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Mister Zimbu's call for help (or, why I hate Wireless Networking)

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I recently purchased a D-Link USB Wireless Adapter (specifically, model #DWL-122). Following the installation instructions to the letter up to (and including) the point where it installs the actual drivers for the device.

The beginning of the next step says that a configuration utility should open in the taskbar after installation to set up my router connection (SSID, etc.) and connect me to it. However, no such program opens up, and when I attempt to open the configuration utility from the start menu (or manually from the Program Files directory, for that matter), nothing happens (I don't even see the program get listed under the running processes whatsoever).

I can't get the thing to work with Wireless Zero configuration, either- Windows fails to recognize the device as a network device and therefore isn't listed in the Network Connections window. I guess a side note worth mentioning is that I tried another USB device (Netgear MA101) and had the exact same problem.

I guess my main question is if there's an alternate way I can get Windows to recognize this as a network device? Am I missing a step in getting this set up with Wireless Zero configuration?

It's not a router issue- there's others connected via Wireless access to the router and work fine.

My OS is Windows XP Pro.

Help me out!

Thanks :)
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