Adam Blade
Someone refresh me on this 6org thing again please.
Someone refresh me on this 6org thing again please.
Yankees and Eric Chavez have agreed on a 1-year, $900k contract.
MLB to Joe Girardi: Fuck offMLB has amended Official Baseball Rule 3.05 regarding such shenanigans. The change will "prohibit a manager from sending his current pitcher out to warm up with no intention of having him pitch because a relief pitcher is not ready to enter the game."
Awesome.MLB to Joe Girardi: Fuck off
They've nerfed retardi-factor.
The combination of a winnable division and a high variance roster gives the Mariners a legitimate chance at winning the World Series this year, even with a roster that has plenty of warts. They’re not the favorites, certainly, but if you ran the 2010 season 1,000 times, the Mariners would end up champions in a non-trivial amount of them. They’d also finish last a bunch of times, which is part of the risk they’ve had to accept. But we cannot ignore the fact that among the 30 MLB clubs, Seattle is more likely to win the title in 2010 than most of their competitors.
This paragraph comes so sooooo close to being reasonable, but it just doesn't get there. I mean, "Seattle is more likely to win the title in 2010 than most of their competitors" is just a baffling line even without the benefit of hindsight.
That's Dave Cameron for you I guess.
Pitcher warms up.
Throws one pitch.
Fakes injury.
New pitcher is ready.
Even most Mariner fans do not agree / like Dave Cameron. I don't. He has some good ideas ... but he certainly is a homer.
It's a strange deal to begin with. I don't think the Red Sox wanted to completely piss off the Cubs in terms of future dealings. We clearly could have gotten more if we hung on to him. I'm not saying this Carpenter kid is going to be the next Bard, just better than a bag o' balls.
Not 100% sure what you're saying here. But Carpenter was agreed upon months ago and Larry the douche Lucchino threw a fit and demanded more.
Well, you see where that got him. Procedural PTBNL's involved going in both directions. Cherington will bolt when he gets the chance, just like Theo.
Not to mention the deal was approved BEFORE Selig made his decision. Was Ben worried what Bud would have given? The inane ramblings of Red Sox fans who demanded "significant compensation," was fun to listen to, but there was never a chance of it happening. Looks like Cher-bear saw Carp not walk everyone in sight in the AFL and ran with it.
The Land of Make-Believe must be a wonderful place to live.
Well that's certainly a worthless post. Months ago people like Bruce Miles reported Carp as the compensation, then talks stalled and the rumblings of Selig stepping in came about. Cherington and Theo acted like adults while Lucchino stomped around throwing a tantrum.
LaRoche hasn't even started to long-toss from more than 90 feet away... yeah, he's totally gonna be ready for the start of the season.
...if you're holding all the cards, why would you not ask for the moon?
"Larry Lucchino is one of the most unreasonable people I have ever dealt with and because of his frayed relationship with Theo Epstein he is looking to make a point at the expense of Theo's happiness and his desire to go to Chicago. I didn't believe that ownership group for one second when they said that they wouldn't stand in Theo's way if he wanted out of Boston. They are furious that he wants out and they are trying to make a point. Theo helped bring them two World Series titles and they have no loyalty to him and his happiness. They messed with Terry Francona and that was just an incredibly pathetic move and now they are trying to make life very tough for Theo," he said.
This is why the agreed upon compensation between Theo and Cherington has taken so long to be finalized. Larry the douche Lucchino. Simple.
Our 40-man was full. We received a player on the 40-man. Today just happens to be first day you can transfer players to the 60-man DL to free up a roster spot. Today is the day that compensation went through. None of this stuff is coincedence; they weren't just hemming and hawing for 3 months.
Theo was under contract. How is that not holding the cards? They could have made him wait out his contract. Simple as that.
There is still no precedent set for a general manager's value.
Do you have a link to an article where Cherington is unhappy with his position and is wanting to leave?
If you say so. Because this:
makes much more sense.
He was being promoted. They didn't hold the cards so much as they could be a douche to Theo and his happiness for a year, while forcing a toxic environment to develop in the Red Sox front office. Hey Theo, I know you wanted to leave and all, but come back for a year, it will be fun.
No, they NEVER held all the cards. You're impossible.
Andy MacPhail went from the Twins to the Cubs back in 1994. The Twins received the 30th best prospect in the Cubs organization.
No. This is my prediction. I don't know how that couldn't be painfully obvious it was just my opinion.
It's not make-believe. If you see an employee get screwed over when leaving to a better position. It certainly makes you think what your future holds.
Please stop trying to sound clever.
No. This is my prediction. I don't know how that couldn't be painfully obvious it was just my opinion.
Aww shit comeback year for Jason Bay. I'm feelin it.
Oh also, it's funny that you "stopped at 94." Like that should have no effect on negotiations. It's funny, as Theo Epstein was sure lawyering that shit up.
Sigh. Alright, you honestly believe that a deal made back in 1994 holds up identically to a new scenario in 2012?
An act or instance that may be used as an example in dealing with subsequent similar instances.
An act or instance that may be used as an example in dealing with subsequent identical instances.
This whole slapfight reminds me that we didn't have nearly enough catty infighting this past season/offseason![]()
change ur avatar u pedo fuck
This last page has been amazing.
Aww shit comeback year for Jason Bay. I'm feelin it.
I'm waiting on darkside to show up to make it even better.I was hoping for a triple post form tzfark.
You might want to go see a doctor. That's not a healthy feeling to have.
Mest team doc said jazzy was ok.
Apparently Ryan Howard's rehab is progressing well.
Hopefully they can rehab his swing too.