How is it ok to shot people just if you think you may be in some kind of danger?
I really don't get that, for me it's insane. I mean, do you really think that, without guns, a lot more of innocent people in your country would die? If the answer is yes, then wherever you live is fucked up.
By the time you figure it out it might be too late.
Dude that did the executions was not right, and hopefully will be punished accordingly. Also, don't break into houses when people are home.
If someone is breaking in to my house when someone is home (and it is always obvious when I am home, even in the middle of the night), they are probably willing to have a confrontation, or are at least aware that it can happen. I'm not going to give them the chance to hurt me or my family because of the off chance that they were robbers with good intentions.
Of course, there are things you must take into account in these situations. Angles of fire depending on where family members are, backstops and the like. There are factors in my domicile that would prevent me from just flying around a corner, guns blazing. If I confront an intruder or intruders (as is most often the case), and they run for the door, then they get to leave, no harm no foul. If they stay despite aggressive confrontation, then the continuum of force moves to a new level. This decision can literally take less than a second or two and you never want to use lethal force on anyone (at least I don't).
You may disagree, and that is fine. Armed or unarmed, you roll the dice in these situations anyway.
Also, this has been a fairly level headed conversation so far. I'm impressed. Was there a clamp down on emotional arguing surrounding these types of things lately?