to speak.
Fascist White Nationalism does not
need to be on TV in order for you to sway people against it.
And if your only argument for
letting it hold that equal airtime is that "well, you're being unfair to Fascist White Nationalism if you don't" then I guess I just...
I mean, what the fuck is
wrong with being
unfair to Fascist White Nationalism? How is this a stance that people can look at negatively?
Our racist-ass country
FOUGHT A WAR TO STOP IT in the 1940s.
It's 70+ years later and you're arguing that it's unfair to speak against it unless it's provided equal airtime on TV to make its own case?
We have been lazy abut always making Hitler comparisons and Hitler analogies in the last 15+ years (perhaps a lot longer!
Nazi comparisons are so easy to make, and as a result we have boy-cry-wolf mode were being a nazi isn't a bad as it should be. After all everyone who voted for Trump are people we are calling neo nazi sympathizers. We already wrought ourselves half way there. We spend more time frofthing at the mouth at anyone who says anything that is barely controversial at all. Be it a harmless Neil DeGrasse Tyson Tweet or a kettlebellkaleshake meatheads pot podcast.
Nazi ideology is a contradiction on itself and even the real fathers of fascism laughed and dismissed Nazism because it was so stupid. It doesn't even make sense in the framework of how Mussolini proposed. That is why we like to invoke nazi comparisons all the time. Nazis are the ultimate fun evil. shooting nazis, making fun of them- It's the go to move and has been for a long time.
But human beings are malleable and now the horns don't ring as sharp as they should. Nazis are a staple in pop culture; video games; movies; lame ass puns. It's the beloved boogyman of the western world.
People can be swayed, but how likely do you believe this is Bobby? - After all, we've seen so many studies and research that shows that people do not respond at all to facts or logical arguments. Beliefs are held deep, because they are emotional in nature and formed from experience. I don't believe that things would have been any different had Maher owned Milo. People being predisposed for Nazi ideology are so fucking insane and demented already.
Washington Post had an article about the confirmation bias and cognitive bias that betrays any possibility of a sensible discussion:
Trying to correct misperceptions can actually reinforce them, according to a 2006 paper by Brendan Nyhan and Jason Reifler, also cited by Graves. They documented what they called a backfire effect by showing the persistence of the belief that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction in 2005 and 2006, after the United States had publicly admitted that they didnt exist. The results show that direct factual contradictions can actually strengthen ideologically grounded factual belief, they wrote.
Next Graves examined how attempts to debunk myths can reinforce them, simply by repeating the untruth. He cited a 2005 study in the Journal of Consumer Research on How Warnings about False Claims Become Recommendations. It seems that people remember the assertion and forget whether its a lie. The authors wrote: The more often older adults were told that a given claim was false, the more likely they were to accept it as true after several days have passed.
Screaming back at Trump for these past 12 months may have been satisfying for his critics, but it hasnt dented his support much. What seems to be hurting Trump in the polls now are self-destructive comments that trouble even his most passionate supporters. Attempts to aggressively correct his remaining fans may only deepen their attachment.
What is going on is that people will not respond to logic. You can say all the facts about Trump or Milo or Breitbart. It won't matter because the truth is not what matters.
Reagan planted seeds that made inevetible we would get to this point. There was no way it was not going to devulge into this, and we have had people like Chomsky warning about this for a long time.
I truly hope that Liberals will channel their outrage out on the people who wish harm on others- Not on fellow liberals who might have a different opinion about why or why the opponents should or shouldn't have the microphone.
People can disagree on how to proceed, but if this thread is any indication (and I think it is) liberals are more pissed at other liberals rather than the actual nazis, simply because they disagree.
This was the case during the election. It wasn't the Trump supporters who caused nearly as much anger as the Bernie Supporters "fake independents".
And that is telling because on the conservative side they do not have the same internal feuds and purity tests where they turn on each other like we do. How can we agree on 90% of the issues and still hate each other like mortal beings and call each other neo-nazis when our disagreements is about hypotheticals regarding an unknown amount of possible converted TV couch voters who watch a TV show? It doesn't make sense.
We want unity, but very few of us as liberals want to give ground. So we shoot each other in the back as we argue about the way forward. conservatives push their agenda on the things that they agree on; their bible, guns, abortion, limited government.
Liberals fight and condemn each other on every single issue they do not have complete agreement on; israel, trade deals, fracking, civil rights, minority issues. Nobody is really an ally if they have an alternative opinion on one of these thins. Nobody is really not a true golden liberal. There is not a lot of room for maneuvering. And the spectrum of going to a good loyal liberal to a nazi sympathizer is a slim one. We have to focus less on people being wrong on certain issues and move forward based on the things that hold us together.
I've never in my life seen politics that didn't involve compromises. I don't know of a liberal society that has mandated legislation without compromising on its values in order to win.