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Mom goes off on store clerk who made racist comment to her kids

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Record incident on phone camera, post on YouTube and revel in the moment of making your point. It truly is a great age we live in and the world is a better place.
Do black people in the states really dress like that? Seems more like the movie Coming To America...

I could understand how you could come to this conclusion if your only experience with Black people is the movie Coming to America.

Just like there a large variety of dress among people of European descent the same exists for people of African descent.

It's almost like we're people too!

Record incident on phone camera, post on YouTube and revel in the moment of making your point. It truly is a great age we live in and the world is a better place.

I am all for outing bigots that do shit in public.


The cashier looked apologetic and regretful, but the mother kept on going for way more than she should have.


I'm not your professor. There are 1000 threads where myself and others have attempted to explain this. Go hit up that search button. The info is all around you.

I was hoping to get more of a personal experience more so than general information. When did you start to post in these types of threads? Has posting in these threads made you feel better? Do you think your method of explaining helps others better understand racism?
The cashier looked apologetic and regretful, but the mother kept on going for way more than she should have.

Every time someone posts something like this I imagine my reaction to a cashier saying something casually sexist about my daughter's outfit. And then I feel reassured in my belief that this mother was not out of line at all.


The cashier looked apologetic and regretful, but the mother kept on going for way more than she should have.

The cashier said an ignorant and racist comment and this is the person you are empathizing with as you scold the mother of the victims.

You suck.
Mammoth going on a goddamn rampage in this thread, holy shit

There are few topics where somebody could shoot from the hip like that and I'd be cool with it; this is probably one of them.


Every time someone posts something like this I imagine my reaction to a cashier saying something casually sexist about my daughter's outfit. And then I feel reassured in my belief that this mother was not out of line at all.

I get it, I'm Arab and I would never wear traditional clothing that I wear at home in the US or Europe, I applaud the kids for sticking to their traditional garments in front of judgmental ignorant people. But the cashier sounded polite regretful and apologetic, I would correct her and calmly ask to speak to her manager, calling her a bitch and insulting her is uncalled for in my opinion.
I get it, I'm Arab and I would never wear traditional clothing that I wear at home in the US or Europe, I applaud the kids for sticking to their traditional garments in front of judgmental ignorant people. But the cashier sounded polite regretful and apologetic, I would correct her and calmly ask to speak to her manager, calling her a bitch and insulting her is uncalled for in my opinion.

Well let's all hope she doesn't say anything like that again so she doesn't have to have this experience again.

While we're at it though perhaps we should maybe also cross our fingers and hope those kids never experience casual racism because of what they're wearing again. But since of course they will, I'd say their mom did a pretty good job showing them they don't have to stand for it.
I was hoping to get more of a personal experience more so than general information. When did you start to post in these types of threads? Has posting in these threads made you feel better? Do you think your method of explaining helps others better understand racism?

This thread isn't about my personal experiences with overt racism, silent racism, that type of "is this motherfucker racist???" racism, or passive-egressive bigotry. Or racial ignorance. Sure that shapes my worldview but it doesn't define me.

But like shit on a baby I know that stuff when I smell it. But I'll answer:

I started posting in these threads when I realized that unlike other forums racist pieces of shits weren't allowed here.

It doesn't make me feel better or worse. It's a discussion, not therapy. I sleep like a baby.

I have no clue if my method of explanation helps others deal with understanding racism. That's not my job, that's their parents job. If they failed at that that's not really on me...


Junior Member
Well if it's uncommon the displayed reaction might have been ignorant, inappropriate or condescending but not necessarily racist. That's why I asked the question. No serious answer yet...

But why can't we label what she said as racist? It was ignorant, inappropriate, and condescending BECAUSE it was racist. We have to acknowledge this to make a change, no matter how small the change may be.


This thread isn't about my personal experiences with overt racism, silent racism, that type of "is this motherfucker racist???" racism, or passive-egressive bigotry. Or racial ignorance. Sure that shapes my worldview but it doesn't define me.

But like shit on a baby I know that stuff when I smell it. But I'll answer:

I started posting in these threads when I realized that unlike other forums racist pieces of shits weren't allowed here.

It doesn't make me feel better or worse. It's a discussion, not therapy. I sleep like a baby.

I have no clue if my method of explanation helps others deal with understanding racism. That's not my job, that's their parents job. If they failed at that that's not really on me...

Thank you for your reply. I wasn't trying to get you to bite on anything. I was trying to open a dialog why you exert so much energy into posting on gaf about racism. I can sense you're very passionate about this.

MLK was a great man. His stance on non violence was admirable. One of my favorite quotes from him...

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."

He was also a good friend to one of my favorite people in the world Thich Naht Hahn. TNH is a Buddhist monk from Vietnam. They both were very passionate about peace and compassion. MLK even nominated him for the Nobel Peace Price in 1967. I would recommend looking up some of his work. It has helped my greatly the past few years learning compassion for others, relieving stress, and overall happiness.

I believe mindfulness and compassion would greatly help in situations like this one involving the mother and clerk.
Well if it's uncommon the displayed reaction might have been ignorant, inappropriate or condescending but not necessarily racist. That's why I asked the question. No serious answer yet...

Read the thread. It's filled with serious answers.

Yes. Some people dress like this. Do I have statistical breakdowns for you? No. But you see it every now and then. It's so common that it occurs in Indiana, FFS...

So that being said let's strike ignorance off the list. She's playing pretend with that shit. And so is anyone else in this thread that wants to play pretend right along with her simple simon ass. She's not ignorant of ethnic garbs. Even if one doesn't know which specific culture it's from. She knew it was some form of ethnic clothing. Anyone with eyeballs and neurons can ascertain that.

Then she says it anyway. At work. Now the fact that she's act work is a big part of this. Because the standards for behavior are far higher there. So she still decides to go forward and make her snotty comment.

To children. Really let this sink in. She decides to be cute and put a smarmy snide ass common to her black customers who are children spending money.

At a store in a Black neighborhood. This derails a bit but it's too too common for people to set up shop in the hood, take the money out and not give two shits about putting one fucking cent back in. Don't even take time to learn the names of motherfuckers paying their mortgage and putting their kids through college. If they took that time perhaps they'd know their names aren't Shifty, D-Money, or Smoothie.

Why do you think that is after all the aforementioned she still goes and says this dumb shit? Cause it was the first thing on her mind and she let it slip the fuck out.

Their rareness of the clothing doesn't matter. I don't often see "X" in my area but if I say dumb shit like this yes, I'm being racist as fuck at worst. Ignorantly bigoted at best.

Either way isn't the way an employee should treat customers.
Thank you for your reply. I wasn't trying to get you to bite on anything. I was trying to open a dialog why you exert so much energy into posting on gaf about racism. I can sense you're very passionate about this.

I'm passionate about this cause I'm Black. And I'm tired of motherfuckers co-signing racism and ignorance and excusing it. Or acting like we need to be benevolent suffering people. Fuck that.

MLK was a great man. His stance on non violence was admirable. One of my favorite quotes from him...

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."

He was also a good friend to one of my favorite people in the world Thich Naht Hahn. TNH is a Buddhist monk from Vietnam. They both were very passionate about peace and compassion. MLK even nominated him for the Nobel Peace Price in 1967. I would recommend looking up some of his work. It has helped my greatly the past few years learning compassion for others, relieving stress, and overall happiness.

I prefer Marcus Garvery:

"A race that is solely dependent upon another for economic existence sooner or later dies. As we have in the past been living upon the mercies shown by others, and by the chances obtainable, and have suffered there from, so we will in the future suffer if an effort is not made now to adjust our own affairs."

And I'll drop some Malcolm X for you:

"If you stick a knife nine inches into my back and pull it out three inches, that is not progress. Even if you pull it all the way out, that is not progress. Progress is healing the wound, and America hasn't even begun to pull out the knife."

And let's not forget Medgar Evars:

“When a black Jacksonian looks about his home community, he sees a city of over 150,000, of which 40% is Negro, in which there is not a single Negro policeman or policewoman, school crossing guard, or fireman.”

And just cause I love Carl Sagan lemme drop:

“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”

I believe mindfulness and compassion would greatly help in situations like this one involving the mother and clerk.

Shoutout to Scott Woods:
The problem is that white people see racism as conscious hate, when racism is bigger than that. Racism is a complex system of social and political levers and pulleys set up generations ago to continue working on the behalf of whites at other people’s expense, whether whites know/like it or not. Racism is an insidious cultural disease. It is so insidious that it doesn’t care if you are a white person who likes black people; it’s still going to find a way to infect how you deal with people who don’t look like you. Yes, racism looks like hate, but hate is just one manifestation. Privilege is another. Access is another. Ignorance is another. Apathy is another. And so on. So while I agree with people who say no one is born racist, it remains a powerful system that we’re immediately born into. It’s like being born into air: you take it in as soon as you breathe. It’s not a cold that you can get over. There is no anti-racist certification class. It’s a set of socioeconomic traps and cultural values that are fired up every time we interact with the world. It is a thing you have to keep scooping out of the boat of your life to keep from drowning in it. I know it’s hard work, but it’s the price you pay for owning everything.


Reminds me of that Chris Rock skit about schools love preaching using MLK's non-violence example in everything.


I get the impression schools trying to brainwash.

Well, they kind of do that already

Thank you for your work in here, Mammoth.

I was just about to quote his post but yeah, good job man.

Thanks. I live in New York so I'm very used to Diet Racism.


Well, they kind of do that already


Don't forget the time they said they don't wanna teach accurate history to Latino children because they might get angry and be resentful or violent towards teachers or White students...
Don't forget the time they said they don't wanna teach accurate history to Latino children because they might get angry and be resentful or violent towards teachers or White students...

Everything from Slavery to the Native Americans and all central and South America takes a lot of effort to spin into an easy pill to swallow, so not surprised they'd rather outright lie or not talk about it at all.


Man at this rate MLK has been weaponized in arguments so much. He is so deep in the mythological pantheon that he is probably a new summon in Persona 5.


I thought this was going to be one of those videos, but the mom handled it pretty damn well. A full-on meltdown would've just undermined what she was going for.
* In a position where she should be educated and give a sincere apology -> definitely
Which she did. You can almost immediately hear her say she was sorry before explaining she didn't know any better, but no, this bitch's racist ass deserved to yelled at endlessly. /s

In what world are negroes wearing traditional African garnets not normal or acceptable? It's common or at least definitely common enough to avoid a racist, "oh wow look at them, they are different than me" remark.

I also refuse to believe non blacks can be that obtuse. They are obsessed with African-American culture to the point where there is no way she he/she isn't familiar with the way we dress.

Garnets are a semi normal part of African-American culture, what the hell are you talking about?

Have you looked into any African-American fashion or art at all? White have been playing monkey see, monkey do with negroes for centuries, they know how we dress.

A lot of African-Americans avoid them though because whites try their hardest to take their culture away form them and when they do, chastise them for not being like them. She was disrespectful aka racist towards these children and their culture.

I don't give a fuck about racist whites and I'm sure she doesn't either.

White American here. While I wouldn't made the comment the cashier/clerk made because I'm familiar with traditional African garb, I have not once in my life ever seen an African-American wearing such clothes (not even on TV), despite living in a fairly black area.


"Peace, All.
I actually hate it when someone provokes such a reaction from me. However, there are some public displays of crakka behavior that can only be dealt with in such a manner as this. I am sure you all know it is not a reflection of my cultivation or refinement, but most certainly a reflection of my protective mothering. Black children need to see their dignity being forcefully (if necessary) defended.

Are we supposed to cheer for this person?She's just as bad,if not worse than the clerk if she talks shit like this.
Something something something white folks have said worse about black folks for 200+ years which makes this okay.

I love how this is now about racism against White people. Which is of course the REAL problem in America, right....

Never change.

Trashy mom. Glad the kids were older than what I imagined going in.

Trashy is claiming someone's kids are dressed for Halloween cause they don't look like they're conforming to Whiteness well enough.


I love how this is now about racism against White people. Which is of course the REAL problem in America, right....

Never change.
You might wanna read those posts again if that's what you got out of them.

I don't really agree with those posts btw. But this was just ridiculous.

edit: Never mind, I should take my own hint.
You might wanna read those posts again if that's what you got out of them.

I don't really agree with those posts btw. But this was just ridiculous.


The post chain was literally the mom was as racist if not more

Followed by seconding of that argument via sarcasm.

That's exactly what those posts were about
Awesome lady.

I think she was fully justified in how angry she was. Minorities have to deal with racism every single day of our lives. After a certain point, it becomes too difficult to stay "nice" anymore, you learn to stop being too forgiving to people that should really know better by now. Especially the case when you're a parent - you absolutely don't want your kids to also have to deal with the crap you had your entire life.

Who in the U.S. honestly doesn't know what traditional African garment looks like? You'd have to be living under a rock



The post chain was literally the mom was as racist if not more

Followed by seconding of that argument via sarcasm.

That's exactly what those posts were about

The mom was not being racist, she was being unnecessarily rude and obnoxious.

That's the argument anyway, I think she had every right to get pissed.

I don't see what that has to do with racism.

edit: I didn't hear the cracker part in the video. That does give it a racist tone.
The mom was not being racist, she was being unnecessarily rude and obnoxious.

That's the argument anyway, I think she had every right to get pissed.

I don't see what that has to do with racism.


I'm saying the conversation chain you accused Mammoth of "misreading" was calling the mom racist against white people.

And I disagree 100% that she was unnecessarily anything



I'm saying the conversation chain you accused Mammoth of "misreading" was calling the mom racist against white people.

And I disagree 100% that she was unnecessarily anything
See my edit. I didn't hear anything racist from the mom and skipped the quote. (Or more accurately, NeoGAF skipped the quote since they don't like nested quotes)

If the mom responded in kind, she really doesn't have any moral high ground here.

Edit: Oh, it was in the description.
The mom was not being racist, she was being unnecessarily rude and obnoxious.

That's the argument anyway, I think she had every right to get pissed.

I don't see what that has to do with racism.

edit: I didn't hear the cracker part in the video. That does give it a racist tone.

The cracker comment comes from the video description.

Also, I love how instead of admitting that 'cracker' is a pejorative, Mammoth instead makes a snarky comment about how I'm making it all about racism against white people, which isn't the REAL problem in America.

Which of course doesn't sound at all like "black people have it worse, so racist remarks against white people are okay". Apparently acknowledging an offense means you're trying to rewrite the narrative completely so that it's all about that offense and not the offense that triggered it.


And she was right to be furious but I'm not sure how good the lesson to her kids is with the cursing and screaming.

She's even cursing at the guy on the phone.

Yell. Make a scene. Or curse out of earshot of the kids. But cursing in front of your kids is counterproductive.

That was my takeaway. I also get the feeling the worker was making what they thought was a harmless jape.

Anyways, seems like an episode that could have been cleared up with a lot less aggression. Just some adult conversation.
That was my takeaway. I also get the feeling the worker was making what they thought was a harmless jape.

Anyways, seems like an episode that could have been cleared up with a lot less aggression. Just some adult conversation.

I'll just put this post here because I think it was a fantastic response to posts like yours.

Black people are not here to just take shit from anyone and everyone and then respond by being the bigger person all the time. We are not your punching bag. We are not your inferiors. We are not children to be scolded for resisting our oppression. And we certainly are not infinite wells of patience and kindness. If you say shit to us, you need to be prepared for that fire to come back your way.

Also if a seemingly racist remark is made to your kid, how are you suppose to take that as a harmless jape?
It's like if someone made a seemingly sexist joke about your daughter, I doubt you'd be just taking that on the chin in a relaxed manner.
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