Mr. Enigma
I want Ultey to bat now because you know they're going to plunk him in a blowout.
He had that "I would've gone 8 IP and struck out 14 tonight" look, too
Hopefully the bases are loaded when it happens.I want Ultey to bat now because you know they're going to plunk him in a blowout.
in the NFL game.. That score is badWTF is up with all these high scores?
Where are my butt clenching 1 run games!!
He doesn't need that. Just feed him some good home mom/pop type of food. Best foodI'd buy the man filet mignon for that inning.
Bart did it again with the double play.He's like Mijo, get the steppin
Is TC really about to throw Matz out there to sink or swim during the playoffs?
That's a lot for a kid from Long Island.
Mets fans begging Sandy to get him during the offseason.meanwhile the crowd chanting for Utley like a bunch of savages
There is no mercy in this dojo