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Moore and Bach (MS) on PSP.

Kon Tiki

Xbox execs on Sony PSP

Over on Microsoft's Xbox campus today, the "Halo" fans chosen to take part in a Backstage Pass event were given some time to speak with the Xbox bigwigs -- Robbie Bach, senior vice president of Microsoft's Home & Entertainment division, J Allard and Peter Moore, Xbox corporate vice presidents.

Lots of questions revolved around "Halo 2," of course, but toward the end, one of the fans asked for the executives' thoughts on Sony's PlayStation Portable, the upcoming handheld gaming machine also known as the PSP.

"I think, in general, it's different than our (console) business," Bach answered. He acknowledged that Nintendo has sought to create ties between its GameCube console and dominant Game Boy handhelds, but he said, "We've yet to see anybody make a meaningful connection between having a console and having a handheld. ... We think it's a different market."

Bach added, "If Sony is distracted by way of a war with Nintendo, that's fine with us."

Moore pointed out the dominant position achieved by Nintendo in handheld gaming devices and said Sony's decision to enter the space would be "like developing your own little operating system and saying, 'Well, I'm going to challenge Windows.' "

On a related note, Redmond-based Nintendo of America today started shipping its new Nintendo DS dual-screen handheld gaming machine from its distribution facility in North Bend, Wash. It's scheduled for launch Nov. 21. The PSP is scheduled to be released in North America sometime next year.




Mistaken iRobbery!
Moore pointed out the dominant position achieved by Nintendo in handheld gaming devices and said Sony's decision to enter the space would be "like developing your own little operating system and saying, 'Well, I'm going to challenge Windows.
Oh the irony! ;-)


hyperbolically metafictive
ouch. microsoft don't even take nintendo seriously enough to downplay their products. i guess they know who their real competitor is!


Linux is technically superior, but Windows is where it's at for games. OMG GUYS COINCIDENCE

ouch. microsoft don't even take nintendo seriously enough to downplay their products. i guess they know who their real competitor is!

You keep getting better and better.


The Inside Track
drohne said:
ouch. microsoft don't even take nintendo seriously enough to downplay their products. i guess they know who their real competitor is!
You wouldn't believe how little MS cares about Nintendo home consoles.


Not that MS actually dissed Sony, but it's funny how back when they announced Xbox, they were in Sony's shoes with the PSP.


"I think, in general, it's different than our (console) business," Bach answered. He acknowledged that Nintendo has sought to create ties between its GameCube console and dominant Game Boy handhelds, but he said, "We've yet to see anybody make a meaningful connection between having a console and having a handheld. ... We think it's a different market."

Translated Microsoft is worried about the connection between handhelds and home console becoming more important in the next generation because if that happens they will find themselves unable to compete on that particular feature (and we already know they are the only competitor without the backwards compatibility).

Bach added, "If Sony is distracted by way of a war with Nintendo, that's fine with us."

Well that's the hope ;)

Moore pointed out the dominant position achieved by Nintendo in handheld gaming devices and said Sony's decision to enter the space would be "like developing your own little operating system and saying, 'Well, I'm going to challenge Windows.' "

Wait,what happened with the first Playstation?And according to him they shouldn't have entered in the market themselves.
Again Microsoft is praying that this handheld war doesn't end strenghtening Sony in the videogame market.


Elios83 said:
Wait,what happened with the first Playstation?And according to him they shouldn't have entered in the market themselves.
Again Microsoft is praying that this handheld war doesn't end strenghtening Sony in the videogame market.

When the playstation entered the market, it wasn't being "dominated" by one company for 10 plus years. That's the difference. Aswell as Nintendo made several key mistakes with it's hardware design(and still sold 30 + million).


drohne said:
ouch. microsoft don't even take nintendo seriously enough to downplay their products. i guess they know who their real competitor is!

No need to down play a hand held they don't compete with. I think Rare still make games for it.


MrparisSM said:
When the playstation entered the market, it wasn't being "dominated" by one company for 10 plus years. That's the difference. Aswell as Nintendo made several key mistakes with it's hardware design(and still sold 30 + million).

In fact from Sony's perspective it was dominated by two companies,which built the market and dominated it for a decade,this didn't prevent them to beat both these two companies.
The gaming market is not like the PC market.Microsoft's strenght is having control on all the standards and the hardware support of the platform.You will never have a similar strenght in the gaming market even if you dominate.
If you don't have a good product you fall behind and every 5 five years there's a reset in the market.


Moore pointed out the dominant position achieved by Nintendo in handheld gaming devices and said Sony's decision to enter the space would be "like developing your own little operating system and saying, 'Well, I'm going to challenge Windows.' "

Would have more credibility if MS were actually capable of "developing their own little operating system" themselve's instead of stealing/copying (Windows) and buying out (DOS) someone else's.


they call me "Man Gravy".
GFord said:
Would have more credibility if MS were actually capable of "developing their own little operating system" themselve's instead of stealing/copying (Windows) and buying out (DOS) someone else's.

please. The DOS complaint is valid, but all this other bitching about MS 'stealing' Windows is just retarded. Besides, it's not like Apple invented the idea themselves (the CEO stole the idea from Xerox PARC). From Win 95 on the whole operating system is pretty much custom, from the file system it sits on to the user interface ... which would explain why it's so bad ;)
Peter (I suck Bill Gate's cock) Moore said:
Moore pointed out the dominant position achieved by Nintendo in handheld gaming devices and said Sony's decision to enter the space would be "like developing your own little operating system and saying, 'Well, I'm going to challenge Windows.' "
Apples to oranges you fucking moron. And of course he has to be the overpayed MS tool he is by using another Microsoft dominating product for comparison. It doesn't get any more blatant than this, people.


Mr_Furious said:
Apples to oranges you fucking moron. And of course he has to be the overpayed MS tool he is by using another Microsoft dominating product for comparison. It doesn't get any more blatant than this, people.
I dunno. It's a good way to get Nintendo fanboys on MS's side :D


Microsoft loves monopolies even if they're not theirs. :) Anyway I hope Sony succeeds on breaking Nintendo's monopoly cause never a monopoly is a good one. And I'm pretty sure they'll do it.


Nerevar said:
please. The DOS complaint is valid, but all this other bitching about MS 'stealing' Windows is just retarded. Besides, it's not like Apple invented the idea themselves (the CEO stole the idea from Xerox PARC). From Win 95 on the whole operating system is pretty much custom, from the file system it sits on to the user interface ... which would explain why it's so bad ;)

Don't assume "someone else's" automatically means "Apple"...point being MS weren't/aren't capable enough to develope their OWN little operating system THEMSELVES.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Moore pointed out the dominant position achieved by Nintendo in handheld gaming devices and said Sony's decision to enter the space would be "like developing your own little operating system and saying, 'Well, I'm going to challenge Windows.' "
Indeed, that's why the Playstation didn't suceed, and Xbox was never made.

The moral of the story here is: "Do not try", and every big company blindly follows it, right?
Moore pointed out the dominant position achieved by Nintendo in handheld gaming devices and said Sony's decision to enter the space would be "like Microsoft developing their own home gaming system and saying, 'Well, I'm going to challenge Sony.' "


"GAF's biggest wanker"
No reason to read into this too deeply, I'd think. Their comments are dismissive, but what do you expect them to do at an event all about Halo 2? The context of the comments matters.


Wow, Moore really does seem...stupid. I don't know what other word to use to describe him. He really does say a lot of stupid things.


snapty00 said:
Wow, Moore really does seem...stupid. I don't know what other word to use to describe him. He really does say a lot of stupid things.
Yet Microsoft keeps promoting the guy

Tenguman said:
Yet Microsoft keeps promoting the guy

Ass kissing works wonders in this industry. You can tell just by looking at him that Moore's nothing more than a great ass kissing, overpayed executive who doesn't know shit.
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