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Milo Yiannopoulos is Going on Real Time with Bill Maher

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No, I read it. It's irrelevant because I was responding to agreeing with his statement. You don't debate Nazis. His statement cannot be agreed with to any degree. Not every Nazi is Milo. It doesn't matter, you don't debate Nazis.

I think it is something that people should consider when debating far-right people. The best strategy for a typical person is to not debate, because people are extremely bad at it and more likely to agree to disagree which in my opinion doesn't solve anything at all.

I think a fundamentally mistake that liberals do is expect everyone to play by the rules and be rational. The problem is that Milo doesn't and refuse to do it. He can lie and state falsehoods and he can get away with it unless you directly challenge it, even if you know it is ridiculous statement he made.In addition, a person doesn't have evidence on hand at the time of debate, so if you can't cite evidence, fact check( perhaps that is not effective either, because they don't care about facts), and/or can't come up with a counter argument to the ridiculous statement he got away with it.

However, it could be that once you take them seriously. You already legitimatize them and gave them a platform. That is exactly what they want and they probably know that you won't go hard on them because you would want to be reasonable.


Comparing him to Hitchens, calling trans people weirdos and calling the treatment of Leslie Jones overblown. Yeah, Maher did a great fucking job right here. Jesus, this is just infuriating. Fuck Maher. Anyone that thinks having this obnoxious toxic cunt on was helpful in any way is either dumb as hell or has their head too far up their privileged asses.

Goddammit, I'd say the only good thing about this episode is that it's great evidence for not inviting nazi scum like Milo but we all know the people in support of his invitation won't be convinced. At least we got Wilmore tell him to go fuck himself. That's something I guess.


That Milo dude came off as an ignorant provocateur.

I don't get why you all are up in arms about this guy. He's a loud mouth bag of shit.

As far as I know, Bill Maher only agreed with Milo on two issues: free speech and debate, and transgender access to bathrooms.

I also agree with Milo on the issue of restricting transgender men's access to women's bathrooms. I get that it's a restrictions of rights on some people, but don't you also get that I see it as a reduction of safety for little girls? If you disagree, then I'm happy that you've been blessed with a sheltered life. But from my experience, there's a lot of fucked up men out there who are predators.

Thank you so much for being an example of the harm of giving people like Milo a platform.

Just as I said earlier, you guys can laugh at Milo all you want, this poster I have quoted is the perfect example of the type of person who would be susceptible to Milo's bullshit AND his bullshit sex crime statists.

Milo is not a joke.


You're trying to debate btgorman as much as Maher tried to debate Milo.

AKA not at all.
Exactly. He keeps saying "we need to have a debate" and then he doesn't even fucking debate this shit and instead wags his finger moralizing others.
I just love the folks that always say "give them a platform" and "debate these toxic humans", seem more inclined to bitch and moan instead of actually practicing what they preach. You want to set that person straight? Then do it, instead of complaining about how others react to offensive nonsense.


I also agree with Milo on the issue of restricting transgender men's access to women's bathrooms. I get that it's a restrictions of rights on some people, but don't you also get that I see it as a reduction of safety for little girls? If you disagree, then I'm happy that you've been blessed with a sheltered life. But from my experience, there's a lot of fucked up men out there who are predators.

I'm going to say this with as much restraint as I can muster - go fuck yourself you bigoted arsehole. People shouldn't be treated poorly and further ostracised because you uncritically swallow bullshit propaganda and spew it everywhere.


guys i just staged a debate at my house on whether or not milos right and he didnt show up so i guess he loses and isnt right afterall so please close breitbart now because he lost



I mean, this keeps happening in this thread. People walking in, confused as to why bad faith white supremacists being given free, easy access to mass-media megaphones is so disturbing while almost in the same breath (in what they must honestly percieve as a magnanimous display of olive branching) admitting "It's not as if the white supremacist didn't make a few good points, c'mon."

Stand still and catch cancer, guys.

I mean that guy you quoted is clearly an idiot, or deeply, deeply ignorant. Your point point stands, however.

Also,y our other post was a great summary of my feelings on this.


Wow! You seriously have no clue.

Can you claim to never having been the victim of sexual predator inside a bathroom? If you can, good for you! Because I can't.

Nice dogpile we have going on here.

Then you should know that laws don't stop those people.


That Milo dude came off as an ignorant provocateur.

I don't get why you all are up in arms about this guy. He's a loud mouth bag of shit.

As far as I know, Bill Maher only agreed with Milo on two issues: free speech and debate, and transgender access to bathrooms.

I also agree with Milo on the issue of restricting transgender men's access to women's bathrooms. I get that it's a restrictions of rights on some people, but don't you also get that I see it as a reduction of safety for little girls? If you disagree, then I'm happy that you've been blessed with a sheltered life. But from my experience, there's a lot of fucked up men out there who are predators.

Yup. Because the gendered bathrooms now have done a spectacular job of protecting women and girls from rape and molestation with the magical shield that stops people dressed as men from entering. Now, like in the past, we will have men dressing up in womens clothes just to fool people and get to their prey! It happened in the past, IT CAN HAPPEN AGAIN.



That debate should be long over, but by all means, step up.
You're right. And I did.
What's to debate? Are you being serious?
Yes. He's clearly wrong. Tell him how wrong he is. Not that goddamn hard.
Would you also be asking for debate if the poster instead was talking about black people? How about gay people?
Strawman, strawman, strawman.

He had an opinion on a serious personal rights issue (albeit a shitty, uninformed one) Call him out on it!

Sounds to me he's been around some heavy conservative talking points lol
They just said that I shouldn't be able to use a public washroom because it will suddenly make sexual assault legal. There's no debate to be had. Get outta here with this bullshit.
Ok then, maybe try telling him that? I dunno. Again, it aint that hard. I dont see you trying to convince him otherwise. And I think that's our problem lately. You aint gonna see progress when shout people down and insult them, instead of helping them understand, and assuming they're unable to change opinion. That's not how this works.
Fuck you.

Also, most rapists know the victim. If you're so concerned about little girls, you shouldn't want any of their family members or friends to be anywhere near a bathroom with them - at least that would be the case if you really gave a shit.

You're trying to debate btgorman as much as Maher tried to debate Milo.

AKA not at all.
I edited my post. It's there.

Exactly. He keeps saying "we need to have a debate" and then he doesn't even fucking debate this shit and instead wags his finger moralizing others.

Read the post again. Jesus, ya'll are fucking savage in here. Acting like I'm part of the problem or something. IM ON YOUR FUCKING SIDE. But my opinion is, ya'll aint going to accomplish shit by vilifying every mother fucker that has even the slightest difference of opinion.

HELP THEM UNDERSTAND FFS. If they aren't willing to see your point of view, THEN you turn the heat up on them.


That Milo dude came off as an ignorant provocateur.

I don't get why you all are up in arms about this guy. He's a loud mouth bag of shit.

As far as I know, Bill Maher only agreed with Milo on two issues: free speech and debate, and transgender access to bathrooms.

I also agree with Milo on the issue of restricting transgender men's access to women's bathrooms. I get that it's a restrictions of rights on some people, but don't you also get that I see it as a reduction of safety for little girls? If you disagree, then I'm happy that you've been blessed with a sheltered life. But from my experience, there's a lot of fucked up men out there who are predators.

Where are the transgender bathroom sex crimes statistics.

You sheltered dunce.

The Adder

Wow! You seriously have no clue.

Can you claim to never having been the victim of sexual predator inside a bathroom? If you can, good for you! Because I can't.

Nice dogpile we have going on here.

Are you a woman?

Were you in a woman's restroom?

Were you molested by a transwoman?

If so, you're still fucking wrong, but I can see why.

If not, see above.

(Above being: Go fuck yourself)
Nice dogpile we have going on here.

No, don't even. You just asserted it's okay to block people from taking a crap based on nothing more than a very bad, already discredited assumption that transgender folk are a threat to other people in the bathroom, as if being transgendered makes you more likely to be a sexual predator. You offered no evidence of your claim, you just dropped it in here and claimed people who didn't agree with it were just sheltered. Don't even try to sea lion your way out of this one.
A lot of us recognized that Trump is a loudmouthed bag of shit. Not enough of us did, unfortunately. People tend to get excited and feel validated by loudmouthed bags of shit who "tell it like it is" and enable hatred and bigotry.


Wow! You seriously have no clue.

Can you claim to never having been the victim of sexual predator inside a bathroom? If you can, good for you! Because I can't.

Nice dogpile we have going on here.

This isn't the point, though. Laws are already in place for this, transgender women aren't men pretending to be women to get access to bathrooms. They're women who simply want to go to the bathroom that matches their gender.


Well, It's nice to see everybody playing nice and having a tough debate about the issue.

Perhaps maybe start by telling the poster why they are wrong, and DISCUSS IT. You know- ON A DISCUSSION BOARD.

The mistake you're making is assuming every disgusting position is worthy of reasoned debate and discussion, and that the people holding those positions can be turned around with an impassioned speech or having someone point out the fallacies in the bigoted shit they just said.

Thinking that way can make you feel smart and impartial and high minded, but it's really something that I'm glad to have grown out of. Just telling certain people to fuck off, go suck an egg, etc. is cathartic and also wastes less time.


I also agree with Milo on the issue of restricting transgender men's access to women's bathrooms. I get that it's a restrictions of rights on some people, but don't you also get that I see it as a reduction of safety for little girls? If you disagree, then I'm happy that you've been blessed with a sheltered life. But from my experience, there's a lot of fucked up men out there who are predators.

Hey, newsflash. It's already illegal to stalk/harass/molest people in bathrooms, especially children. Transgender women do not do that. There is no evidence of it. You're essentially banning regular-ass people from using a basic fucking facility because you're scared of something that doesn't happen. You know what does happen? Transgender women who are forced to use men's restrooms getting bullied, stalked, raped, or otherwise harassed by insecure men. So who's the real vulnerable person in this scenario?


Do people live in this alternate reality where people have their gender checked by an official when they go to the bathroom? If a predator wants to go into a bathroom, there is nothing stopping them right now and there would be continue nothing stopping them if rule banning transgender people from going to the bathroom of their gender was put in place. At least be open with your bigotry instead of trying to hide behind faux concerns.


That Milo dude came off as an ignorant provocateur.

I don't get why you all are up in arms about this guy. He's a loud mouth bag of shit.

As far as I know, Bill Maher only agreed with Milo on two issues: free speech and debate, and transgender access to bathrooms.

I also agree with Milo on the issue of restricting transgender men's access to women's bathrooms. I get that it's a restrictions of rights on some people, but don't you also get that I see it as a reduction of safety for little girls? If you disagree, then I'm happy that you've been blessed with a sheltered life. But from my experience, there's a lot of fucked up men out there who are predators.

garbage opinion and you're sort of a garbage bigot


Yup. Because the gendered bathrooms now have done a spectacular job of protecting women and girls from rape and molestation with the magical shield that stops people dressed as men from entering. Now, like in the past, we will have men dressing up in womens clothes just to fool people and get to their prey! It happened in the past, IT CAN HAPPEN AGAIN.



If somebody wants to fucking rape no bloody sex restriction on the front of any restroom will keep them from attempting this crime.


Super Sleuth
Wow! You seriously have no clue.

Can you claim to never having been the victim of sexual predator inside a bathroom? If you can, good for you! Because I can't.

Nice dogpile we have going on here.

You don't get to hide behind victimization to justify your bigotry.


That Milo dude came off as an ignorant provocateur.

I don't get why you all are up in arms about this guy. He's a loud mouth bag of shit.

As far as I know, Bill Maher only agreed with Milo on two issues: free speech and debate, and transgender access to bathrooms.

I also agree with Milo on the issue of restricting transgender men's access to women's bathrooms. I get that it's a restrictions of rights on some people, but don't you also get that I see it as a reduction of safety for little girls? If you disagree, then I'm happy that you've been blessed with a sheltered life. But from my experience, there's a lot of fucked up men out there who are predators.

There's a lot of fucked up men out there who are predators who attack little boys too. We should probably just ban everyone with a penis from public bathrooms./s

Why are you targeting transgender people with an oddly specific fear of heterosexual pedophiles? It's got nothing tobdo with being "sheltered". You're just justifying harming a group of people because you are ignorant on the subjects of transgender issues AND sexual abuse. Sheltered people tend to go the conservative direction on the bathroom issue.

The Adder

Read the post again. Jesus, ya'll are fucking savage in here. Acting like I'm part of the problem or something. IM ON YOUR FUCKING SIDE. But my opinion is, ya'll aint going to accomplish shit by vilifying every mother fucker that has even the slightest difference of opinion.

HELP THEM UNDERSTAND FFS. If they aren't willing to see your point of view, THEN you turn the heat up on them.

You sure as fuck aren't. Instead of practicing what you preach and debating the person you ostensibly think is wrong while the rest of us handle the situation the way we see fit, you're over here moralizing to the people against stripping others of their rights.

You are everything wrong with the left. You are the problem.


The mistake you're making is assuming every disgusting position is worthy of reasoned debate and discussion, and that the people holding those positions can be turned around with an impassioned speech or having someone point out the fallacies in the bigoted shit they just said.

Thinking that way can make you feel smart and impartial and high minded, but it's really something that I'm glad to have grown out of. Just telling certain people to fuck off, go suck an egg, etc. is cathartic and also wastes less time.

Try, or do not try. And I see a whole lot of do not try. The failure here is your assumption that people cannot be swayed. And when you treat people like that, they'll "go fuck themselves" in the voting booth, give us inaccurate polling data, and give us Trump's America. There's literally no progress there. Actually, decades worth of back-stepping. You're not doing any good.


The people calling for debate aren't even debating this shit. They're just letting the garbage stink up the place and pretending they're doing something about it.
Can we as human beings all enact a collective rule that the people who advocate for debate with neo nazis are put on the bench when it comes time to actually "debate" them?

To push so hard for a neo nazi to be given a platform to debate with you... and then to lose so hard against them is unacceptable . Not even just getting gish galloped or letting the opponent frame their argument in an undesirable way - losing in that way is forgivable - but to be so unprepared that the neo nazi can just spread well-documented falsehoods with no reproach?! Unforgivable. If someone begs to "debate" a nazi and then are immediately eviscerated by said nazi, congratulations to them on helping write some alt-right propoganda! What a helpful ally they've been!


Wow! You seriously have no clue.

Can you claim to never having been the victim of sexual predator inside a bathroom? If you can, good for you! Because I can't.

Nice dogpile we have going on here.

Trans people are not sexual predators.

Sexual predators are sexual predators.


So I got a chance to watch the entire show again, and I think I maintain my stance generally.

I agree with Milo on his "If you dont show up for the debate, you lose." And while I will agree with most of GAF in this thread that are heated at even the fact that he's on the show, that there's no debating Milo in an effort to shift that slimy shitball's stance.

I imagined Maher was going to have "middle ground" with Milo on 1st amendment, debate, crazy liberal outrage, which I completely agree with. But Milo's bullshit on Transgender, hiring gay workers, and his held stance on how he treated Lesli. I was hoping Maher would hold Milo's feet to the fire, which he did a few times, only to seem to gleefully cool them right after.

But that Panel was a pretty nice firing squad. Willmore went IN.

I'm not unhappy with the show, but a little disappointed with Bill for not keeping the focus on Milo's shitty activity. But I'm glad I got to see him roasted by Willmore.

Pretty much everything in your stance turned out to be wrong. Maher didn't 'skewer' anyone, nothing got exposed and the only thing that happened was Milo got a little more exposure and probably gained a few more fans - or at least a way to get connect with people which in turn helps normalize their presence.

I mean, really, you don't think that they are aware that folks like you are inclined to find 'middle ground' with them on stuff like the so called 'liberal outrage'?

The Wilmore thing is great as being a little more cathartic for those of us who know what a shitstain Milo is, but other than that it's pointless. Nobody inclined to agree with Milo is turned away from that. Hell, the fact that it came from a black man probably pushed their support even more.

i understand the type of dialogue you think you want, and that you think it will make a difference. But that doesn't happen on 15 minute bursts on TV. Especially when the host is also inclined to care more about being concerned with 'liberal outrage'. And also especially when people like Milo aren't really interested at all with debate, facts or reasoning. Its is not and was never going to happen.

And they know that. And they use it to their advantage. And people keep playing their game.
The mistake you're making is assuming every disgusting position is worthy of reasoned debate and discussion, and that the people holding those positions can be turned around with an impassioned speech or having someone point out the fallacies in the bigoted shit they just said.

Insisting on that can make you feel smart and impartial and high minded, but it's really something that I'm glad to have grown out of. Just telling certain people to fuck off, go suck an egg, etc. is cathartic and also wastes less time.

I dunno, maybe(big maybe) that person can be turned around on this, but at this point, after spending so much time on this last year, I'm sure as shit not going to be the one to put in that effort again trying combat the SAME OLD RHETORIC, just to see their minds not change in the slightest. It's like, we're still doing this? It's frustrating.

But if someone isn't frustrated, go for it, but don't complain about those fed up about it.
I knew Maher wasn't going to do shit with Milo. I've only seen his show once, but that one time he brushed off cultural appropriation as something that isn't bad. Once he said that, I tuned out.


You sure as fuck aren't. Instead of practicing what you preach and debating the person you ostensibly think is wrong while the rest of us handle the situation the way we see fit, you're over here moralizing to the people against stripping others of their rights.

You are everything wrong with the left. You are the problem.

LMAO ok. I literally just responded to him in the SAME POST you quoted. Fuck outta here. Everything that's wrong with the left is what lost us the election. I'm not "Moralizing" anything here. Dont you fucking accuse me of saying his opinion is acceptable because then I'll be telling you to fuck off with that.


"From my experience". What experience? There was a link drop earlier that fact checked your exact stance, and there has only been one instance of something like that WORLD WIDE. Yes, there are predators, but you just dont see those kinds of sickos practicing in PUBLIC spaces. It's just not a thing.

Well, It's nice to see everybody playing nice and having a tough debate about the issue.

Perhaps maybe start by telling the poster why they are wrong, and DISCUSS IT. You know- ON A DISCUSSION BOARD.
The guy called people who disagreed with him "sheltered", which is laughably stupid and insulting. Why are you moralizing and tone policing the responses?


Super Sleuth
LMAO ok. I literally just responded to him in the SAME POST you quoted. Fuck outta here. Everything that's wrong with the left is what lost us the election. I'm not "Moralizing" anything here. Dont you fucking accuse me of saying his opinion is acceptable because then I'll be telling you to fuck off with that.

You edited that in.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Well, It's nice to see everybody playing nice and having a tough debate about the issue.

Perhaps maybe start by telling the poster why they are wrong, and DISCUSS IT. You know- ON A DISCUSSION BOARD.
There's absolutely NOTHING to discuss about that sort of ignorance, bigotry, and transphobia.
LMAO ok. I literally just responded to him in the SAME POST you quoted. Fuck outta here. Everything that's wrong with the left is what lost us the election. I'm not "Moralizing" anything here. Dont you fucking accuse me of saying his opinion is acceptable because then I'll be telling you to fuck off with that.

No, no, don't do that, we need a debate to settle this. You lose otherwise.


Milo played Maher and co. all the way. He came on the show and made himself look completely inoffensive and self-depreciating. But people will catch on a few things he said, and look him up, and be convinced by his various recorded interviews on youtube.
What?! So because he only associates himself with Nazis and helps their agenda in every way possible, for some supposedly selfish reasons he doesn't deserve the same treatment as them?

And let all the people he directly sets his audience on suffer?

You can fuck right off with that sentiment.

Do you want to make yourself feel better, or do you want to stop this asshole?

You've got to tailor your approach to these people to whatever works best against them. You don't handle trolls the same way you handle Nazis. That isn't letting one off the hook.

Both are dangerous. If one attack works on a Nazi, but only gives the troll more and more of a platform, maybe don't use that attack on the troll? Because surely the goal is to stop the fucking troll? Not get him on national television to spout his bullshit.

Efforts to stop this troll haven't worked so far, and almost certainly have played into his hands. So stop.

If the way you are trying to stop him reaching his audience is just giving him a bigger and bigger audience, you are only making it worse. Open your goddamn eyes.
The failure here is your assumption that people cannot be swayed.

People can be swayed. It's a lot easier to sway them when you're not constantly letting them be exposed and/or exposing themselves to the low level (or sometimes turnt way the fuck up) radiation of normalized white supremacy via mainstream outlets.

Now the argument here seems to always butt up against what I was talking about earlier - this fucking crazy misconception that the only way to neutralize that normalization is to calmly counterpoint its idiocy on a mainstream outlet while it's still on camera and getting equal time to speak.

Fascist White Nationalism does not need to be on TV in order for you to sway people against it.

And if your only argument for letting it hold that equal airtime is that "well, you're being unfair to Fascist White Nationalism if you don't" then I guess I just...

I mean, what the fuck is wrong with being unfair to Fascist White Nationalism? How is this a stance that people can look at negatively?

Our racist-ass country FOUGHT A WAR TO STOP IT in the 1940s.

It's 70+ years later and you're arguing that it's unfair to speak against it unless it's provided equal airtime on TV to make its own case?


The Adder

LMAO ok. I literally just responded to him in the SAME POST you quoted. Fuck outta here. Everything that's wrong with the left is what lost us the election. I'm not "Moralizing" anything here. Dont you fucking accuse me of saying his opinion is acceptable because then I'll be telling you to fuck off with that.

I saw your fucking post before you edited it. Your first instinct was to fucking hell at the people unwilling to tolerate his intolerance instead of actually addressing his intolerance. You had to fucking go back and edit it in as an afterthought. That's the fucking definition of moralizing.

Your posts aren't worth shit and I've suspected that for a while. Don't bother responding, I ain't wasting another minute on you.

The Adder

Do you want to make yourself feel better, or do you want to stop this asshole?

I want to stop him from exposing another woman, or immigrant, or whoever he decides to set his sights on next and ruining their lives. He has a fucking platform already, I'm trying to protect his future victims!


Wow! You seriously have no clue.

Can you claim to never having been the victim of sexual predator inside a bathroom? If you can, good for you! Because I can't.

Nice dogpile we have going on here.
When I was a teenager, my friend was abused in the bathroom by a man. Had nothing to do with any of this.

Edit: I see they were banned.
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