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Monster Strike |OT| Lucy in the Sky with Divine Sharls


relies on auto-aim
Just hope the Lucy hatcher has some other useful stuff besides her.


180..... >_>

180 and getting all of that is pretty lucky IMO.

I've spent over 800 orbs and still no Lucifer.
I haven't spent money btw. I gathered all the orbs from completing quests and inviting all friends to cap (total of 110). I invited friends when they were doing the "6 orbs per invite" campaign.

Anyways, Lucifer is a myth to me.

I really should have re-rolled until I gotten Lucifer when I started playing this game.
I started when they were doing the Eva collaboration and settled with Shinji.

I really want Lucifer ... =(
But I'm not spending a dime on gatcha.
I don't mind buying orbs to re-fill my stamina, since to me, its like spending money at the arcades to play. But gatcha (gambling)? no thx.
Anyways, I really hope I can get Lucifer this time. I only have 100 orbs though... =/

I think I'll take my word back for saying, you were lucky to get those with 180 orbs.
Its my first time in the thread and I wasn't aware that the "rates" differ between regions.
I play the Japan version and I guess the Japan version has a much horrible drop rates for 5 star monsters.
Probably because people here (Japan) use so much more money on gatcha's ... =/


I think the rates are about the same, it's just all about luck. I thought the JP rates were worse at first too but then I made an alt and it got a lot of great monsters in a few pulls.


Thx for the reply.
I was starting to think of trying to make a US account, but I guess I'll hold off on that.

Also, I haven't seen any discussions about the announcement made yesterday, so I'll post it here.


"Vodka", "Corsair" and "Arthur" will be getting a ascension (?).
I'm not sure how to translate all these in-game words in to English lol

Seems like Vodka will be the fire version of Lorelei.

Arthur will be getting AGB and ADW.
Friendly-combo(?) will be lock-on-oneway-laser with a cross laser L.
Strike shot will be a huge one way laser.

These ascensions (?) were announced at the Mon-fes event and honestly, I was expecting more from Arthur. Like the holy version of Lucifer, because look at those characters in the illustration. It looked so OP. The stats/parameters haven't been announced yet though, so still have hope.


Vodka is Smopol and Corsair is Mustang. I'm glad I have Smopol on EN and Smopol + Arthur on JP. Smopol and Loreley team will be cool for mindless farming.
Unless Asc Arthur gets crazy terrible stats, she will be pretty good, being a NGB/NDW characters means she is splashable in a lot of dungeons.

She also becomes easy to use with lock on laser so there's less of a worry for positioning.

Of course, I never got any of these three monsters so can't say I'm too looking forward to the new ascs ~_~


Thx for the reply.
I was starting to think of trying to make a US account, but I guess I'll hold off on that.

Also, I haven't seen any discussions about the announcement made yesterday, so I'll post it here.


"Vodka", "Corsair" and "Arthur" will be getting a ascension (?).
I'm not sure how to translate all these in-game words in to English lol

Seems like Vodka will be the fire version of Lorelei.

Arthur will be getting AGB and ADW.
Friendly-combo(?) will be lock-on-oneway-laser with a cross laser L.
Strike shot will be a huge one way laser.

These ascensions (?) were announced at the Mon-fes event and honestly, I was expecting more from Arthur. Like the holy version of Lucifer, because look at those characters in the illustration. It looked so OP. The stats/parameters haven't been announced yet though, so still have hope.
Wow, good news for me. I have all three, haha.

I'm really excited for Arthur, though. AGB/ADW sounds like it'd be a lot of fun. I just hope her stats are nice to go along with it.


Yeah no, relax guys.

From Ewing (AKA SFGundam) on the Monster Strike Global FB Page

"Note that they are not the official english names/description so it will differ when they are actually released (I will change them once I know it). Also monsters being on Strikeshot does not mean that NA will get JP Collabs and we don't know when or if any of the monsters will come to NA."


I finally got to the last floor of that new 30 floors tower event in JP, there's one day left but I think I will be able to complete it. I used 4 orbs to restore stamina so far but I'm willing to use more since the prize is 50 orbs.
This is by far the hardest content in the game, so I thought I would post what are some important drop monsters to get ready for this whenever it's released on EN:

-Deity slayer or Wood slayer. Get Kii/Mordred/Fire Wyrm ready for this.
-Poison bump combo. Whenever Basilisk is released, get that
-Two Ashuras or Haqua. If you have other good NGB monster with flight or minesweeper, then it's fine, but Ashura and Haqua are really good for this.

The hatcher monsters that make the difference for the hardest floors in my opinion: Lucy, Nobunaga, Romeo, Sakura, Uriel/Snow Bow, Saigo/Tinker Tyrant. I only have Lucy and Saigo of these so it's still doable just by using the others from friends
Thanks for the info Fek! I'll really have to look for a basilisk. When I found out that they absolutely wreck scorpion creatures...I was aghast.


The hatcher monsters that make the difference for the hardest floors in my opinion: Lucy, Nobunaga, Romeo, Sakura, Uriel/Snow Bow, Saigo/Tinker Tyrant. I only have Lucy and Saigo of these so it's still doable just by using the others from friends

I don't think I have any of those =(
But I've given up on the higher levels already anyways =P

I heard that the socketed seed(?) which reduces poison damage makes a lot of difference at 27th or 28th floor.


Thanks for the info Fek! I'll really have to look for a basilisk. When I found out that they absolutely wreck scorpion creatures...I was aghast.
The scorpions in one of the floors have like 100k HP so you really need poison. I only had Apollo for this but her poison does 15k damage, so I had a hard time here.

I don't think I have any of those =(
But I've given up on the higher levels already anyways =P

I heard that the socketed seed(?) which reduces poison damage makes a lot of difference at 27th or 28th floor.
Yeah, I don't have any monster with poison reduction berry so I brought Lucy and Shinji for their barriers to block the poison. In the first few stages there's a shield that breaks barriers but in the boss it's gone so they work well if you can get there.


Yeah, I don't have any monster with poison reduction berry so I brought Lucy and Shinji for their barriers to block the poison.

You have both Lucy and Shinji?! /jealous

BTW, I'm not sure if Hakua is implemented in the US version but to who ever's playing the JPN version, have any of you encountered Hakua before?
Its said that there is a 0.1 to 1% chance of encountering her after you complete a "Kyukyoku (not sure how its called in the US version)" stage.

This is an image of the mob.


You have both Lucy and Shinji?! /jealous

BTW, I'm not sure if Hakua is implemented in the US version but to who ever's playing the JPN version, have any of you encountered Hakua before?
Its said that there is a 0.1 to 1% chance of encountering her after you complete a "Kyukyoku (not sure how its called in the US version)" stage.

Hakua's a relatively new addition, so it's not implemented in the US Version yet. (We just got Tsukuyomi not too long ago)

Kyukyoku = Extreme in the US version


Hakua's a relatively new addition, so it's not implemented in the US Version yet. (We just got Tsukuyomi not too long ago)

Kyukyoku = Extreme in the US version


I think I haven't started playing when Tsukuyomi got implemented in the JPN version.
I started playing during the Eva collab and am VERY slowly progressing lol
I think I only beat Tsukuyomi once.

Anyways, I'm not sure how far behind the NA version is but please give me a heads up if I shouldn't talk about the JPN version here that much.


You have both Lucy and Shinji?! /jealous

BTW, I'm not sure if Hakua is implemented in the US version but to who ever's playing the JPN version, have any of you encountered Hakua before?
Its said that there is a 0.1 to 1% chance of encountering her after you complete a "Kyukyoku (not sure how its called in the US version)" stage.
Got her once and died on the second stage with this team:


nah, go ahead

talking about upcoming content helps us get over how boring the current event is in global MS

It crossed my mind that I might confuse people or make people angry talking about unreleased content.

Got her once and died on the second stage with this team:

You're really lucky. I personally haven't encountered Hakua yet.
Even if I do, I don't have the monsters to beat her =P

People run Extreme dungeons with Hakua in mind, so they run with 3 Lucies and Goku.


It crossed my mind that I might confuse people or make people angry talking about unreleased content.

You're really lucky. I personally haven't encountered Hakua yet.
Even if I do, I don't have the monsters to beat her =P

People run Extreme dungeons with Hakua in mind, so they run with 3 Lucies and Goku.

I don't think people would mind either. Maybe just preface them for those who aren't in the know.
Most of us salivate at the new JP news anyway ahaha.


QOL changes are nice but they also changed units too. For example Odin got his HP and Attack increased for example. He's gonna have 37000 attack power when hypermaxed, lol

Holy shit @ Marge, Ryoma, Odin, Oryo, Kenshin etc getting badges. =o
QOL changes are nice but they also changed units too. For example Odin got his HP and Attack increased for example. He's gonna have 37000 attack power when hypermaxed, lol

Holy shit @ Marge, Ryoma, Odin, Oryo, Kenshin etc getting badges. =o

fuck yeah Odin buffs!
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