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More PSP details....


I know, but how am I expected to effectively make fun of the PSP without this useful bit of information? :)

(and I'm assuming that Sony does expect you to wear that damned thing on your wrist ;p)
So let's rack this up -

.crap battery life

.no mp3 out of the box

.games/movies priced at console/dvd levels

.additional battery a forced purchase

.pricing unknown but all accounts seem to place it at home console levels

The whole "next Walkman" thing is out the window IMHO


Fafracer forever
Ferarrismo said:
But seriously, my only serious problem with the PSP is the proprietary nature of the UMD. Meaning I'm SOL if I want to burn some MP3s or copy movies onto a UMD.
That's called read-only, not proprietary. :p You know, a bit like CD used to be for first 5 years of its existence.

Incidentially UMD will be in other devices too - it's not limited to PSP or Sony alone. Whether it will stay readonly, and how successfull it's going to be, is another matter.


These are due out in the fall...







They play WMV, WMA, MP3, and show pictures.

They do not check for DRM or anything on the videos you copy and convert onto them... they'll take DivXes, AVIs, MPEGs, anything you want. They get converted to WMV and copied.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Do they also play PS2 graphics level games and support Wi-Fi?

How about the price? How's the screen compared to the (awesome) PSP one?


TTP said:
Do they also play PS2 graphics level games and support Wi-Fi?

How about the price? How's the screen compared to the (awesome) PSP one?

No, but they're good media players, unlike the PSP. Get one of each! ;-)

aoi tsuki

aaaaa0 said:
No, but they're good media players, unlike the PSP. Get one of each! ;-)
They're also devices made by companies that don't have vested interests in music and movies like Sony does. i don't blame Sony for including both in the PSP, it's just that the implementations so far looks too cumbersome to be worth it.


I'm a big PSP supporter, and honestly, I'm positive it will be successful and hold a lead over DS , but these little 'tidbits' are getting annoying. I'm not worried about the whole converting MP3 to ATRACT thing, because I've done it before and it's quick and sound quality is the same.

Sony needs to come on out and confirm things instead of leaving it up in the air for speculation.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
It speaks volumes that Edge magazine editors were that impressed with PSP, (to proclaim death of GBA), and no tiny misworded tidbits can change the global positive outlook they gave.

They do not check for DRM or anything on the videos you copy and convert onto them... they'll take DivXes, AVIs, MPEGs, anything you want. They get converted to WMV and copied.
In other words, that's the same thing you can already do with Pocket PCs, (or even PSP as you have to convert videos to appropriate format). Samsung's device looks nice, though, but the screen looks very small. I'm not even sure why is Microsoft pushing this whole concept when their Pocket PC already does all that and more... Focused handheld media playback machines (where the media is not a standard DVD) - I'm not sure how popular that will be.


StrikerObi said:
They really have no clue what they're doing in the handheld market. It's hilarious how much of a joke this thing is already becoming. They're going to get bitch slapped by Nintendo, maybe not even with DS but with the plain old GBA SP.

I'm a Sony fan and all, but the PSP is sounding more and more like a joke product. Battery pack on your wrist, yeeeesh. Xboxnext will outsell the PSP.


Marconelly said:
It speaks volumes that Edge magazine editors were that impressed with PSP, (to proclaim death of GBA), and no tiny misworded tidbits can change the global positive outlook they gave.

I know they are considered nintendo haters but maybe they are right? Sony are being very smart here.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Admín said:
hahahah A memory stick big enough to hold a movie would cost more than a PSP. What a joke!

$49.98 for 128 MB ( always go Sandisk ), for as low as $68 you can get a 256 MB one and for as low as $129 you can get a 512 MB one.

With 128 MB, ATRAC3+ and getting funky with the MPEG4 AVC compressor ( simple solution: not going for DVD quality [max quality setting] ).

They plan to store of very colorful and fast moving movies like 2-2.5 hours on a single 1.8 GB UMD and that would go to 4+ hours with a lower ( but still very good quality ) MPEG4 AVC compression setting. This would give about 2 hours or more with 450 MB: now, you can reduce the size of the movie by going to 16 bits color from the default 24 bits per color, and you can reduce the resolution a bit and you can prolly fit a nice 2 hours movie in a single 256 MB Memory Stick Pro Duo module.

You can fit shorter movies, music videos and music with your game saves ina single cheap 128 MB Memory Stick Pro Duo module.


Oh God. This is getting ridiculous.


...but not quite sexy enough, Sony.


The wrist band battery thing is dumb, so dumb that I don't believe it or any company would be dumb enough to even give thought of it. I think SCEE's prez has no idea what he's talking about.


Sony releases a wearable battery pack for PSP="PSP is a joke! Sony does not know what they are doing!"

Nintendo releases the wearable "Power Pack" for the DS (with stronger upgradable batteries available online for $39.99): "Nintendo is innovative! What a good idea!"


That doesn't mean Nintendo is out of the clear. The entire concept of wearing a battery pack is stupid.



Make it small enough to fit into my pocket and it'll be fine.


Insertia said:
That doesn't mean Nintendo is out of the clear. The entire concept of wearing a battery pack is stupid.



Make it small enough to fit into my pocket and it'll be fine.



There's no link or wearable battery for Nintendo DS. He was playing 'Wag the Dog'. Either way you slice it, a wearable battery is one of the most idiotic ideas ever put into action. A freaking wearable battery pack. Say that several times, won't you? Wearable. Battery. Pack.

Hell no.


Why is it surprising that PSP games will cost the same as console games? After all, the production costs are the same and the games are similar in content. As for UMD movies, DVD movies don't cost much to press, yet have an MSRP of $30, so again it's no surprise.


Yeah, but apparently it's in other interviews dating back to E3 or farther.

Wearable. Battery. Pack...
Panajev2001a said:
$49.98 for 128 MB ( always go Sandisk ), for as low as $68 you can get a 256 MB one and for as low as $129 you can get a 512 MB one.

With 128 MB, ATRAC3+ and getting funky with the MPEG4 AVC compressor ( simple solution: not going for DVD quality [max quality setting] ).

They plan to store of very colorful and fast moving movies like 2-2.5 hours on a single 1.8 GB UMD and that would go to 4+ hours with a lower ( but still very good quality ) MPEG4 AVC compression setting. This would give about 2 hours or more with 450 MB: now, you can reduce the size of the movie by going to 16 bits color from the default 24 bits per color, and you can reduce the resolution a bit and you can prolly fit a nice 2 hours movie in a single 256 MB Memory Stick Pro Duo module.

You can fit shorter movies, music videos and music with your game saves ina single cheap 128 MB Memory Stick Pro Duo module.

Pana, you're assuming average joe is willing to go through all of this just to watch a movie.


SolidSnakex said:
You could just simply not wear the battery pack. Just because it was created to be worn doesn't mean you actually have to do it.

I guess you could rest it on your crotch. Put rumble in the pack and Sony might have something! ;)


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Every PSP thread thus far has been more about wagging the dog as well, and this one is no different.

Lost Weekend said:
Wearable. Battery. Pack...
You. Are. Not. Forced. To. Wear. It. So. Why. Give. A. Shit?

With regard to the possibility of ATRAC only music playback on the PSP, I guess I have 2 questions for the crowd: 1) Did any of you really expect that MP3 would be the last format you'd have to convert to for portable music? and 2) Considering the DRM movement isn't going anywhere and is only likely to grow in influence over digital music distribution, what's everyone's opinion as to what should be the standard, given that there isn't one...AAC? WMA? ATRAC? Or Something Else?

Don't presume that my questions are in defense of Sony's choice - what I'm trying to understand is what the specific objection is here, given that the history of portable music is rife with conversions to new/different formats. In my own time, I've recorded cassette tapes, burnt CDs, mixed Minidiscs and now most recently been shuffling tracks between flash media and hdd units. Conversions that have occurred along the way are almost irrelevant because its part and parcel to the overall act of moving my music between different, incompatible portable playback devices. At least in the early days with cassette tapes the physical media and the data format of the song existed in a 1:1 relationship but now you spend more time worrying about whether your device supports one (or more) of many data formats. I have a Creative Nomad Zen jukebox at the moment. It supports, WAV, MP3 and WMA, but not AAC. So if I want to buy a song from iTunes, my only recourse is to burn CD and then rip again to one of the supported formats on the Zen.

Anyone who likes to take their music with them has probably spent more time converting and migrating their music library over the years than they care to admit and the current situation is no different for any of us. So what is the PSP bringing to the table that is any different from what we've grown accustomed to and what we currently deal with?


The only way I see myself buying one of these things is if they have some kind of amazing game, or I start travelling a lot more.


force push the doodoo rock
omg what if the battery runs off kinetic energy!?!?!?! thats why you have to wear it on your wrist!!!



Panajev2001a said:
How is this limited ?

You cannot play .mp3... whaaaaa whaaaaaa whaa wha.... the software you will use to put the music on the Memory Stick will do the conversion for you on the fly.

What is the issue ?
Please Panajev... Do I really look like a guy willing to convert his 192 kbits mp3 files to the shitty 48 kbits ATRAC3+ format? Don'T tell me it sounds the same, I've had a netMD (707) for 2 years now, and believe me, it just sux, plain and simple. The ATRAC3+ format is a joke.

If you want *quality* music playback, I believe you'll have to skip on the PSP, unless you just don't care about what you're listening to...

As for movies... well I certainly don't see the point of buying umd movies, and I certainly won't buy a 1000$ 1 GB memory stick to fill my needs for "video on the go" it's either play games, listen to music or read, not pay 20$ for a lesser quality movie release on a tiny handheld screen were I'll miss all the details.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Fularu said:
Panajev2001a said:
How is this limited ?

You cannot play .mp3... whaaaaa whaaaaaa whaa wha.... the software you will use to put the music on the Memory Stick will do the conversion for you on the fly.

What is the issue ?
Please Panajev... Do I really look like a guy willing to convert his 192 kbits mp3 files to the shitty 48 kbits ATRAC3+ format? Don'T tell me it sounds the same, I've had a netMD (707) for 2 years now, and believe me, it just sux, plain and simple. The ATRAC3+ format is a joke.

Nice change of tactics man, you only took like the lowest quality setting for ATRAC3+.

I listen to tons of comedy on ATRAC3 at 64 Kbps ( lowest quality possible in that format IIRC ) and I have lots of CD ripped at 132 Kbps ATRAC3 that sound quite good actually.

Also, maybe take something better than 192 Kbps .mp3 files: oh wait, you cannot as these files sound cough...Kazaaa-ed...cough... ;).

Take a CD you own ;), convert it to 132 Kbps ATRAC3+ and it will sound great.


Junior Member
Panajev2001a said:
Who walks around town uninterrupted for more than 2 hours without being able to sit down, connect the battery pack and help the PSP re-charge ?

The same guy who takes long flights overseas, or from NYC to LA, hell, from Boston to Miami with car travel, waiting in the terminal, etc. How about a drive to the beach? I live in Philly, about an hour away from the beach. I'm screwed if I want to play on the drive their, play on the drive back. Then I have to plan for the next time I want to play by plugging it in. I may be the only guy but I hate the fact that my cellphone battery is running out of juice quicker and quicker. The ideal would be for the battery to last me a week, with minimal usage. But after 3-4 days, I'd better charge it or it'll die at the worst time. It's not that it's that big of deal, but it can be when all of a sudden, it becomes another factor or annoyance. I bought a GBA in the beginning cuz I needed entertainment for my 14 hour flight to Australia. The whole purpose of having a GBA in the beginning was for portable play. I play it a lot now cuz of Advance Wars. But I didn't originally, it was just their for travel. It'll be a nice hurdle for customers when everybody starts bitching about the battery.

Quit the BS. There's a few chinks in the armour.

I shouldn't even get on ATRAC. Sure, Sony uses it for MD players but ask most MD owners, the software sucks. I hate it. I don't use my MD player as much cuz it's a hassle. If I ever get the urge to leave the house in 2 minutes, then decide I want to upload some new music, it's a wait. A wait for too long just to have some music. Then it becomes another thing I have to plan for. That's why I can't stand the fucker. Say you wake up in the morning and right before you leave, a song pops up into your head that you want to listen to. Well, sit you ass back down and wait the five minutes it takes just to upload it. Of course five minutes is an exaggeration for one song, but I've never uploaded just one song onto my MD. So, it's become more of a pain in the ass. And Real Player is hated on this board and for good reason. It's barely better for MD players and sucks in general. WTF happened to convenience?


GAF's Pleasant Genius
skinnyrattler said:
The same guy who takes long flights overseas, or from NYC to LA, hell, from Boston to Miami with car travel, waiting in the terminal, etc. How about a drive to the beach? I live in Philly, about an hour away from the beach. I'm screwed if I want to play on the drive their, play on the drive back. Then I have to plan for the next time I want to play by plugging it in. I may be the only guy but I hate the fact that my cellphone battery is running out of juice quicker and quicker. The ideal would be for the battery to last me a week, with minimal usage. But after 3-4 days, I'd better charge it or it'll die at the worst time. It's not that it's that big of deal, but it can be when all of a sudden, it becomes another factor or annoyance. I bought a GBA in the beginning cuz I needed entertainment for my 14 hour flight to Australia. The whole purpose of having a GBA in the beginning was for portable play. I play it a lot now cuz of Advance Wars. But I didn't originally, it was just their for travel. It'll be a nice hurdle for customers when everybody starts bitching about the battery.

If you are on a plane, on a long car ride: I do not see the issue with the extra battery pack. It fits in a pocket or purse or backpack quite nicely.

You guys are already assuming that 99% of PSP games will last for about 2 hours maximum before the unit is even out.

Quit the BS. There's a few chinks in the armour.
I shouldn't even get on ATRAC. Sure, Sony uses it for MD players but ask most MD owners, the software sucks. I hate it. I don't use my MD player as much cuz it's a hassle. If I ever get the urge to leave the house in 2 minutes, then decide I want to upload some new music, it's a wait. A wait for too long just to have some music. Then it becomes another thing I have to plan for. That's why I can't stand the fucker. Say you wake up in the morning and right before you leave, a song pops up into your head that you want to listen to. Well, sit you ass back down and wait the five minutes it takes just to upload it. Of course five minutes is an exaggeration for one song, but I've never uploaded just one song onto my MD. So, it's become more of a pain in the ass. And Real Player is hated on this board and for good reason. It's barely better for MD players and sucks in general. WTF happened to convenience?

I have a MD player, the software is fine and has never given me problems. RealPlayer One as far as NetMD music management is fine and REalPlayer is generally hated for other things mostly and is also quite a sport to hate on it on GAF.

Keep all your songs in ATRAC3+ format on the PC, do not delete them and then keep adding to the collection: the transfer of the songs will not take that much ( it does not even on USB 1.1 ).
See what kind of shit happens when you get excited about portable systems? You realize that nothing really good can happen. I hope you've learned a valuable lesson. That lesson is: PORTABLE SYSTEMS SUCK.


Authorized Fister
For those who question the ATRAC3plus codec. With Sonicstage 2.0, there's UNLIMITED check in/out so it's not an hassle anymore, actually, I find it much easier and efficient than iTunes. As for the codec itself, there the 256kbps ATRAC3plus version, which will destroy any MP3, AAC for its sound quality. So no, you don't have to use the 45kpbs version since there's a much higher quality codec available and it's backwards compatible with any ATRAC3plus device.


It's funny, this back and forth is going to continue until the DS and PSP's launches while the reality is that both will be niche formats at the most. The GBA SP probably has two more great holidays to look forward to before Nintendo decides to move forward with the next GB. I think Edge is being a little hasty by declaring the death of the GB--plenty of competitors thought they had it beat. And all this little things questions that are poping up about the DS and PSP don't generate a lot of confidence in either product.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Yeah, but apparently it's in other interviews dating back to E3 or farther.
I'd like to see that interview, because from all I've seen, it was never mentioned. I think IGN just made some assumption about it, and even if it's true, noone will beat you with the stick over the head if you just put it in the backpack or a pocket. That's of course if you are even willing to buy such a thing in the first place.


ge-man said:
It's funny, this back and forth is going to continue until the DS and PSP's launches while the reality is that both will be niche formats at the most. The GBA SP probably has two more great holidays to look forward to before Nintendo decides to move forward with the next GB. I think Edge is being a little hasty by declaring the death of the GB--plenty of competitors thought they had it beat. And all this little things questions that are poping up about the DS and PSP don't generate a lot of confidence in either product.

Well, to be fair, Gameboy has never faced competition as fierce as PSP. AT the moment, I'm looking forward to more games for PSP then GBA:SP...and the thing isn't even released yet...


And even i am moderately surprised
depends on two things

1. how much does it cost?
2. how necessary it is to in order to get decent life out of the PSP?

we don`t know either yet , but hopefully pre-orders slips in Tsutaya etc will give a hint in a month or so`s time.


Marconelly said:
It speaks volumes that Edge magazine editors were that impressed with PSP, (to proclaim death of GBA), and no tiny misworded tidbits can change the global positive outlook they gave.

In other words, that's the same thing you can already do with Pocket PCs, (or even PSP as you have to convert videos to appropriate format). Samsung's device looks nice, though, but the screen looks very small. I'm not even sure why is Microsoft pushing this whole concept when their Pocket PC already does all that and more... Focused handheld media playback machines (where the media is not a standard DVD) - I'm not sure how popular that will be.

Try hooking your PocketPC to a home theatre system. :)

I think all of the above units also have video out, so you can take your TV shows or videos over to a friends place, and just plug it directly into a TV.

Also they all have at least 20GB storage. Can't do that with a PocketPC.

And they have better battery life than most PocketPCs playing media because they're optimized for media.

Plus they have a much better UI than PocketPCs for media tasks.

They're not the same at all.

Portable Media Centers are trying to be the iPod of media, PocketPCs are a PC in your pocket.


<<I'd rather put that external battery in my pocket then wear it on my wrist and look retarded.

each of the green lights represent what now?>>

I think the reason Sony wants you to wear it on your wrist and not in your pocket, is because if you wore it in your pocket, no one would be able to see that big PSP logo. =)
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