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Moonlight Fables For Nintendo DS New Info (no pics)

I had thoughts of posting this, but it seemed slightly old since it was halfway down quiter and GameFAQs already had it posted. Weird. Ah well.

Anywho, it sounds pretty interesting but I can't say the art is orgasmic or anything. Question though, they mention wireless network play, while generally people refer to this when connecting through hot spots and computers, but I guess this could also work for the DS -> DS wireless connection right? Best to not get your hopes up I guess.


GAF's Bob Woodward
DarthWufei said:
Question though, they mention wireless network play, while generally people refer to this when connecting through hot spots and computers, but I guess this could also work for the DS -> DS wireless connection right?

Yes. Technically, two DSs connected wirelessly within short range of one another would be a wireless network.
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