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Mortal Kombat 7 Confirmed for Next Generation Consoles


With Mortal Kombat: Deception still two months from release, it comes as quite a surprise that we are reporting on the first news of Mortal Kombat 7! According to a statement by Midway Games CEO David Zucker at the RBC Capital Markets North American Technology Conference in California, the next chapter in the series is underway. From the webcast:

We’re making Mortal Kombat 7. We’ll have a PS3 SKU and an Xbox 2 SKU and we’ll have a wireless SKU.

If any new developments surface we'll keep you updated. You can here the webcast for yourself by clicking here


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Wireless SKU? Can I assume that means a totally unrelated game made for cell phones?


Companies like Midway aren't going to start taking the Revolution seriously until next year when we get more solid facts, and see what there is to see at E3. My Nintendo fanboy heart rages, but I can't really blame them.


Lost Weekend said:
Companies like Midway aren't going to start taking the Revolution seriously until next year when we get more solid facts, and see what there is to see at E3. My Nintendo fanboy heart rages, but I can't really blame them.

Isn't there just as many facts about Revolution as there are about PS3 and Xenon?


I'd imagine no. I'm sure Microsoft has prelim kits sent to many an american dev house, and, well, sony is the industry leader and a definite main focus. I would expect the only american dev houses with even a glimpse of Nintendo Revolution spec or kit are Nintendo owned. I'm sure a few trusted japanese devs are in the know, though.


Look at this this way mike, EA has no solid word on Revolution from Nintendo but they're already working on 4-6 Xenon launch games.


jedimike said:
Isn't there just as many facts about Revolution as there are about PS3 and Xenon?

I'm tired of you.

FACT-we know more about Sony's next console 'cos it's high profile

FACT-we know even more about Xenon 'cos it's coming out next year

FACT-we hardly know anything solid about "Revolution" 'cos Nintendo traditionally is tight-lipped about new hardware (hell we don't even know what the new peripheral is gonna be for GAMECUBE and it's coming out this Christmas)

FACT-most people don't care about Nintendo, Nintendo has low pressence & a bad image, it's about their only true weakness...so heck yeah companies aren't gonna care one way or another about Nintendo until Nintendo fixes their image

FACT-once Nintendo fixes their image with the "Revolution" unveiling I garauntee you the industry will start caring more

FACT-I'm sick of you, you're not even posting for entertainment, you're just trying to push buttons in a way that doesn't even get a chuckle out of anyone
jarrod said:
Look at this this way mike, EA has no solid word on Revolution from Nintendo but they're already working on 4-6 Xenon launch games.

EA's boss did say that they thought that next gen, that XENON will have a chance of pulling the table cloth from under sony or something. They're hedging their bets (but then I'm sure MS gave them buckets of CASH).

Regardless, personally.. no japanese RPGs = No Xenon.


They're misquoting Zucker. What he really said was in a purely hypothetical context. Somebody asked him about wireless games, and he said that yes, they're going to become ubiquitous in the market these days -- the direct quote is "you'll be making Mortal Kombat 7, you'll have a PS3 SKU, you'll have an Xbox 2 SKU, and you'll have a wireless SKU."

Not that I don't think they will make another Mortal Kombat for next-gen consoles, but he didn't "confirm" anything today.



DrGAKMAN said:
I'm tired of you owning me

FACT-I know very little about PS3

FACT-I know very little about Xenon

FACT-I know very little about Revolution

Fact - I like to assume things and then quote them as FACT

FACT-most people don't care about Nintendo, Nintendo has low pressence & a bad image, it's about their only true weakness...so heck yeah companies aren't gonna care one way or another about Nintendo until Nintendo fixes their image

FACT-once Nintendo fixes their image with the "Revolution" unveiling I garauntee you the industry will start caring more

FACT-I'm sick of you, you're not even posting for entertainment, you're just trying to push buttons in a way that doesn't even get a chuckle out of me


and here's your 4 page FAQ on Revolution



Judging by the unknown input nature of the Revolution, and the guesswork of that FAQ, I wouldn't expect any game company to use it to write up a design document. It would be like a company making a DS game before they knew it had a mic, second touch screen, and wireless/WiFi abilities.


Lost Weekend said:
Judging by the unknown input nature of the Revolution, and the guesswork of that FAQ, I wouldn't expect any game company to use it to write up a design document. It would be like a company making a DS game before they knew it had a mic, second touch screen, and wireless/WiFi abilities.

Exactly...IGN's four pages of fluff & guesses don't count as facts.

It's funny how I'm being realistic and calling out Nintendo's weaknesses in this and other threads, but whenever I say anything possitive about "Revolution" or negative about Xenon he (and others) says I'm pulling shit from my ass when I clearly stated several times that what I reiterate here are what we all should know if we're keeping tabs on next generation. I'm being realistic and I even note myself that things can change...but from what we know now "Revolution" is NOT going to be a purple toy like GAMECUBE was and Xenon is NOT going to be the most powerful fully featured system that X-BOX was. Sorry for calling it how I see it. Nowhere do I say "Revolution" beating Xenon or Xenon failing so calm down with this L33t X-BOT crap it's so damned annoying.
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