And funnily enough a bio-pic about her, written by Richard Kelly (the Donnie Darko guy) and starring Keira Knightley (the Pirates of the Caribbean girl) is due to be released in August.,,11069-1674269,00.html
My guess is Hollywood made the film, but then realised there was no suitable ending to be found. Their response? To send Ninjas to kill Domino (in her bathtub) so they would have a good ending and make millions of dollars. It also meant that she would be conviently incapable of bad-mouthing the film at its release.
The film Domino - scheduled for release this August but now likely to be put back while Tony Scott, its director, adds a new, tragic ending to it - is likely to further confound the worlds understanding of its subject, Domino Harvey.
Before she was found dead in the bath at her West Hollywood home, Harvey had made clear her hatred of the film, starring Keira Knightley. Proudly lesbian, Harvey disliked what she saw as soft-porn titillation in the film and she regretted selling the rights to her life story for just £26,000. The film cost £30 million.,,11069-1674269,00.html
My guess is Hollywood made the film, but then realised there was no suitable ending to be found. Their response? To send Ninjas to kill Domino (in her bathtub) so they would have a good ending and make millions of dollars. It also meant that she would be conviently incapable of bad-mouthing the film at its release.