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MLB - Official 2012 Season Thread: Where Curt Schilling & Marlins will never find us.

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Brewers just extended Melvin and Roenicke, thus giving them some job security and "solved" the SS issue by signing Tommy Manzanella.

So, I'm going to guess that Greinke, Marcum, KRod, Kottaras and Morgan are all officially on the block as of this afternoon.


Brewers just extended Melvin and Roenicke, thus giving them some job security and "solved" the SS issue by signing Tommy Manzanella.

So, I'm going to guess that Greinke, Marcum, KRod, Kottaras and Morgan are all officially on the block as of this afternoon.



why the fuck is batista still pitching for the mets? the dude is garbage! he has nothing left. i hate that we have to play him. bring up a young kid or something. i don't want to see this POS on the mound.
why the fuck is batista still pitching for the mets? the dude is garbage! he has nothing left. i hate that we have to play him. bring up a young kid or something. i don't want to see this POS on the mound.
something something no one is ready yet something service time something.

Chris Young is about a month away since he needs to get his arm strength back. Jeremy Hefner is the guy tabbed to replace Batista.
Would KC make an offer on par with what the Brewers are offering [for Grienke]?

The Royals desperately need to buy a good pitcher or two while the ones we have in AA and AAA continue to develop. The hideous starting rotation is literally the only piece missing.

But sadly, the answer to your question is hell no. :( lol.

Then again:

Brewers just extended Melvin and Roenicke, thus giving them some job security and "solved" the SS issue by signing Tommy Manzanella.

So, I'm going to guess that Greinke, Marcum, KRod, Kottaras and Morgan are all officially on the block as of this afternoon.


This homeplate ump in the Yanks game is crazy.




what the fuck... I'm in Montreal and mlb.tv says the Yankees/Rays game is blacked out. what gives? Does it work on your billing info instead of location or some shit?
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