Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.
In that regard, UCB has yet to demonstrate it was protecting its own student body. I mean, I get that they were cordoning things up as well as they could, but what did they do to protect their students from another slideware that targeted a single student for their gender identity in front of a crowd?
If Milo has done it before in an academic environment, it's only due diligence to make sure he doesn't do it again. The issue isn't free speech in this case, it's safety, preventing obvious harassment.
When did MLK say we should beat up George Wallace?
I saw video of the guys in black with masks on macing people and breaking shit on Fox News. The left is getting blamed for these guys, but are we sure these aren't paid by someone on the right to come cause this shit?
Liberals love to claim that fighting fascism is the real fascism, just like much of the Right does. Whatever happens Wednesday, dont allow liberals to shut you down. Either with calls for non-violence or attempts at creating a dialog between one side and the other, or because some youtube Gandhian scholar just knows what has to happen. Fuck all that noise.
Come with a crew, come with a plan, stay safe, leave your phone at home (bring a burner to communicate), and dont take any shit.
This aint France, but we do think frog is on the menu.
He didn't...but he understood.
Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.
Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.
It does appear to have been anarchists.
There's a website called where they were saying people the alt-right were going to be there prepared to fight/arms....they obviously aren't keen on liberals either based on what they were saying on a page about the Milo event -
He didn't...but he understood.
You probably thought this shit was pithy gold
Honkey Luther King back, y'all..
How isn't this left leaning as opposed to anarchy? Talking about going frog hunting (ie beating up alt righters) and telling everyone to ignore moderate liberals calling for nonviolence.
They just sound like leftists who aren't tolerating fence sitters and nazis anymore.
MLK sympathised with the struggle and oppression of the voiceless. He wanted to focus his criticism on the cause of the riots. So do I, so do we all.
However, you are trying to twist this into saying MLK believed that violent riots are effective and morally justified, which he never did and which he was careful not to let opponents of the civil rights movement pin on him.
He was acknowledging that there's an ideological difference between him and his peers on how to handle the issues they were facing, but that it's more important to continue to focus on what they're fighting against instead of wagging your finger at your allies for "doing it wrong" like you are.
You probably thought this shit was pithy gold
Wait.. Shouldn't it be the first refuge? Like, if you're incompetent you'd jump to violence far quicker. If you're choosing violence as a last option you can't be that incompetent.Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.
It's a quote from an Asimov novel.
It's a quote from an Asimov novel.
I don't like it though because it seems to imply to me, that the oppressed just didn't try hard enough and therefore it's somehow their fault if things get so bad that violence is the last resort. How about focusing instead on the people that keep oppressing?
No, anarchist on reddit were saying that right wing, fascist, maga hats, and the like were fair game. I do not think they were targeting peaceful protesters. Again though, this is just hearsay I can not state any of this as fact, just what I have seen in videos and on some subs.
Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.
Is it possible that a few people went there just to protest, and did not riot?
I mean I don't know, didn't watch the videos. Perhaps they all were rioters. Yeah, that makes things much easier if they were. Maybe the ones who were not rioting wanted to riot, just didn't have a chance. That must be it.
I mean, aren't anarchists just violent, extremist members of the Left?
Anarchism is a political philosophy that advocates self-governed societies based on voluntary institutions. These are often described as stateless societies,[1][2][3][4] although several authors have defined them more specifically as institutions based on non-hierarchical free associations.[5][6][7][8] Anarchism holds the state to be undesirable, unnecessary, and harmful.[9][10] While anti-statism is central,[11] anarchism entails opposing authority or hierarchical organization in the conduct of all human relations, including, but not limited to, the state system.[6][12][13][14][15][16][17][18]
Anarchism does not offer a fixed body of doctrine from a single particular world view, instead fluxing and flowing as a philosophy.[19] Many types and traditions of anarchism exist, not all of which are mutually exclusive.[20] Anarchist schools of thought can differ fundamentally, supporting anything from extreme individualism to complete collectivism.[10] Strains of anarchism have often been divided into the categories of social and individualist anarchism or similar dual classifications.[21][22] Anarchism is usually considered a radical left-wing ideology,[23][24] and much of anarchist economics and anarchist legal philosophy reflects anti-authoritarian interpretations of communism, collectivism, syndicalism, mutualism, or participatory economics.
"You know guys, I don't think beating up the people who want to exterminate other races in cool. Makes us just like them you know?"
Nazis should be afraid to go outside.
"You know guys, I don't think beating up the people who want to exterminate other races in cool. Makes us just like them you know?"
Nazis should be afraid to go outside.
Know what? Let's make them afraid. Make it known that if you're gonna be a fuckin Nazi piece of shit, you better be fucking afraid of every black person, gay person, trans person, Jewish person or Muslim person that you pass on the street.
Know what? Let's make them afraid. Make it known that if you're gonna be a fuckin Nazi piece of shit, you better be fucking afraid of every black person, gay person, trans person, Jewish person or Muslim person that you pass on the street.
*sigh* games industry people are showing their ass throughout this thing:
*sigh* games industry people are showing their ass throughout this thing:
*sigh* games industry people are showing their ass throughout this thing:
*sigh* games industry people are showing their ass throughout this thing:
It's a quote from an Asimov novel.
"You know guys, I don't think beating up the people who want to exterminate other races is cool. Makes us just like them you know?"
Nazis should be afraid to go outside.
So people who want to listen to Milo talk are now nazi's and want to exterminate other races? Its ok to punch anyone who says they voted for Trump?
Is the reverse true then too? Are Trump voters supposed to punch anyone who didn't vote for Trump?
The embrace of violence and terror by a lot of the young left is terrifying. Milo is scum, but who else would these people be willing to riot against? Bret Easton Ellis for sure. But I could easily see them rioting against Bill Mahler or Sam Harris because of their criticism of Islam. And then what? Maybe a college invites someone to speak who is very liberal, but might criticize one aspect of feminism, so it's time to riot. Where will this end? It could end by free speech being totally shut down through terror.
Read all the pro-physical violence posts in this thread. The utter naivety of the Left is destroying itself again.
People keep talking about the importance of beating up Nazis. The 1920s and 30s Europe was a time of continuous physical political violence.
The success of Nazism in Weimar Germany could not have been achieved without the Left sabotaging its political legitimacy with the working class by engaging in riots, streetfighting and assassinations.
You make it sound as if Anarchists aren't Socialists.
So people who want to listen to Milo talk are now nazi's and want to exterminate other races?
So people who want to listen to Milo talk are now nazi's and want to exterminate other races? Its ok to punch anyone who says they voted for Trump?
Is the reverse true then too? Are Trump voters supposed to punch anyone who didn't vote for Trump?
Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.