Yankees probably will be in on him if continues to pitch like he has in June.
while the white sox have a decent record of picking up the yankee's scraps and turning them into something (see quintana)
I don't really remember many trades that the white sox have done with the yankees that have gone well for the white sox >.<;
that being said, there has been a bit of a shift in the organization and they seem to be focusing more on players with solid baseball skills already even if they don't have amazing talent instead of guys with a lot of talent that they hope will pick up baseball well.
I also have super mixed feelings about a quintana vs sale duel between the yankees and red sox @_@
I figure quintana will continue to pitch well though. I think he is finally comfortable in the role he has in the clubhouse now. He was always in Sale's shadow, having to step out of that and be the face of the rotation can take some adjustment time.
in other thoughts this Alen Hanson guy seems like a solid pick up so far for the white sox. I wonder if he can be one of those cases that a change of scenery is all he needed to finally have it click.