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MLB Playoffs 2016 | Only thing worse than a Trump win is another Giants win

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If Dodgers fans feel bad after this game they can salve their wounds by watching the Giants get eliminated tonight. There's no way that Matt Moore doesn't blow this.


Why did they go to Baez over Blanton again?

Live arm.

It really made no sense. Baez is one of the most nerves-prone pitchers I've ever seen. Like balk, hbp, and wild pitch in 1 inning kind of nerves. Even sent him down at one point when it got especially bad? Bringing him in the most pressure packed situation of the entire series was lol.
If Dodgers fans feel bad after this game they can salve their wounds by watching the Giants get eliminated tonight. There's no way that Matt Moore doesn't blow this.
Not even a Giants loss could make a Dodgers loss feel good today.

Plus with EYBS on their side they're going to reverse sweep the Cubs.
Kersh getting those 5 ER pains me. I hope we get through this series so he gets another crack at it. Obviously anyone would want to advance, but I almost want it to happen for Kershaw.


I know I'm the only one who cares but Otani and the Fighters start their playoff run tonight and I am sooooooo excited for this. p.much my top five favorite baseball players are all Fighters (Nakata, Arihara, Otani, Laird, Yoh, Tanaka, Nakashima wait that's more), so this is a way bigger deal than anything the Bucs could've done if i'm honest.

Closer better end this.

Jesus, this is taking way too long. And I thought AL postseason games were a 4 hour fest.

it's shorter than they took yesterday!

(not by much)


Glad the Dodgers pulled it off, but still pissed at that 7th inning meltdown. I don't have energy to be wasting it yelling at my TV!!
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