Also, it's not like he was about to bullet in her head even before she laughed, right?
8 break-ins? There is a breaking point. He definitely fell off the deep end but that seriously sucks.
Guns in America, ladies and gentlemen.
Yeah, because those families missing their kids wouldn't be inconvenienced at all.
I saw no where where it said the teens were armed did I miss it? People in the thread keep talking about it.
He sounds incredibly mentally unstable. From non-reported break-ins to straight up murdering these kids for just being inside his home...Christ.
Yes. Guns are to blame.
Also, it's not like he was about to bullet in her head even before she laughed, right?
Shouldn't have broken into the guys house. You come into someone elses house they should have the right to do ANYTHING they want to you. It's that simple. Could he have just shot them once and then called 911 yes, but its his house
If someone broke into my home and was advancing toward me I would absolutely shoot them and shoot to kill. If they were lucky enough to still be alive after that, no fucking way would I execute them, I'd call the police and an ambulance immediately and hope they died before they got there so they couldn't sue me later.
lol @ everyone saying "lock him up".
Yes. Guns are to blame.
If someone broke into my home and was advancing toward me I would absolutely shoot them and shoot to kill. If they were lucky enough to still be alive after that, no fucking way would I execute them, I'd call the police and an ambulance immediately and hope they died before they got there so they couldn't sue me later.
That might sound brutish and violent (because it is) but I'm sorry, I'm not going to wait around and find out if someone's intention is to steal my shit or to rape my fiance when they've broken into my house. If they're already running away with a TV, fine run off. Stuff is stuff. But if you're coming at me or mine, you better be prepared to eat lead.
The solution to the above shitty scenario is to simply not break into someone's house.
Absolutely murder. He killed those kids knowing they were no immediate threat to him.
As an interesting aside, what's the protocol when someone breaks into another person's house, considering the victim doesn't have the option of a gun?
I'm kind of on both side on this he did kill them in cold blood but he did get tired of there shit.
On a second note shut up about how guns did this, if it wasn't a gun that killed them it would of been a knife, baseball bat or something worse and if they had guns and shot the home owner it would just be another daily news story he seen there hips then shot I would of to but after a single shot I would of called the cops.
Absolutely murder. He killed those kids knowing they were no immediate threat to him.
As an interesting aside, what's the protocol when someone breaks into another person's house, considering the victim doesn't have the option of a gun?
Only one was reported, so who knows what the real story is.
If this guy were a police officer he would get either a medal, or one month probation with pay.
So, based on how our criminal justice system works, I see no problem with what he did. It's exactly what a trained professional would have done.
Was wondering why they arrested him until I seen the teen's photos...nvm makes sense now.
Fuck thieves
Was wondering why they arrested him until I seen the teen's photos...nvm makes sense now.
The thought of having to kill someone to defened myself makes me sick to my stomach, I can't imagine being so fucked up that you laugh as you put a "mercy shot" into an 18 year olds skull. Fuck me...
WTF??? 17/18 cousins pulling armed heists. WTF??
Obama's America
This joke got old 10 minutes after the election dude. Give it up.
But yeah, let's all go blame it on guns. Because clearly this wouldn't have happened with a knife or a bat or a shovel or a brick.
Shouldn't have broken into the guys house. You come into someone elses house they should have the right to do ANYTHING they want to you. It's that simple. Could he have just shot them once and then called 911 yes, but its his house
But yeah, let's all go blame it on guns. Because clearly this wouldn't have happened with a knife or a bat or a shovel or a brick.
I still don't get it. Kill her because she laughed that the gun jammed?In that exact same scenario, I'd probably kill her.
But realistically speaking, I wouldn't put myself in a scenario where I would shoot a person once, then one more time to finish them off. I would shoot them, keep them restrained until the cops get there, have them pick up that house robbing butthead, then get charged for restraining someone who broke into my house. Damn Canada.