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Modding an XBox, best chip, best store


Alrighty folks the time has come to mod my second XBox and turn it into a Mame box. I'm trying to find the best store that will sell be a non-bootleg imitation rom (that has them in stock and ships them quickly). I want to get something that will allow me to switch between Live and Mame and hopefully something that will let me upgrade it without opening the XBox ever again.

I read the TOS and this appears to be in-bounds but please feel free to close it if I misread something :)


You'll get a variety of answers... the only good advice I can offer you is to get a 4th generation chip. I prefer Xenium, but I haven't had a lot of experience with other chips to make a totally informed opinion.


I got mine from divineo. No problems except shipping was slow (3 days longer than they said it would take).


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Yeah, I have to get a chip tomorrow myself in fact. I'm going w/ the SmartXX.


I have a Xenium, and I love it. It has a graphic interface for managing bios' and such, it's really neat.
jedimike said:
You'll get a variety of answers... the only good advice I can offer you is to get a 4th generation chip. I prefer Xenium, but I haven't had a lot of experience with other chips to make a totally informed opinion.


I got mine from divineo. No problems except shipping was slow (3 days longer than they said it would take).
yeah, divineo is sloooooooow ... took 3 weeks during xmas to get my brother's X2.3 Lite which was supposedly in stock...
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