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MLB - Official 2012 Season Thread: Where Curt Schilling & Marlins will never find us.

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I turned the Indians game of once Donald took one off the face. I thought there was no way that game wasn't going to be tied and go 4 more innings. What a pleasant surprise.


How have I never read Ball Four?

"If they eliminated Velcro, you'd shave twenty minutes off each game." - Jim Bouton complaining about players stepping out of the batters box and wasting everyone's time.
Fuck it, send Millwood off to the glue factory and bring up the spiritual successor to Doc Gooden. He started in AA tonight so he's on the same pitching rotation. Gonna need the excitement of a 19 year old dominating to make it through this season.
Fuck it, send Millwood off to the glue factory and bring up the spiritual successor to Doc Gooden. He started in AA tonight so he's on the same pitching rotation. Gonna need the excitement of a 19 year old dominating to make it through this season.

You're not alone with that thought. 12,461 was the attendance for the game. No reason to panic, being early April and all, but that's an ugly number.


You're not alone with that thought. 12,461 was the attendance for the game. No reason to panic, being early April and all, but that's an ugly number.

Maybe they shouldn't be trying to sabotage attempts to build an arena to get the Sonics back. Or they could just not suck.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Fuck it, send Millwood off to the glue factory and bring up the spiritual successor to Doc Gooden. He started in AA tonight so he's on the same pitching rotation. Gonna need the excitement of a 19 year old dominating to make it through this season.

It's like every year they sign so old slinger who just comes out and blows.... That started with Goose..

Of course Goose was 3-0 tho


man, can we just put Casey McGehee at 3rd already and throw Alvarez to the minors or japan

holy shit...hahahahahahahahha, I never thought I'd see anyone beg for more McGehee

Seasons 2 weeks old, the standings won't look like this in two weeks or 4 months from now.
In two months, the Astros and Padres will still have super shitty offenses.


Watching the seventh inning from last night. Dee Gordon needs to learn how to cover a bag on a steal, God damn. Guy runs in towards the ball and tries to swipe behind him. It cost them a run. Gamel had no business being safe on that steal.


Ok, if you have MLB.tv, go watch the Aoki at bat. First and third, he offers at the first three pitches (pulls two back on balls). The Dodgers know exactly what is happening...are powerless to stop it. The fourth pitch is pretty much a high and away pitchout, Gamel is coming, and Aoki gets the bunt down.

Seriously, there is nothing the defense can do here. I despise the play but with men on first and third...it seems unstoppable.

tc farks

How have I never read Ball Four?

"If they eliminated Velcro, you'd shave twenty minutes off each game." - Jim Bouton complaining about players stepping out of the batters box and wasting everyone's time.

I remember picking this book up randomly from one of my dad's bookshelves when I was young. Loved it. Had no idea at all how popular it was until much later.


Loving Matt Barnes thus far

3 starts now in the minors

5 IP, 2 H, 0R/ER, 2 BB, 9 K
5 IP, 1 H, 0R/ER, 0 BB, 7 K
6 IP, 3 H, 0R/ER, 0 BB, 9 K

Promotion to more age appropriate competition is due.
Holy shit at the barehanded catch by that Braves fan.

EDIT: Also, I know it's too early to start this nonsense, but looking at the Card's record compared to LAA's... it's sweet. Pujols could have been Stan the Man 2.0 if he'd stuck it out with STL, but now I'm just so bitter and whiny, I can only hope he never makes it to the post season ever again.
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