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MLB convenes committee to shorten games

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Some things that can happen. Pitch clock. Choose a time and have that clock start as soon as the pitch hits the catchers glove or when the play is over. Choose a time that is reasonable (doesn't have to be Buehrle fast). First infraction is an automatic ball, second infraction is automatic walk, third infraction pull the pitcher.

Batters I think is harder to deal with as the umpire has to be ruthless in penalizing players who call time or who put one foot in the box and put their hand back.

Chris R

Two things.

One of them is the main point: Cut commercials during half innings.

Second: GET BACK IN THE DAMN BOX! You just watched a pitch sail outside, you don't need to fix your damn batting gloves!

Eh, keep the commercials during the half inning but maybe shorten them a bit. The teams/stations producing the game need to earn their $$$ somehow.

I fully agree with the second point though. Make it a fine after a few warnings from the ump or something. The time wasted by pitchers and batters is just dead air time, if this is sped up the commercial breaks won't feel as long as they can be now.


Make the Golden Snitch slower so it's easier for the fielders to catch. That's the only way the game will end any sooner.

Replies make it seem like this was posted in Gaming by accident or something lol

Yeah Ok whatever, that's good people seem to hate the waiting around part of baseball so that's good I guess


Possibly. Has anybody done studies on this? How much time is wasted on TV timeouts and how much time is wasted on getting batters to the batters box and pitchers ready to pitch.

I would imagine figuring that out is not part of their "committee meetings," and they wouldn't consider it.
Since that makes them money, and they like money.


Less commercials.

Anything else is nonsense.
I want as much Baseball as I can get.

To make it "shorter"(ie better):

Fire Joe Buck from the playoffs
Stop cutting to commercial every 4 minutes.
Show the actual fielders and them communicating with each other.
Give me more than one fucking camera angle for pitching.
Put a damn camera on the catcher or ump.
Stop letting pitchers walk around the mound for 45 seconds after getting a batter out.
Stop letting people like David Ortize re-adjust his batting gloves 6 times before stepping in the batters box.
Stop changing stupid rules like the slide at home rule, fix the broken replay system too.

Can I get paid whatever the committee did?


Many games were longer last year due to the new replay rule.

I actually enjoy the longer games. The more baseball, the better.
Show the actual fielders and them communicating with each other.

Then how will I know exactly what is up the pitcher's nostril?

Many games were longer last year due to the new replay rule.

I actually enjoy the longer games. The more baseball, the better.

The problem isn't you, the problem is people with families or busy lives. 3 hours plus is way too much of a time commitment, especially if you have kids.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Pass fake outs off as well, set a limit, if you go past it free hit.

Or just watch cricket, if the games going too slow captains get fined and banned.


To make it "shorter"(ie better):

Fire Joe Buck from the playoffs
Stop cutting to commercial every 4 minutes.
Show the actual fielders and them communicating with each other.
Give me more than one fucking camera angle for pitching.
Put a damn camera on the catcher or ump.
Stop letting pitchers walk around the mound for 45 seconds after getting a batter out.
Stop letting people like David Ortize re-adjust his batting gloves 6 times before stepping in the batters box.
Stop changing stupid rules like the slide at home rule, fix the broken replay system too.

Can I get paid whatever the committee did?

I like the way you think.
Someone get this man a seat on the committee.
Make the half-inning switch a LOT faster (no commercial break), no more than 10 pitches per batter MAX (if he isn't out by 10, then it alternates between a walk and an out), 7 innings total. Target game time should be <2.5 hours. 80 game season.

Similar idea for basketball: 30-40 game season, 6 teams from each in playoffs like NFL with byes, every foul under 2 minutes is a point for the other team.

For soccer: add two extra balls (and an appropriate number of additional refs) so there are three balls in play at once

don't watch if you guys don't like how it's structured.

Shorten the length of the season first please.


More like 60-80. Ain't nobody got time for 160 games and playoffs.

Half the pitching prospects all have Tommy John surgery or some other procedure.

Half the time ballparks aren't even half full.

1. YOU don't have time for 162 games, millions more people do apparently.
2. pitchers don't get hurt because of the length of the season.
3. stop pulling shit out of your ass.

do you all realize that the pace of play when watching live and when watching on TV are two different animals? I took my girlfriend to Yankee Stadium last year, first time ever she had been at a professional sports arena.

by the end of the night she absolutely loved it. said she wanted to come back every day basically. but she told me she would never watch a game on TV because it's boring to her. and I agree with the endless commercials and everything else. my solution is to sell VR tickets at cheaper prices and bypass cable broadcast. the pace of Baseball games is fine, it's the TV commercials that's the problem.
Can only be a good thing.

Coupled with the return of pitching dominance (leading, inevitably, to more small ball), baseball could end up ... almost... fun to watch?


don't watch if you guys don't like how it's structured.


1. YOU don't have time for 162 games, millions more people do apparently.
2. pitchers don't get hurt because of the length of the season.
3. stop pulling shit out of your ass.


Great post.


Eh? Half-innings are uniformly aired in their entirety unless there's a pitching change.

"aired in their entirety" = made longer so more commercials can be fit in

If it was just the process of the players switching sides and could start as soon as everyone was in place, it would be much quicker.


I dont like this. The only thing that they need to shorten is allowing batters to step in and out adjusting their gloves taking off their hat, spitting, chewing ritual.

ryan braun takes like 30 seconds between each pitch, otherwise the game is fine


it's 4th of July in my asshole
A) Test is the only real cricket, limited overs is bullshit! Or something, I dunno. Pitch count seems a weird way to determine length.

B) Twenty20 averages an hour longer then the average baseball is aiming for (< 3 hours).

Nah, they are all fun and help get different demographics into the game, start as a kid with 20/20 liking the big hits and all the terrible entertainment the progress to tests.

True, but it's always constant there aren't any delays over a minute or so except when the teams swap. Gotta keep the add generation entertained.


The funny thing about baseball being "long" is that during the playoffs and world series, no one cares. Baseball has some of its best ratings in the past decade.
To make it "shorter"(ie better):

Show the actual fielders and them communicating with each other.
Give me more than one fucking camera angle for pitching.
Put a damn camera on the catcher or ump.

Not sure how those 3 changes speed the game up... not sure they necessarily make a game better either...


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Honestly not a fan of shortening the game like this. MLB games are already shorter than NFL games. Pace isn't really the problem here. Doing stuff like pitch clocks or shortening the time in between innings is crazy.

To quicken the pace though they can make some non game altering changes. Instant replay needs an overhaul on every level.

And do away with God Bless America. Its unnecessary.


Not sure how those 3 changes speed the game up... not sure they necessarily make a game better either...

Because the same shot of the pitcher playing with his glove after every pitch gets boring. LIke watching the same commercial 45 times. Watching the strategy of the game is actually interesting, and is a big reason I like going to the games.

More angles means less bullshit "cut to the outfielder walking with his back to the camera" shots. Its a big thing in the NFL.
Fewer games? Are some of you crazy?
If anything MLB should expand the regular season to 320 games. More baseball is always better.

They should do away with batters s taking a walk and readjusting their equipment after pitches the batter didn't even swing at.


This should have always been enforced. Less commercials by not having a break between the half-innings would be nice, but I don't expect that to happen.

Also, get rid of interleague play and create the office of the NL and AL again. Have each NL/AL team play every other NL/AL team equal amount of times or as equal as possible. Top four teams from each league compete in the playoff. Boom, you've got your pennant winner.

Maybe interleague play is good, I don't know. But then what's the point of the separate leagues anyway.


Fewer games? Are some of you crazy?
If anything MLB should expand the regular season to 320 games. More baseball is always better.

I like the way Snrub thinks.

Also, get rid of interleague play and create the office of the NL and AL again. Have each NL/AL team play every other NL/AL team equal amount of times or as equal as possible. Top four teams from each league compete in the playoff. Boom, you've got your pennant winner.

This too.
This, this, this.
Maybe interleague play is good, I don't know. But then what's the point of the separate leagues anyway.

There were literally separate organizations that became integrated over the course of 100 years by happenstance.

The leagues weren't officially merged until 1999.

They National League only agreed to the World Series as an exhibition to make money.

The Commissioner of Baseball was created to legitimize the sport.

Etc etc etc.
They need to shorten their season, and maybe even Spring Training as well. As a fan, it's far too much and I lose interest after a while.

The games are too drawn out, with too many breaks.


They need to shorten their season, and maybe even Spring Training as well. As a fan, it's far too much and I lose interest after a while.

The games are too drawn out
, with too many breaks.

Hey, just because the Blue Jays have sucked for the past 20 years...
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