In The Show 15 they should have injuries and injury animations for this kind of thing. The guy just stands there but he should be falling down in pain.So this happened to me:
I know for a fact all the PS3 versions from 08 on were 60fps.....
The Vita is 30fps, maybe that's what you're thinking of.
He never said anything about resolution, just that he wanted 60fps baseball.
At least it didn't clip through him.In The Show 15 they should have injuries and injury animations for this kind of thing. The guy just stands there but he should be falling down in pain.
I know for a fact all the PS3 versions from 08 on were 60fps.....
The Vita is 30fps, maybe that's what you're thinking of.
He never said anything about resolution, just that he wanted 60fps baseball.
Oh boy, I'm in for a doozy. Lol. And I wasn't aware the game would continue "installing" while you actually play, either. So typical haha. Its alright, I'll just let it install and go grab a bite or something.
My RTTS dude got selected by the Yankees. :/
First time playing this mode. Pretty neat concept but baserunning is quite boring.
The learning curve in this game is brutal. How the hell you're supposed to spot a curveball on a flat screen tv with manual hitting is beyond me. Got my first hit and immediately got picked off attempting to... stand 6 feet off the bag? Is there a base running tutorial somewhere?
Are you sure about that? I want to see the receipts. I've played this game religiously for years and it has never felt like a solid 60 fps. And technically it isn't now the framerate stutters a bit in cut scenes but during gameplay on PS4 it's rock solid and you can definitely tell. Maybe I am confusing the vita and ps3 versions because I do buy both.
I'm not even a fan of baseball but I'm loving this game.
There's some problems, like the UI being pretty mediocre and online being stupid but I'm having a blast with Road to the Show. I'm enjoying actually being a scrub. I'm used to NBA 2K where you're all-star material in your first game pretty much.
Pitching is so much fun. I'm still atrocious at batting but it's a good thing the Twins drafted me, I won't need to hit much.
Cool camera man!Pure Analog Hitting.
My Custom Camera for batting nets me a great view on pitches. I can see the flight of the ball so well in this view.
I went out and got the game today. I love it! I'm a Red Sox fan, so seeing the detail in Fenway is wonderful. I also love the stance they gave Mike Napoli cause it is identical to his real one. I love details like this. They make me giddy lol.
i wish i didn't suck so much dick at hitting -_-
if your TV has been set to 1080p on the ps3 version you haven't been playing at 60 fps
Is it possible to turn off the HUD completely? I don't need to see the which controller buttons represent the pitches or my timing on previous swings. I want to experience this beautiful game as clutter free as possible. The only elements I've been able to remove so far as the strike zone indicator for both hitting and pitching.
My RTTS dude got selected by the Yankees. :/
First time playing this mode. Pretty neat concept but baserunning is quite boring.
Fuck do I suck at batting.
Ps4 display area settings then reboot the game
So this happened to me:
start RTTS
create pitcher
let 1 run score in 3 set up games before draft
gets dumped to a 4th rounder
seems fair enough