The part where Milo spouted transphobic shit and Maher agreed with him
Was that during the interview, or during the panel?
I didn't watch the panel segment yet.
The part where Milo spouted transphobic shit and Maher agreed with him
I want to stop him from exposing another woman, or immigrant, or whoever he decides to set his sights on next and ruining their lives. He has a fucking platform already, I'm trying to protect his future victims!
What?! So because he only associates himself with Nazis and helps their agenda in every way possible, for some supposedly selfish reasons he doesn't deserve the same treatment as them?
Do you want to make yourself feel better, or do you want to stop this asshole?
You've got to tailor your approach to these people to whatever works best against them. You don't handle trolls the same way you handle Nazis. That isn't letting one off the hook.
Both are dangerous. If one attack works on a Nazi, but only gives the troll more and more of a platform, maybe don't use that attack on the troll? Because surely the goal is to stop the fucking troll? Not get him on national television to spout his bullshit.
Efforts to stop this troll haven't worked so far, and almost certainly have played into his hands. So stop.
If the way you are trying to stop him reaching his audience is just giving him a bigger and bigger audience, you are only making it worse. Open your goddamn eyes.
Right? It's like "He's not a nazi! He's just a nazi supporter and collaborator! Don't put him in the same camp!"
So what am I supposed to find objectionable about the interview?
Seemed pretty tame to me.
Right? It's like "He's not a nazi! He's just a nazi supporter and collaborator! Don't put him in the same camp!"
So what am I supposed to find objectionable about the interview?
Seemed pretty tame to me.
Try, or do not try. And I see a whole lot of do not try. The failure here is your assumption that people cannot be swayed. And when you treat people like that, they'll "go fuck themselves" in the voting booth, give us inaccurate polling data, and give us Trump's America. There's literally no progress there. Actually, decades worth of back-stepping. You're not doing any good.
So... just shout and then do nothing? How's that going for us all right now, hmmm?
He might be a Nazi. He might not. I can't tell. He has 100% in the past attached himself to causes he doesn't remotely believe in, in order to increase his visibility and audience.
I absolutely want to stop him, and feel very strongly that we need to use different tactics against him than we need to use against Richard Spencer, because the tactics that work against Spencer do not work against the troll.
I am very confused how people posting on a message board of all people don't get how to handle trolls.
The whole post is one big edit 😶You edited that in.
So... just shout and then do nothing? How's that going for us all right now, hmmm?There's absolutely NOTHING to discuss about that sort of ignorance, bigotry, and transphobia.
So... just shout and then do nothing? How's that going for us all right now, hmmm?
What's that repeated part in the end?
How the fuck differs the troll who is friends with Nazis, who spreads Nazi bullshit, who supports Nazi agenda at every turn from a fucking Nazi? Right: Not at fucking all. He should be called a Nazi, and I will be goddamn happy if he gets hit in the face like other Nazis, because that is what he is. Regardless of him seeing himself as "troll" or having any ulterior moves behind it.
To your latter point of not giving him a bigger audience: I'm confused, should people like Maher let people like Milo on their shows or not? I'm saying that they shouldn't, and your last point sounds the same. I either missed the context or you're agreeing with me on that.
People can be swayed. It's a lot easier to sway them when you're not constantly letting them be exposed and/or exposing themselves to the low level (or sometimes turnt way the fuck up) radiation of normalized white supremacy via mainstream outlets.
Now the argument here seems to always butt up against what I was talking about earlier - this fucking crazy misconception that the only way to neutralize that normalization is to calmly counterpoint its idiocy on a mainstream outlet while it's still on camera and getting equal time to speak.
Fascist White Nationalism does not need to be on TV in order for you to sway people against it.
And if your only argument for letting it hold that equal airtime is that "well, you're being unfair to Fascist White Nationalism if you don't" then I guess I just...
I mean, what the fuck is wrong with being unfair to Fascist White Nationalism? How is this a stance that people can look at negatively?
Our racist-ass country FOUGHT A WAR TO STOP IT in the 1940s.
It's 70+ years later and you're arguing that it's unfair to speak against it unless it's provided equal airtime on TV to make its own case?
Some people in here need to understand that Bill Maher is an entertainer first and foremost. Real Time (and other late night shows such as Seth Meyers, Colbert, Last Week Tonight) are political shows to make us laugh. But they stretch, distort, and obfuscate the truth for the sake of making a punch-line or for being entertaining. They're satire, not to be taken seriously or as the actual news.
Milo was brought on Real Time most likely because it would bring in high ratings for the show. Many of his detractors and supporters came to see what he would do on the show. I dont think they ever really cared about shutting down Milo's hateful rhetoric, despite what the pr said. Bill and the show's producers thought it would have been entertaining to have Milo on, because that's what these shows are.
Just entertainment.
Some people in here need to understand that Bill Maher is an entertainer first and foremost. Real Time (and other late night shows such as Seth Meyers, Colbert, Last Week Tonight) are political shows to make us laugh. But they stretch, distort, and obfuscate the truth for the sake of making a punch-line or for being entertaining. They're satire, not to be taken seriously or as the actual news.
Milo was brought on Real Time most likely because it would bring in high ratings for the show. Many of his detractors and supporters came to see what he would do on the show. I dont think they ever really cared about shutting down Milo's hateful rhetoric, despite what the pr said. Bill and the show's producers thought it would have been entertaining to have Milo on, because that's what these shows are.
Just entertainment.
Some people in here need to understand that Bill Maher is an entertainer first and foremost. Real Time (and other late night shows such as Seth Meyers, Colbert, Last Week Tonight) are political shows to make us laugh. But they stretch, distort, and obfuscate the truth for the sake of making a punch-line or for being entertaining. They're satire, not to be taken seriously or as the actual news.
Milo was brought on Real Time most likely because it would bring in high ratings for the show. Many of his detractors and supporters came to see what he would do on the show. I dont think they ever really cared about shutting down Milo's hateful rhetoric, despite what the pr said. Bill and the show's producers thought it would have been entertaining to have Milo on, because that's what these shows are.
Just entertainment.
Half of the people in this thread be like
Maher's shrug...
Yeeeeeah, you're not on any side except for the one that lets you get on the high horse so everyone can see your finger wagging. You're not helping.
Just entertainment.
And that means we have to use a different *approach*. Berkeley didn't work because it got violent and let him play the victim.
He wants to enrage us, to make us look irrational. That's his goal.
we must fight him differently to someone like Richard Spencer.
I want to speak to these points specifically, I've been trying to address them somewhat throughout the thread—these points all seem to just assume that "letting him play the victim" is a thing completely out of our control. But it isn't. He can play the victim all he wants but you don't have to reward that bad acting, either.
A lot of the time, people will hear these bad-faith proponents of white supremacy claim they've been aggrieved, and we just... let them have that. We don't push back against this false claim (as all their claims are, btw), we just let them have it for no other real reason than they say its theirs.
"You're acting irrationally!"
"..shit. I guess we are."
Why is that the "logical" response to a white supremacist acting injured when their irrational, cancerous way of being is directly fought off?
He's not really all that different from Richard Spencer, and certainly not different enough to necessitate some sort of all-new playbook. Keeping Spencer off television helped minimize his negative effects to where one person socking him in the face on inauguration day seriously damaged both him and his platform.
But of course our willingness to cede our moral superiority to whiny White Supremacists is such (and so automatic) that even one of them getting punched once was subject for weeks of debate and handwringing.
There's this mythologized, mythical notion of what "the high road" entails, and it's not only applied incorrectly in a lot of ways, it's unrealistic as well.
No, a person does not "try" when they step up to the plate to debate a white nationalist. They either can successfully and resolutely dismantle that hateful ideology, or they don't get to debate the white nationalist.Try, or do not try. And I see a whole lot of do not try. The failure here is your assumption that people cannot be swayed. And when you treat people like that, they'll "go fuck themselves" in the voting booth, give us inaccurate polling data, and give us Trump's America. There's literally no progress there. Actually, decades worth of back-stepping. You're not doing any good.
Some people in here need to understand that Bill Maher is an entertainer first and foremost. Real Time (and other late night shows such as Seth Meyers, Colbert, Last Week Tonight) are political shows to make us laugh. But they stretch, distort, and obfuscate the truth for the sake of making a punch-line or for being entertaining. They're satire, not to be taken seriously or as the actual news.
Milo was brought on Real Time most likely because it would bring in high ratings for the show. Many of his detractors and supporters came to see what he would do on the show. I dont think they ever really cared about shutting down Milo's hateful rhetoric, despite what the pr said. Bill and the show's producers thought it would have been entertaining to have Milo on, because that's what these shows are.
Just entertainment.
There's this mythologized, mythical notion of what "the high road" entails, and it's not only applied incorrectly in a lot of ways, it's unrealistic as well.
The Wilmore thing is great as being a little more cathartic for those of us who know what a shitstain Milo is, but other than that it's pointless. Nobody inclined to agree with Milo is turned away from that. Hell, the fact that it came from a black man probably pushed their support even more.
For the same reason that conservatives don't find many liberal comedians entertaining, despite the fact that they are also entertainers! I also say this fully aware that Milo's views are far more damaging than the liberal comedians that exist today.Than why am I not entertained
I want to speak to these points specifically, I've been trying to address them somewhat throughout the threadthese points all seem to just assume that "letting him play the victim" is a thing completely out of our control. But it isn't. He can play the victim all he wants but you don't have to reward that bad acting, either.
A lot of the time, people will hear these bad-faith proponents of white supremacy claim they've been aggrieved, and we just... let them have that. We don't push back against this false claim (as all their claims are, btw), we just let them have it for no other real reason than they say its theirs.
"You're acting irrationally!"
"..shit. I guess we are."
Why is that the "logical" response to a white supremacist acting injured when their irrational, cancerous way of being is directly fought off?
He's not really all that different from Richard Spencer, and certainly not different enough to necessitate some sort of all-new playbook. Keeping Spencer off television helped minimize his negative effects to where one person socking him in the face on inauguration day seriously damaged both him and his platform.
But of course our willingness to cede our moral superiority to whiny White Supremacists is such (and so automatic) that even one of them getting punched once was subject for weeks of debate and handwringing.
There's this mythologized, mythical notion of what "the high road" entails, and it's not only applied incorrectly in a lot of ways, it's unrealistic as well.
That wasn't a part of the interview... That looks like the overtime segment.
And that's not a 'I agree with that statement' shrug, it's a 'I have no opinion on that statement because I don't know the facts about it and as such cannot offer a rebuttal' shrug.
That's what people are up in arms about? I'm sure people are going to correct him and he will mention that he was wrong to not challenge him about it on the spot... But there's a real possibility he just didn't know.
That wasn't a part of the interview... That looks like the overtime segment.
And that's not a 'I agree with that statement' shrug, it's a 'I have no opinion on that statement because I don't know the facts about it and as such cannot offer a rebuttal' shrug.
That's what people are up in arms about? I'm sure people are going to correct him and he will mention that he was wrong to not challenge him about it on the spot... But there's a real possibility he just didn't know.
This thread has more posts than the Real Time thread which is 6 years old and still active. Outrageous and ridiculous.This thread has 125,000 views.
Milo won.
Why is it every time I look in these threads the first reply I always see is some defending this shit?
The part where Milo spouted transphobic shit and Maher agreed with him, for starters.
Apart from the fact that Milo got on at all.
A lot of the time, people will hear these bad-faith proponents of white supremacy claim they've been aggrieved, and we just... let them have that. We don't push back against this false claim (as all their claims are, btw), we just let them have it for no other real reason than they say its theirs.
"You're acting irrationally!"
"..shit. I guess we are."
Why is that the "logical" response to a white supremacist acting injured when their irrational, cancerous way of being is directly fought off?
How did you infer that from my post? Because I did not state anywhere that it makes it okay. It doesn't. To both of your questions.So profit motives... makes it okay? It protects you from criticism?
Why is it every time I look in these threads the first reply I always see is some defending this shit?
Wilmore should have kicked Milos teeth in and called it a night. I would have bailed him out.
That wasn't a part of the interview... That looks like the overtime segment.
And that's not a 'I agree with that statement' shrug, it's a 'I have no opinion on that statement because I don't know the facts about it and as such cannot offer a rebuttal' shrug.
That's what people are up in arms about? I'm sure people are going to correct him and he will mention that he was wrong to not challenge him about it on the spot... But there's a real possibility he just didn't know.
Thats not unreasonable, Maher said in response to Yiannopoulos saying, I think women and girls should be protected from having men who are confused about their sexual identities in their bathrooms."
I had to google it after he said it as I didn't know either. Obviously horseshit, but I wouldn't say either way without knowing the facts. I had no idea if it was true or not either.That wasn't a part of the interview... That looks like the overtime segment.
And that's not a 'I agree with that statement' shrug, it's a 'I have no opinion on that statement because I don't know the facts about it and as such cannot offer a rebuttal' shrug.
That's what people are up in arms about? I'm sure people are going to correct him and he will mention that he was wrong to not challenge him about it on the spot... But there's a real possibility he just didn't know.
Or care.
The "it's not unreasonable" response informs the shrug.
That shrug wasn't the only thing.