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MLB Playoffs 2016 | Only thing worse than a Trump win is another Giants win

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Know what's better then knee high socks?


Wrong. I guarantee Trump is pro DH and so are his supporters. Did you watch the Cubs/Giants series? The Cubs' pitchers were twice as productive at the plate then all of their position players. Giants pitchers also drove in some runs.

Trump is hedging his bets and grabbing the rule book by the vagina. But I do understand NL fans trying to point out random and rare exceptions to the rule about pitcher's at bat, when it doesn't represent 85% of reality.

Worst reductivism I've read on the internet.

Mine was tongue in check. Your post was actually reductive and based on random anecdotal evidence.

In conclusion, go DH.
If all people care about is getting the best hitters to the plate why not have the same 3 guys bat every inning. Imagine getting to see a great hitter like Bonds in his prime bat 9 times a game instead of 3. Just have 9 infielders on each team and a few hitters who you just cycle through, hell we could even have a bunch of little speedy guys who just run the basses for the hitters. They could just stand next to the batters box and take off whenever a ball is put in play.

it's not about having only good hitters bat, it's about having only real hitters bat.
it's not about having only good hitters bat, it's about having only real hitters bat.

Bumgarner and Kershaw just did some pretty decent hitting in this series. Hell, Kershaw's double was hit in later by Turner. That's clutch play.

Having to decide whether to keep your starter in or take a gamble on a pinch hitter is a good thing. Otherwise, why not designated runners? Maybe it's "not fun" to watch guys like Pujols and Billy Butler hobble around the bases.

The Beard

No one wants to watch bad base runners like Cecil fielder run. We need designated runners.

Yeah, we can have the designated runners stand behind the umpire, and start running to first on contact, while the slow batter remains in the batters box. Who wanted to see Big Papi run ffs?
I have some big ideas for NL baseball to improve the spectacle

6 innings
Robots, cyborgs and naturals
Max 10 game season
Free agent signings after every game
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