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MLB - Official 2012 Season Thread: Where Curt Schilling & Marlins will never find us.

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M's are comparable to the Toronto Raptors of the NBA.

They either make you sad if you root for them or make you just flat out laugh if you have no emotional attached.
Ingram or DeCastro or trade down. IMO. Wouldn't be mad if they got Kuechly at 12 or got Michael Floyd if they trade down to the 20ish range, though.

Can't think of a trade scenario except if another team looking for a defensive tackle trades up to snatch Poe before the Cowboys draft him.


Just got back from the Angels game. My dad wanted a "We spent $240 million for this?" bobblehead and we tried out their All You Can Eat wristband upgrade. Spent 2.5 innings waiting in line to be given a limit of 3 items for every trip up there. It wasn't worth the extra $15.

Also fuck you Guerra.
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