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More Dark and Light screens and info

(Yes, I was Salvador XL briefly before the forum got changed)

This is someone on mmorpg.com who had this to say about the game:

It's like someone knocked on my door and asked me what I would like to see in a game and then went away and did almost all of it. If I was ever in the position to make an MMORPG, I would go with 90-95% of what these guys have done. Anyone who says this game has nothing original to offer is living on another planet- really. It is zoneless, one server, PvP FROM GROUND up. It has intelligent restrictions on player killing including safe newb kingdoms, killing of lower levels results in a bounty and your relationship with your god will be influential at all times.

Physical world simulation is THE BEST out there. You can fly up to 12000 feet and see the curvature of the world with a 15 mile horizon- no more dismal, oppressive mists and murk. Weather system(snow falls and thaws incrementally- not just textures- objects could be hidden under snow only to be discovered in the Spring), wind blows up snow, dust, sand from dragon wings, sandstorms, tornadoes, blizzards which affect flying conditions for the many aerial transport modes. The clouds aren't a texture. you can fly through the clouds. When it rains, water puddle pools appear, earthquakes. Wind vectors influence everything including direction of water ripples, dynamic weather patterns, thunderstorms, all done in EAX sound. Running rivers freeze over, characters have to physically wade through snow.

Terrain rendering which is the only engine out there which could do Middle Earth any justice. That's mountains, not that landfill nonsense- climbing skills to climb those mountains. Boats, balloons, hang gliders, paragliders, cable cars, rideable mounts( including giant running birds, two seater fully controllable dragons, mules for pulling carts and more promised), full size dragon transports (of size that would do Tolkien justice), teleportation, snow boarding on shields- great fun!. The world has a constellation manager- that's a real moving celestial sphere which will impact on the game, including cosmic events such as meteors and eclipses and quests which result from those events or fortuitous circumstances for certain classes/ factions during those events. Combat involves combos.

Dungeons may well be in the first release (if '05), and even underwater cities have been seriously mentioned by the devs on more than one occasion. External enviroment is visible from inside through windows. They have managers for these enviroments. The social system includes a system of titles and has a well researched consistency. The number of fortresses will be scaled to player numbers with collosal numbers possible. There are ten kingdoms, increasing in difficulty, culminating in a realm of godly powers. Seiges will be inherent to the game mechanics. It has seige warfare, including seige engines. Player driven economy. Optional player developed towns around upgradable fortresses. House ownership, customizable. The experience system is another original idea- consisting of social and combat axes which should suit all styles of play but is also designed to encourage players to pursue the central social premise of the game, without precluding players who are more solitary or want to explore. Gamesmasters. Potentially better than any AI will ever be. No spawn points for monsters which means no camping and more believability. Animals will travel across the land. No item drops but ingredients for crafting instead.

The devs appear to have got it right conceptually- build a strong foundation in terms of technology and game concept. If they are successful in reaching a critical mass and make profits, the places they can go to with this game are really awesome. I have followed this game for over a year now and the gameplay possibilities are many. What's more it has a great community- very polite on the whole. Character models need some work and if you loathe PvP of any kind then maybe this is not for you. The site is a little slow and publicity needs to grow. This game has looks, but the whole point is, is that it has SO MUCH more to offer than just superficiality- like UO, another MMORPG for RPers. If you want devs with vision, ground breaking technology, grandeur, maturity, subtlety, style and fun, this is a game definitely worth a closer look. If NPCube deliver then this game promises to be one of the giants of the genre. Tubalcain













Ohhhhh fucking YEAH.


the game sounds and looks pretty cool, but with so many high profile mmo's coming out soon its gonna have to be awesome to make an impact i think
golem said:
the game sounds and looks pretty cool, but with so many high profile mmo's coming out soon its gonna have to be awesome to make an impact i think
Awesome? No. It has to be less generic though.


So can i expect to see like 5 people walking around in this game when it comes out? If not count me in for a beta test or something. Cause i want to see this game more up close and personal. Too bad though looks like a demon eater for my pc and same with EQ2 but i like this one more.


Unconfirmed Member
LakeEarth said:
Yeah cause photo-realistic environments are just so hard on the eyes.
those are not photo realistic environments.

I am not saying it looks bad but still.
"Player driven economy."

Hopefully, it's dynamic and competitive. DnL (IF THEY KEEP WHAT THEY PROMISE) may be the first MMORPG to get it right. A seperate WORLD, not just a big environment with baddies on it.
No, not "reality." (insert rolleyes) A fantasy world, something MMORPGs strive to achieve but never have quite been able to. And I'd actually chalk some of that up to technological limitations, but the point still stands.


Would it kill them to make non-medieval mmorpgs. We have what, neocron, Star Wars, and Anarchy Online? Someone needs to make a modern day MMORPG with dank city streets and machine guns and rocket launchers. NOT Matrix Online.


SKluck said:
Would it kill them to make non-medieval mmorpgs. We have what, neocron, Star Wars, and Anarchy Online? Someone needs to make a modern day MMORPG with dank city streets and machine guns and rocket launchers. NOT Matrix Online.

Shadowrun would be the best option. Honestly, I think the fantasy genre 'fits' MMO games a little better for some reason.
Wow, this is going to be better than anything I could ever play on GBA.

Umm....yes. Exactly. DnL is a perfect example of what I want in a game. What are you trying to say?

those are not photo realistic environments.

Of course not. It looks better than everything else, obviously.

Someone needs to make a modern day MMORPG with dank city streets and machine guns and rocket launchers.

UGH. Keep that Max Payne shit away from RPGs, especially MMOs. I want awesome lush outdoor environments in my MMORPG's.

Eh, looks pretty good, but I'll stick with Guild Wars and WoW :p

Why? Seriously. This game does everything better.
Neutron Night said:
It's like someone knocked on my door and asked me what I would like to see in a game and then went away and did almost all of it. If I was ever in the position to make an MMORPG, I would go with 90-95% of what these guys have done. Anyone who says this game has nothing original to offer is living on another planet- really. It is zoneless, one server, PvP FROM GROUND up. It has intelligent restrictions on player killing including safe newb kingdoms, killing of lower levels results in a bounty and your relationship with your god will be influential at all times.

Physical world simulation is THE BEST out there. You can fly up to 12000 feet and see the curvature of the world with a 15 mile horizon- no more dismal, oppressive mists and murk. Weather system(snow falls and thaws incrementally- not just textures- objects could be hidden under snow only to be discovered in the Spring), wind blows up snow, dust, sand from dragon wings, sandstorms, tornadoes, blizzards which affect flying conditions for the many aerial transport modes. The clouds aren't a texture. you can fly through the clouds. When it rains, water puddle pools appear, earthquakes. Wind vectors influence everything including direction of water ripples, dynamic weather patterns, thunderstorms, all done in EAX sound. Running rivers freeze over, characters have to physically wade through snow.

Terrain rendering which is the only engine out there which could do Middle Earth any justice. That's mountains, not that landfill nonsense- climbing skills to climb those mountains. Boats, balloons, hang gliders, paragliders, cable cars, rideable mounts( including giant running birds, two seater fully controllable dragons, mules for pulling carts and more promised), full size dragon transports (of size that would do Tolkien justice), teleportation, snow boarding on shields- great fun!. The world has a constellation manager- that's a real moving celestial sphere which will impact on the game, including cosmic events such as meteors and eclipses and quests which result from those events or fortuitous circumstances for certain classes/ factions during those events. Combat involves combos.

Dungeons may well be in the first release (if '05), and even underwater cities have been seriously mentioned by the devs on more than one occasion. External enviroment is visible from inside through windows. They have managers for these enviroments. The social system includes a system of titles and has a well researched consistency. The number of fortresses will be scaled to player numbers with collosal numbers possible. There are ten kingdoms, increasing in difficulty, culminating in a realm of godly powers. Seiges will be inherent to the game mechanics. It has seige warfare, including seige engines. Player driven economy. Optional player developed towns around upgradable fortresses. House ownership, customizable. The experience system is another original idea- consisting of social and combat axes which should suit all styles of play but is also designed to encourage players to pursue the central social premise of the game, without precluding players who are more solitary or want to explore. Gamesmasters. Potentially better than any AI will ever be. No spawn points for monsters which means no camping and more believability. Animals will travel across the land. No item drops but ingredients for crafting instead.



And this baby is develloped where I was born ! Reunion Island R00l3z >_<
Tried to get a job there, but they never answered me though :/
It must be cool to work in a studio in the middle of Indian Ocean :/


Chili Con Carnage!
nice engine, dont see the point of the game though.

I wish MMORPG devs would concentrate more on the content (ie. a game that is fun) and less on the graphics, everything besides WoW just seems to be an attempt to build the best engine.

Personally i want worlds where NPCs and Mobs dont just stand around waiting for you to talk to/attack them, so they have goals of their own. But thats not pretty so i guess i'll never see it.


This game will be such an abject failure...

which is a shame, because it has some nice ideas... and a kinda nice engine... but the same thing that makes you go whoa (i.e. huge absolutely expansive world) will probably be the samething that marks its downfall (i.e. it's too random, too difficult/takes too long to get around)... that and it's fugly generic setting.

And the extreme competition that it faces from other existing and looming MMORPGs
Neutron Night said:
Umm....yes. Exactly. DnL is a perfect example of what I want in a game. What are you trying to say?

That it is a perfect example of what I DON'T want in a game.

Neutron Night said:
Of course not. It looks better than everything else, obviously.

Sure - if you're judging "looks" purely by the environments, pure number of polygons, and copious bump-mapping, and willing to overlook things like modelling, textures, material effects, animation, design, and artwork.

Neutron Night said:
UGH. Keep that Max Payne shit away from RPGs, especially MMOs. I want awesome lush outdoor environments in my MMORPG's.

You can't play every MMO out there; God knows it's hard enough to play even one. Who are you to dictate what is and isn't permitted design-wise? Non-fantasy MMOs are likely to appeal to a new audience. Witness the great success of City of Heroes.

Neutron Night said:
Why? Seriously. This game does everything better.

No, this game does everything differently. Whether it's "better" or not is subjective and dependent on what you're looking for in an MMO. And what want from MMO is not what everyone else is looking for.

I don't care about weather, worldsize, factions, tradeskills, mounts, player-driven economy, property, etc. The only thing I care about with any game - singleplayer, multiplayer, massively multiplayer - is: is it fun?

And to me, this game does not sound fun at all.
Personally i want worlds where NPCs and Mobs dont just stand around waiting for you to talk to/attack them, so they have goals of their own. But thats not pretty so i guess i'll never see it.

Did you even read the post??

"No spawn points for monsters which means no camping and more believability. Animals will travel across the land."

This game will be such an abject failure...

which is a shame, because it has some nice ideas... and a kinda nice engine... but the same thing that makes you go whoa (i.e. huge absolutely expansive world) will probably be the samething that marks its downfall (i.e. it's too random, too difficult/takes too long to get around)... that and it's fugly generic setting.

And the extreme competition that it faces from other existing and looming MMORPGs

A. There are a dozen types of transportation which make you go faster.

B. If they deliver half of what they say, there is no reason to play any other MMORPG. The only way this game fails is if either the devs are lying, or people are idiots. Unfortunately, the second one could be a problem.

That it is a perfect example of what I DON'T want in a game.

Sorry complexity scares you.

Sure - if you're judging "looks" purely by the environments, pure number of polygons, and copious bump-mapping, and willing to overlook things like modelling, textures, material effects, animation, design, and artwork.

The only bad artwork is the character models, everything else looks great. This is what enviroments look like. Besides, this game is not about art, it's about gameplay. The huge seamless world makes the gameplay possible. Isn't that the point?

You can't play every MMO out there; God knows it's hard enough to play even one. Who are you to dictate what is and isn't permitted design-wise? Non-fantasy MMOs are likely to appeal to a new audience. Witness the great success of City of Heroes.

City of Heros is just an glorified MMO action game. Incredibly simplistic. You want to pay $15 a month for that, go right ahead. I'll pass. Obviously, I'm only going to be interested in MMO that give me what I want, not what someone else wants. How are you any different?

I don't care about weather, worldsize, factions, tradeskills, mounts, player-driven economy, property, etc. The only thing I care about with any game - singleplayer, multiplayer, massively multiplayer - is: is it fun?

And to me, this game does not sound fun at all.

You don't think any of those things you mentioned have anything to do with whether the game is fun? If you're going to spend a shitload of time and a monthly fee on an MMORPG, it has be HUGE and DEEP. It has to offer something you can't get in a single-player game. That's EXACTLY what this game does. When I first heard about MMORPGs back in the day, I imagined it was something like this. Needless to say I was dissapointed. Now it's finally here, the first ever MASSIVE online RPG. No gimmick, no angle, just everything an MMORPG is supposed to be, in one game. All of the problems of other games, a fractured small world, dozens of servers, a boring level treadmill, are all gone in this game. This is IT.


Personally, it looks like garbage. Not technically but where is the art? Looks like they went crazy with a fractal terrain generator without much thought. Granted these are only a few shots but it hardly looks like they put much effort into crafting each zone to fit a purpose. I don't care much about a seamless, massive, world with real weather, it doesn't sound like fun to me so far.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
I agree with the comment that it looks like a random generated terrain... mostly empty, huge mountains that look very bland.

They still have a while to work on it though

So far, dragon empire interest me more. Tabula Rasa aswell if its a fast paced MMORPG, could suit me well with all the work and other games i'll have to play..
I agree with the comment that it looks like a random generated terrain... mostly empty, huge mountains that look very bland.

Uh, wrong. Did you even bother looking at the other screens? When you get closer than 20 miles, it gets a little less empty. Troll.

And it's mostly NOT randomly generated.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Haha, did you perhaps invest all your money into that game's development? Why so defensive?

Yes i did see the screenshots, all of them in fact, and if the old GA archives would still be available you could search my past topics and see i've made quite a few about Dark n Light and it was never negative.

Get the cock out of your mouth for a minute and try and stop calling anyone who doesnt share the same vision as you have about this game a troll?

I never said it was randomly generated, i said it looks like it, you know, the bazillion randomly generated fractal terrain you see as wallpapers of the mid 90's .
Seriously, I mean, it's great he's looking forward to the game and all, but he seems absolutely unable to comprehend a universe in which other people feel differently. It's 2 shots of funny, 1 shot of scary.

Neutron Night said:
City of Heros is just an glorified MMO action game. Incredibly simplistic. You want to pay $15 a month for that, go right ahead. I'll pass. Obviously, I'm only going to be interested in MMO that give me what I want, not what someone else wants. How are you any different?

Okay, here's how I'm different:

I, too, am only interested in MMOs that give me what I want. However, UNLIKE YOU, I understand that what I want is not necessarily what everyone else wants.

Just because I'm not looking forward to Dark and Light doesn't mean I think it's going to be terrible, or that I think you're stupid for looking forward to it. I never said or even implied those things. I understand that it appeals, greatly, to some people. YOU should try to understand that it DOESN'T appeal to some as well - and that this isn't trolling, a character flaw, stupidity, or a mistake, but ainstead valid expression of gaming preference.
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