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Monster Hunter Generations |OT| Generation X


Is armor easier to build in this game? I just beat Rathalos in village 5* and I don't think any of its pieces require a plate (ironically, I already have at least one from 3 fights). The mat requirements have generally felt a lot more forgiving so far.

It's easy to build armor. UPGRADING armor however....that's when the rare pieces come into play.


Yes, the draw attack is powerful. Also, you can draw directly into a charge. The point is to roll away after you get it off.

More than anything else, Monster Hunter is about 'hit and don't get hit'. If you are getting knocked around you are doing it wrong. Nothing hurts your damage output more than getting hit and having to reset what you're doing and/or heal.

Here is the Gaijin Hunter tutorial:

It's also worth watching his MH4U video to really get a handle on the fundamentals.

Oh I like these. They're more in depth than the others I saw. I would always try to draw directly into a level 3 charge because at no charge it just seemed weak. Then whenever they're knocked down I would go for a full combo consisting of a level 3 charge, a level 3 strong charge, and the strong slash that follows. I'll try doing quick hit and runs more often.

On the subject of armor, is there any reason to use vests/caps etc over the mails/helms etc. besides slight stat differences? The difference in defense is huge.


Oh I like these. They're more in depth than the others I saw. I would always try to draw directly into a level 3 charge because at no charge it just seemed weak. Then whenever they're knocked down I would go for a full combo consisting of a level 3 charge, a level 3 strong charge, and the strong slash that follows. I'll try doing quick hit and runs more often.

On the subject of armor, is there any reason to use vests/caps etc over the mails/helms etc. besides slight stat differences? The difference in defense is huge.
The "vests/caps" are gunner armor. You need to use those with the bowguns or the bow. If you are using any other weapon you should be using Blademaster armor ("mails/helms"). Eventually you might use the other armor in exotic mixed armor sets, but you don't need to think about that.


The "vests/caps" are gunner armor. You need to use those with the bowguns or the bow. If you are using any other weapon you should be using Blademaster armor ("mails/helms"). Eventually you might use the other armor in exotic mixed armor sets, but you don't need to think about that.

That makes sense. So I might need a second set of armor when I decide to make my bow.


That makes sense. So I might need a second set of armor when I decide to make my bow.

In general people tend to have different sets per each weapon, as some weapons benefit a lot from specific skills than others.

That said though. You cannot equip Blademaster armor while wearing Gunner weapons, and the reverse is true too.
In general people tend to have different sets per each weapon, as some weapons benefit a lot from specific skills than others.

That said though. You cannot equip Blademaster armor while wearing Gunner weapons, and the reverse is true too.


Eventually, to prevent boredom, you will start to build armor sets and gem up skills suited for each type of monster. But that is end game stuff.

In general, build a decent early HR set as fast as you can until you unlock enough monsters to learn what set might be best for your favorite weapon types.


Thanks for all the tips guys. I ran out of mega potions a long time ago and I was sure I was screwed but after changing my strategy I managed to do all of the prerequisites for the key 5 star village quests as well as the 5 star village quests themselves without even spending all of my regular potions. Glavenus beat my ass though. I barely got him on my third try. Now the Meowstress is singing and dancing with cats. This is a Japanese game alright lol.


So I am thinking about getting this game but am unsure of the whole 4 styles thing and power moves. This was initially a turn off for me when t was announced. Seemed like an unnecessary addition.

I been playing the series for years and this is the first game in the series I haven't picked up day 1 snce Tri. Something about the new changes really turned me off from it for some reason.

That said, I found a gift card to gamestop with $50 on it. So I kind of want to give it a shot.

I LOVED 4 Ultimate. The verticality was an amazing addition and I personally loved the end game grind of the lvl140 monsters and the unique and random gear they dropped.

How is Generations? How are the different arts? Does it "ruin" the game or add to it? How is the end game? Is there good end game grind to invest time in?

Thanks in advance for any answers. I don't play games much at all any more these days and don't want to waste my time on a game I may not like. Granted it is Monster Hunter, so I'll probably like it to some degree no matter what lol.
Mainly looking for answers from experienced hunters.


How is Generations? How are the different arts? Does it "ruin" the game or add to it? How is the end game? Is there good end game grind to invest time in?
It's fun. The styles and arts add another new layer of complexity to each weapon, but it doesn't take long to figure out which combination of them are useful and which of them are junk. For instance, Adept style Heavy Bowgun is quite potent if you can nail those dodges (which takes practice), but Aerial style Heavy Bowgun is gimmicky at best. Or like how the Supernova shot hunting art looks super powerful in Capcom's videos, but it takes ages to charge and is nearly impossible to aim in practice, so nobody uses it.

The game provides Hyper monsters as a soft G rank which is usually necessary as a final upgrade to your gear. They're a bit tougher than regular high rank monsters since they have more HP and hit harder, but they aren't all that different in terms of movesets.

The real end game grind is the Deviant monster gear, which is roughly analogous to the old Guild Quest system. But although you're fighting the same Deviant monsters many times, the quests are different as you advance through levels and there's a lot less RNG factor since you're guaranteed a certain amount of tickets on each quest completion. It's a good, if optional, challenge.
Thanks in advance for any answers. I don't play games much at all any more these days and don't want to waste my time on a game I may not like. Granted it is Monster Hunter, so I'll probably like it to some degree no matter what lol.
Mainly looking for answers from experienced hunters.
I think you'll enjoy yourself so don't be afraid to hop in.


You could always just use the guild style which is the same as the MH4 way of playing. The 2 differences are the new balance changes for weapons and you can.use 2 arts. Arts are cool, but I only really use the utility ones, there is one that gives max combination chances and results for a while.

Adept is fun as fuck. Feels.broken when you nail those dodges. But punishes you so hard when you dont


So I am thinking about getting this game but am unsure of the whole 4 styles thing and power moves. This was initially a turn off for me when t was announced. Seemed like an unnecessary addition.

I been playing the series for years and this is the first game in the series I haven't picked up day 1 snce Tri. Something about the new changes really turned me off from it for some reason.

That said, I found a gift card to gamestop with $50 on it. So I kind of want to give it a shot.

I LOVED 4 Ultimate. The verticality was an amazing addition and I personally loved the end game grind of the lvl140 monsters and the unique and random gear they dropped.

How is Generations? How are the different arts? Does it "ruin" the game or add to it? How is the end game? Is there good end game grind to invest time in?

Thanks in advance for any answers. I don't play games much at all any more these days and don't want to waste my time on a game I may not like. Granted it is Monster Hunter, so I'll probably like it to some degree no matter what lol.
Mainly looking for answers from experienced hunters.

It adds in some areas and takes away in others. Some style/weapon combos are well balanced and designed, others aren't (aerial is so spammy and mindless, adept db has no downsides). Arts are really fun to use. I would like to see them return in MH5, but I'd definitely prefer styles are left behind.

The endgame is definitely on the light side compared to 4U. It's significantly easier than 4U due to no G rank damage and the addition of the "get out of jail" hunter arts (absolute readiness/absolute evasion). Deviants are ok, but some of them seem rushed and tacked on with very few differences in moveset compared to the base monster. I hope they bring back GQs in 5 with some significant changes to make it less stale. Maybe increase the ability to target farm what you actually want from the monster to make it less RNG based.

That said, I'm 350 hours in and still playing. If you love monster hunter, it's definitely worth picking up. Not as good as 4U, but monster hunter hasn't had a bad release in ages imo.
I played Long Sword for the first time today.


It's really easy to master LS actually. And it's such a fun weapon too!
Went back in after a few days off and of all things the frickin' Hyper Shogun Ceanatur gives me the most stun-filled grief. Modded my current highest defense armor--a maxed Malfestio S blademaster--to gem in full Negate Stun from scratch while keeping Weakness Exploit. Just for that overgrown hermit crab.

Oh, and well-intentioned but aggravating behavior from my palicoes....They kept knocking me out of great gs charge opportunities against Hyper Malfestio to rid me of the Confuse effect that I actually never have a problem with. Heh.

Edit: lol, things have become almost sadly simple now against Hyper Shogun with stun chances removed


Thanks for the replies, I'll likely pick it up today.

Would be nice to scratch that MH itch... That and I can't find my 4 Ultimate cart anywhere... 600 hours down the drain. : (


I'm hesitant to use a different weapon after playing the charge blade for so many games...I think I used the insect glaive in MH4G?


Anyone want to help me get a few HRs? I haven't played online yet, up to Village 5* currently.

pass: 1234

edit: closed now. thanks guys for helping me get to HR3 in no time!


So I'm using bow, currently in my duramboros set, but I feel like even it is getting weak (especially when fighting HR teostra, I die in 1.3 hits) - what should I aim for next? I have a charm with 5 fast charge on it, so I can probably gem out focus if i need to.

What are other good bow skills that I should be looking for in a set? Who else should I be fighting?


Ground Slash or Absolute Evasion? I have room for one of these since I use the Guild style and Lion's Maw is a must for me.


Absolute Evasion/Readiness. I don't think Ground Slash is very good and it launches people iirc.

I tried out Absolute Evasion a bit and just the fact that it instantly sheaths the weapon makes it worth it. I was just wondering if Ground Slash got any stronger. Anyway, is the Misutzune set worth it? It's so pretty.


Ever since I reached 4 and 5 star village quests I've either been dying a lot or the monsters take 20 minutes to kill. It's not fun. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. My Golem Blade is as strong as it can be at this point in the game and I'm wearing the strongest armor available as far as I can tell. How do I kill shit faster?
I used to love the days monsters gave me a big challenge and I'd be fighting down to the last minute to take them down.

Its one of the reasons I dislike there being no g rank as I like that challenge.

Going online with 4 people and taking down a devil jho and rajang in 4 minutes just feels silly sometimes.

Embrace the challenge you have now because when you become good, even fighting new monsters in new games doesn't feel that difficult.


Am I the only one who does not care at all about getting launched by my fellow hunters' attacks? I actually enjoy it, it's a free aerial attack.

I tried out Absolute Evasion a bit and just the fact that it instantly sheaths the weapon makes it worth it. I was just wondering if Ground Slash got any stronger. Anyway, is the Misutzune set worth it? It's so pretty.

Crisis and Bubble is really just a slightly less convenient way of getting Attack Up L and Evasion+1. If those sound good enough to you then it is worth the fashion value.
I checked out my own card today and with the typical excaption to hammer, lance, bow and hbg it's looking balanced. Still can't figure out the speed IG formula but w/e.

Rawk Hawk

Whoa I just did something I never knew you could do. Did the village Duramboros, need a few tail casings for his hunting horn, worked on the tail, but he started limping sort of quick it seemed, so I was going to cap. Capped him with a pitfall trap, was running around after and saw his tail sticking out, so I went over to look if I did fully break it and the game allowed me to carve his tail. So just in case anyone else needs tail casings, you can break the tail and still carve them after tranq'ing him.. course you only got 20 seconds.


Do intruder monsters have more HP? I was doing a village wyvern egg quest and I guess it was supposed to introduce Astalos and I took him down but it took a good 20-25 minutes (also because it was my first time). When I did the quest to actually hunt a Astalos, I took him down in under 10 minutes.


Do intruder monsters have more HP? I was doing a village wyvern egg quest and I guess it was supposed to introduce Astalos and I took him down but it took a good 20-25 minutes (also because it was my first time). When I did the quest to actually hunt a Astalos, I took him down in under 10 minutes.
The first time you meet the four flagship monsters as intruders they have 3 times more HP than usual, but that's not typical.


Do intruder monsters have more HP? I was doing a village wyvern egg quest and I guess it was supposed to introduce Astalos and I took him down but it took a good 20-25 minutes (also because it was my first time). When I did the quest to actually hunt a Astalos, I took him down in under 10 minutes.
There is a special quest like that for each of the four flagship monsters of Generations. Yes, those have more HP. Normal intruding monster encounters do not.

Edit: beaten


Good thing I didn't try beating that Glavenus then.
I did exactly one Mizutsune hunt with that mission. I wanted to farm his armor and I hadn't unlocked him yet. After finishing the hunt 25+ minutes later I decided to just wait until I had him unlocked properly to farm the armor.


On the subject of Armor sets whats a good blademaster one to take into the rest of village and start online? Right now I am just using the Low Rank Bnahabra Armor set because I already had the Materials meaning it was easy to make. (and Razor sharp from it is alright).

I figure I can use this through 4* village and maybe 5* but I'll probably want to change soon. Primarily using the Switch axe. I think in the previous game I used Low Rank Testucabra for a while but eating food before a hunt kind of makes the extra HP pointless.


I've thought about a possible MH movie for a long time. It has the potential to be amazingly awesome. They've crafted such an interesting universe, just hope an adaptation includes all those cool little details that makes the MH world so charming and interesting.


Finally hit HR 60. Turns out charm runs are a decent way to grind for HR. You get 300 points for every run and it never takes more than a couple of minutes, so you get HR on top of money and charms.

And now I can finally start grinding Akantor to make my Blunt/Mind's Eye/AuL set! I've already made a decent Blunt CB to go with it (230 power and long green), but I'm wondering if it's worth making an Akantor CB if I can't get Sharpness + on the set as well as blunt. According to the GaijinHunter vid on Top CB's, there's some sort of additionally negative damage mod for yellow sharpness and lower, but I don't know how often that realistically matters or if the crazy power and affinity makes up for it.

I'm def. gonna grind for an Akantor LS though seeing as that gets natural green, but I'd love to run the Akantor CB if the negative mod isn't too bad.


The Star Knight Sword just looks amazing, i kinda wish it was neutral element so i could use it all the time.

Maining SnS in this game has been a blast.
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