PL: What were you taking after you had seen the doctor?
ML: Orthovisc, which is some injections the doctor gave me, some anti-inflammatories
PL: You filled out a pre-fight medical questionnaire before your fight in January did you not?
ML: Yes I did
PL: There are a couple of questions on that pre-fught questionnaire that ask you what kind of prescribed medications you were taking, do you recall that?
ML: Yes I do.
PL: You ticked nothing
ML: Well... I ticked nothing because I was there by myself, my manager wasnt there. My manager had the whole list of everything [I was using] and he came late. So I didnt know everything that was actually injected into my knee by my doctor.
PL: But you knew you were taking something though, right?
ML: Er.. Yes, correct.
PL: Alright. You also said you were taking some stuff over the counter at that point in time, correct?
ML: Uh, I dont know
I only know what I put on the questionnaire
Kogan, interjecting: - we didnt put anything on the questionnaire - I was the one who filled out the questionnaire, I apologise. Orthovisc that he was taking was a lubricant that was administered into his knee, er
PL: Theres no apologising for falsifying required information on the medical questionnaire. Mr Lawal, my question to you is that you signed this medical questionnaire after it was filled out did you not?
ML: I did, I did
PL: Can you understand English?
ML: Yes.
PL: Can you read English?
ML: Uh-huh.
PL: Then you knew that by signing it that the information on this medical questionnaire is supposed to be true and correct, right?
ML: Er, yes.