Incognito said:Haha, Canseco.
I bet Selig is fuming... :lol :lol
Loki said:What channel are you guys watching this on? I saw Schilling speaking earlier on C-Span, but now they're discussing other things besides baseball.
He's playing stupid.
Loki said:What channel are you guys watching this on? I saw Schilling speaking earlier on C-Span, but now they're discussing other things besides baseball.
Joe said::lol :lol :lol he just called him Mr. Soso
Deerhu0---4 (5:23:55 PM): what are you slamming mcgwire for hes not the only one that did them and atleast he has enough courage to be their you need to join the real world and start slamming that punk ass bitch bonds also quit sucking his fucking dick
Auto response from InconspicuousLie (5:23:55 PM): McGwire: Steroids is bad.
lol... what an idiot.
Deerhu---4 returned at 5:23:55 PM.
Deerhu---4 (5:24:23 PM): and thats the facts
Deerhu---4 (5:24:26 PM): punk
MaverickX9 said:I liked how that Manfred guy would get all defensive and get all worked up when somebody pushed him a bit :lol
when steroids increases the level of competition, it makes it seem to younger athletes that they NEED steroids just to compete. All through the amatuer ranks (high school and up) the athletes tend to do whatever the big leaguers do, so STERIOIDS = BADThe Experiment said:I hate society.
Fat asses stuffing their fat mouths with Big Macs = Acceptable
Someone injecting Test to increase muscle, lose fat, with less fatigue = Bad
The government seriously has much better things to do. I think steroids are bad for youth who are still going through puberty but when you're an adult, I think its fine to use them as long as they know the risks.
The Experiment said:I hate society.
Fat asses stuffing their fat mouths with Big Macs = Acceptable
Someone injecting Test to increase muscle, lose fat, with less fatigue = Bad
The government seriously has much better things to do. I think steroids are bad for youth who are still going through puberty but when you're an adult, I think its fine to use them as long as they know the risks.