BattleMonkey said:Anyone pick up the new 2 player starter for Warmachine?
Nope, but I've ordered some Necrons!

BattleMonkey said:Anyone pick up the new 2 player starter for Warmachine?
BattleMonkey said:Anyone pick up the new 2 player starter for Warmachine? I got a hordes force and like Hordes mechanics better, but online the Warmachine box is quite a deal and I want that small rulebook... I love compact little rulebooks over giant tomes of rules. Wanna know about build quality, was not crazy about the plastic in their original plastic releases, haven't checked to see if they improved their quality.
Maybe see about splitting the cost with a friend.
Flying Toaster said:It's a good deal if you have yet to get into Warmachine and do not mind playing either one of those factions. The ammount of crap shoved in the box is about $200 if you decided to just purchase it all individually.
hoverX said:That's a sweet deal and really tempting. I wanted to play Scyrah but Khador and Menoth would be fine too.
BattleMonkey said:Yea I'm not a fan of Menoth myself but it's a nice deal and wouldn't mind making a Warmachine force with the Khador units. And getting the mini rulebook is nice. Wonder what I could get for the Menoth stuff on ebay by itself....
hoverX said:Do you not like them because of he way they play or their back story? I've never play Warmachine (but i have the rulebook) so i'm liking them based solely on their looks.
Leunam said:Buddy of mine has one of the older sets with a good amount of mechs and a hex-mat. Been meaning to play but haven't had the time to meet up with him.
Sneaky Gato said:Would it be okay if I posted up some playtest rules and the new flulf? There are also some scans out there for the new white dwarf which contains some other new fluff such as trollcrons.
Opinion: While the Flayers aren't as bad as they looked before the old ones are still vastly superior.
BattleMonkey said:Not sure if scans would be allowed, usually a no no, but you can repost any rumors or rules you know of.
I think everyone dislikes the new Flayers... have to say they are the worst of the new lot of crons.
Sneaky Gato said:Alright but they are out there.
Here is where I'm getting them from:
Warscyths giving +2 S and 2DS against AV is insane!
markatisu said:I am tempted to get the Warmachine Starter set, can anyone who has played it give me a quick rundown of how it differs from WH40k?
I just spent like $100 on Space Marine stuff last week so I am sure my wife is going to be overjoyed I am looking into yet another game with miniatures LOL
markatisu said:I am tempted to get the Warmachine Starter set, can anyone who has played it give me a quick rundown of how it differs from WH40k?
I just spent like $100 on Space Marine stuff last week so I am sure my wife is going to be overjoyed I am looking into yet another game with miniatures LOL
Yup. No Quarter.markatisu said:Thanks guys, maybe I will swing by the comic shop tomorrow and see what is available
Does it have a magazine like WH has White Dwarf?
Sneaky Gato said:Which ones do you own? For the most part the existing units seem to have been buffed, except for flayers and Monoliths.
Sneaky Gato said:Scarabs have become a Fearless Swarm and one of the most premier vehicle killers in the game. Thid is due to the new Entropic Strike rule which means that for every hit you role a D6. If it is 4+ AV on all sides is dropped! Against infantry they lose their armor save if an unsaved wound happens. They are also beasts meaning they have a 24" charge radius. Combined with the new Warsycth rules (+2 S and 2DS for armor pen), C'tan Shards, and the Comand barge Necrons can have scary CC power.
BattleMonkey said:So thats why i've been seeing posts on various local boards for people looking to buy and aquire as many scarab bases as they can lol
Saiyar said:Would be nice if GW had a stand alone scarab box. Looks like Immortals are the better troop choice so it will be difficult to decide between getting more warriors and scarabs or them. Wish I could afford them all.
To go with the release of their retro Rhino and Land Raider models ForgeWorld have made a video presentation featuring all the old kits. The original Land Raider looks hilariously bad.
Out of all the stuff i brought from my parents house to my apartment, I made sure Warhammer Quest was dug out of the basement.I'd definitely give infinity a go if I had someone to play it with. It looks really neat.
Anyone remember Warhammer Quest? Me and a friend at school used to play the hell out of that. I was so happy to finally get the wood elf war dancer character for it! The game was really unfair but so fun!