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MLB Regular Season 2013 |OT| - Natinals Already Won

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As clear as day
TomG (Comments section) said:
Three points:

1. I assume it is not your point that Sanabia's spitting on the ball was the difference-maker in this game. If I'm wrong about that, my apologies.

b. Pitchers these days routinely and openly - in a manner as blatant as Sanabia's in the .gif above - stick their fingers in their mouths and rake the tips of 'em along their tongues and then immediately rub up the ball. You can see this happen at least once in virtually every game. There may be some reason for doing this other than to apply spit to the ball - maybe modern day pitcher have rough cat-tongues and are just trying to scuff up their finger tips to get a better grip? - but it seems obvious to me that one possible reason for doing this is the most obvious one: to gather up a bit of spit and apply it to the ball in order to, y'know, cheat. But pitchers are never called on this, even though they make no attempt to hide it. And no, they don't always, or even mostly, do it while off the mound, nor do they immediately "dry" their hands on their unies (or elsewhere) before rubbing up the ball. Regardless of what they may be trying to do, I think umpires should called them on it if for no other reason than appearance's sake: It's unseemly, vulgar and rude, like ruining everybody's wonderful meal by farting loudly at the dinner table. Also? It's fucking illegal. Unless one believes that the only way to apply spit to a ball is by grossly horking a loogie on it the way Sanabia did.

III. A pitcher of Sanabia's caliber could go out on the mound with a fully-loaded greasegun, 4 nail files, some industrial grade sandpaper, a personal nurse to inject him in the ass with performance-enhancing drugs between each pitch, AND Gaylord Perry's personal, unpublished how-to manual on fucking up baseballs, and you - defining the collective "you", here, as a ML baseball team stocked with even marginally competent offensive players - ought to be ashamed if you don't score at least five runs off of him ... even under those circumstances.

BonusPointNumberFour. That's three games in a row in which the Miami Marlins have not just defeated the Phillies, but embarrassed them. Which, really, is about three too many. I can live with a loss. But to be embarrassed ? By the Marlins? What, did the Astros sell the Marlins their Phillies-killing mojo as the last thing they did before going over to the AL?
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