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Minecraft PS4/Xbone |OT|

Anyone else having problems with their imported PS3 world.
When I leave the game and start it again I always spawn in the same location and with the same items I had when I exported the world from the PS3.
Everything I built is still saved however.


Ok. This time I am ready for some mining! I built myself a nice little shack in beginning of this cave, with bed, doors, crafting table and a chest. So even if I die and loose all my stuff, I can at least know some of my more important things I already found (gold/iron/etc) isn't gone.


What is you guys' strategy for survival? I feel like I'm not really doing it right. Lately I've been spending the whole first day gathering wood and finding a massive plot of fairly flat land, and then I try to build a huge house and get fucked by monsters. And it doesn't help that I'm bad with building things. I'm not very good at this at all :/
My stadium interior is almost done.



What is you guys' strategy for survival? I feel like I'm not really doing it right. Lately I've been spending the whole first day gathering wood and finding a massive plot of fairly flat land, and then I try to build a huge house and get fucked by monsters. And it doesn't help that I'm bad with building things. I'm not very good at this at all :/

Are you PS4 or Xbone!?


What is you guys' strategy for survival? I feel like I'm not really doing it right. Lately I've been spending the whole first day gathering wood and finding a massive plot of fairly flat land, and then I try to build a huge house and get fucked by monsters. And it doesn't help that I'm bad with building things. I'm not very good at this at all :/

Sleep during night and monsters won't spawn.
Don't run in the beginning, you'll need more food.
Build your home closer to where you want to mine.
Light up your area with torches.


What is you guys' strategy for survival? I feel like I'm not really doing it right. Lately I've been spending the whole first day gathering wood and finding a massive plot of fairly flat land, and then I try to build a huge house and get fucked by monsters. And it doesn't help that I'm bad with building things. I'm not very good at this at all :/

For my 1st time playing. I just started with a simple square dirt house. I was lucky it was next to some caves for supplies and that net to river farm animals for food. That little dirt house is what turned into the little fort I have now.

For when you go mining deep underground and far far away, build yourself a little home with shack with bed, chest or 2 and crafting table and furnace. That way you can put what you gather in your chest, get more supplies (like more pickaxes) and a place to retreat/etc if needed. Best of all, if you die, you will be near where you died or at least know your stuff was in a chest when you died.


What is you guys' strategy for survival? I feel like I'm not really doing it right. Lately I've been spending the whole first day gathering wood and finding a massive plot of fairly flat land, and then I try to build a huge house and get fucked by monsters. And it doesn't help that I'm bad with building things. I'm not very good at this at all :/
Build a small house first. Like a very small, 9x7, 3-block high house. Or just dig yourself a hole into a hill or into the ground.

And make sure you find or create some coal to make a dozen torches or so to light up your humble living quarters for the night.

You cant really just jump straight into a big project on your first day. You need to make sure you've got a safe place to go for the night. You can also sleep right as the sun goes down(before monsters spawn), but it does require having a bed first(which means getting wool, which means already having some iron for the shears).


I really got lucky with this cave of mine. It's an abandon mine with plenty of good rail tracks and chests to use up. Bad part is that there are so many spider mod spawners. Of course I just barricade them in so that can't bother me.

My little shack at entrance coming in handy too. The chest is already pretty filled with great stuff, and can now get more supplies/food from outside world much easier. Downside is that it will take at least 2 trips to get it all back to my main house haha.

Prob use those carts to expand my rail system this way.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
I think I've wrapped my head around this, but please correct me if I'm wrong.

If I want cross-buy for the eventual Vita version from the PS4 version, I need to buy the PS3 version of Minecraft then pay $5 more to upgrade it to the PS4 version?

This is some serious penny-pinching on Mojang's part... jesus.


I think I've wrapped my head around this, but please correct me if I'm wrong.

If I want cross-buy for the eventual Vita version from the PS4 version, I need to buy the PS3 version of Minecraft then pay $5 more to upgrade it to the PS4 version?

This is some serious penny-pinching on Mojang's part... jesus.

I think you mean Microsoft. :p

Though likely this case cause PS3/Vita are the same, but PS4 is different cause larger size.


Whoever wants to play with me on PS4, add me PSN: Brawl96

Will take you up on that.

I have started playing for 5 days now, I walled a hill and its basically the entrance to my mine. I mined very far down, and a little sideways when I find chacoal and iron veins. Now at the bottom I hear monsters all around me, the wall to the right is dungeon moss, or something similar, and I just mined an entrande to a path of a cave.

I am finding it difficult to explore. Never left the confines of my spawn point, thats why I decided to go underground, but I wanted to see more of the map, how do you guys do it?
so how does the mapping work? can I create 25 at my house then use them in each area as needed or do I need to create them whenever I enter a new area? do maps merge together or am i expected to carry 25 maps?


I build a house next to a big chasm, which I then dug a basement/tunnel to, which then led me to 2 more and then to an abandoned mine. A MASSIVE abandoned mine that I got lost in for about 2 hours. I found multiple routes to the surface that come out not far from my house, but the problem is that I cant remember anything in between. Even with laying torches on the right side I can't easily find my way back. How do you guys not get lost in mines?

Also, I'd like an explanation on maps too. I've never used them, and I have no idea how they work.


I build a house next to a big chasm, which I then dug a basement/tunnel to, which then led me to 2 more and then to an abandoned mine. A MASSIVE abandoned mine that I got lost in for about 2 hours. I found multiple routes to the surface that come out not far from my house, but the problem is that I cant remember anything in between. Even with laying torches on the right side I can't easily find my way back. How do you guys not get lost in mines?
Getting lost is normal.

Another 'torch navigation trick' I use is to mark main routes out/in with twin torches at key intersections, marking the right direction to go in. The whole 'torches on the right side' thing might work ok for more linear cave systems, but once you get a bunch of jumbled corridors and ways to go, its not necessarily gonna be 100% effective.
Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but I thought exporting your ps3 save to ps4 was meant to expand it to ps4 world size?

I did it to my file and it doesn't seem to be bigger, i go to the top of my map and it still ends and my map isn't any bigger.


Damn, I picked a great place to build. There's like 10 huge cave systems near my house, and I'm on a huge lake with a ton of different biomes all around it. I'm going to build a big castle up on a nearby mountain tomorrow. I need to decide if I'll use wood, which would be easier to gather, or stone.

One problem I'm having though, is getting good dimensions and designs for my houses. The buildings always end up looking weird and just like huge boxes. I've gotta experiment.


Decided what my next project should be. Since my current cave is so vast and even after few chests in my cave/abandon mine shack are filed. I need a way back. Decided to complete my rail way from here to the mountains which is straight south. Project though is building the railway underwater with the station to later extend out more in this lake/ocean. Shall be interesting/fun to roll in with cart into the ocean view.



Awesome! We should play sometime!
My PSN = Eggbok

Damn, I picked a great place to build. There's like 10 huge cave systems near my house, and I'm on a huge lake with a ton of different biomes all around it. I'm going to build a big castle up on a nearby mountain tomorrow. I need to decide if I'll use wood, which would be easier to gather, or stone.

I think stone may be easier to gather since it's literally the entire bottom half of the map lol.
Cobblestone anyways, unless you mean the cooked, smooth kind. Then yeah that would likely take a little bit.


Do any of you guys use a texture pack? What are the best ones?

Awesome! We should play sometime!
My PSN = Eggbok

I think stone may be easier to gather since it's literally the entire bottom half of the map lol.
Cobblestone anyways, unless you mean the cooked, smooth kind. Then yeah that would likely take a little bit.
Yeah, definitely!

I'm trying to avoid cobblestone on bigger projects because it ends up looking kind of messy (like wood planks do too), but you're right, the smooth stone takes way to long to get.


Result of new ocean rail project. Right next to this cave I'm exploring, plenty of area left to explore too... Anyways, the rail system looks nice underwater.

View from above.

Already connected to land/underground area. Now digging south to get past the desert and then through the mountain to my previous train station.


Fucking BS. Accidentally switched my PS4 off at the wall when messing with different plugs, booted up Minecraft a bit later and phew, the save is still there. Load up and I'm suffocating, wut? Quickly dig out and rise to the surface to see very familiar landmarks...with nothing that me and a friend spent hours building to be found. Somehow the save still exists but 100% of man made changes to the map have been lost. Still got all my inventory though. Such a bummer, just finished a sick underground rail station too.



so how does the mapping work? can I create 25 at my house then use them in each area as needed or do I need to create them whenever I enter a new area? do maps merge together or am i expected to carry 25 maps?

The new maps needs to be created in the new area, and no, you cant merge them.


So when I first visited the nether to collect a blaze rod to make a brewing stand I freaked out when the blazes attacked me so I destroyed their spawner in the nether fortress.

Now I need blaze powder to find and open the end portal but I cant find another nether fortress/blaze spawner...

Am I screwed if I want to enter the end in this world?

I've looked all over the nether for more blazes but I keep running into the bedrock walls that enclose the place.
So when I first visited the nether to collect a blaze rod to make a brewing stand I freaked out when the blazes attacked me so I destroyed their spawner in the nether fortress.

Now I need blaze powder to find and open the end portal but I cant find another nether fortress/blaze spawner...

Am I screwed if I want to enter the end in this world?

I've looked all over the nether for more blazes but I keep running into the bedrock walls that enclose the place.

They'll spawn in fortresses even without spawners, but it's really rare. Usually fortresses will have more than one blaze spawner so I'd look around some more. Maybe even try to find a new fortress.

In the future, just put a torch on top of the spawner to disable it. Blaze spawners are the best for farming XP and blaze rods so definitely never destroy those.


Result of new ocean rail project. Right next to this cave I'm exploring, plenty of area left to explore too... Anyways, the rail system looks nice underwater.

View from above.

Already connected to land/underground area. Now digging south to get past the desert and then through the mountain to my previous train station.
How are you handling the building process underwater? Do you just lay a block and surface over and over?


How are you handling the building process underwater? Do you just lay a block and surface over and over?

Pretty much yeah. I tend to do a long row of blocks, surface, do a different layer/row, surface, repeat. Process actually goes quite quickly for tunnels that are straight and simple. The train station itself was a little harder since I actually would surface inside so resulted in wasted time trying to fit into the opening under water to breath and exit. Then I have to go inside and lay a dirt block in every open space to get rid of the water source (since it's still there). Actually drowned once from spending too much time under haha.

I'm actually a little more west then I though, so instead of going through the desert, will actually re-emerge into the ocean for a good while before hitting the mountain scene. Shall result in nice view too. Will need to do a wooden arc every 10 blocks or so to help keep it light and way from those nasty creepers.


They'll spawn in fortresses even without spawners, but it's really rare. Usually fortresses will have more than one blaze spawner so I'd look around some more. Maybe even try to find a new fortress.

In the future, just put a torch on top of the spawner to disable it. Blaze spawners are the best for farming XP and blaze rods so definitely never destroy those.

Ah ok, I'll keep looking around the nether some more and hopefully i'll find another fortress and/or some more blazes, but if not i'll probably start a new world sometime.

Thanks for the info!


Dammit! After never playing the game, I think it's time for me to finally cave and get this on the PS4. Still play Terraria on the PC occasionally, but the need to build stuff is just too great.


My project to build a ocean rail line is going to cost me all my coal at the half way point. And this is what I came out to get, coal! lol.. I'll have to get more coal soon..

Did find a few new big caves recently while digging through the ground for this line, so prob go exploring those areas soon. Hope they have lots of coal.


I dug into the chasm I found next to my house and got really luck with a THIRD abandoned mine shaft! It's actually a really cool little network of tunnels I have going now. I took some screens, gonna post them later.

I also started construction on my mountaintop house. It's a got a box-y modern aesthetic to it, but looks like a castle because I'm using the smoothed stone blocks. Also, windows. Lots of windows.
I'm in love with this game, can't stop playing, send help.


Well I tried to make an underground tunnel across a lake, ended up finding another big cave system. Found my first obsidian, 20 blocks. Got killed by some lava flow and freaked out, but I found my way back and got my stuff back.

What should I do with the obsidian though? Build a Nether Portal? I've never done any of the stuff in the Nether or The End, so I have no idea what I'm doing in regards to them.

Daffy Duck

You can also build ender chests with 1 ender pearl and then you can access the contents from any other ender chest.

Also you can make an enchanting table with diamonds.
Yeah I'm near that too, having trouble getting ender pearls though, killed 5 endermen and not one dropped a pearl.
As we tend to play on peaceful, I'm trying this one the trade way and it's a bit daunting: I greatly expanded the village I found, got 4 or 5 priests and now I'm stuck trading emeralds, hoping I'll unlock these eyes.

I might yet switch to combat TBH. Developing the village was fun but the trade is uber long.
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