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Mosque in Peterborough, Canada set on fire. Mosques in Florida receive bomb threats.

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No! But at the same time I think we can differentiate people being angry at the situation from murderers killing hundreds to terrorize the world.

Setting fire to a Mosque and threatening violence against children is "being angry" now... Interesting take on the situation.


No! But at the same time I think we can differentiate people being angry at the situation from murderers killing hundreds to terrorize the world.

Being angry at a situation and setting fire to a mosque are pretty different situations.

What happened in France and this are both terrorist acts.
No! But at the same time I think we can differentiate people being angry at the situation from murderers killing hundreds to terrorize the world.

Burning down buildings and threatening to murder people with the explicit intent of scaring muslims is a bit of a leap from "being angry".


Good thing these semantic games tie into the point I was going to make:

Terrorism is defined as "the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes". Despite the fact that media is trying very hard to portray terrorism as a concept to radical Islam, terrorism is not uniquely Islamic and has a denotative definition.

Using the tactics of terrorism makes you a terrorist - after all, the only way to logically be categorized as a terrorist, one who commits acts of terrorism, is to commit acts of terrorism.

ISIS isn't just a group of particularly vile people - ISIS is a representation of the concept of terrorism, the memetic (in the sociological sense) idea of using of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce. Just killing the members of ISIS is not enough to stop that which ISIS embodies. And if we adopt their vile tactics and ideology, they have won in a most absolute way.

I would use an analogy of surgery to how we must deal with ISIS - an incision will be necessary to have the opportunity to remove the growth, but while just stabbing into the already open wound might obliterate whatever specific growth you are targeting, the patient (in this case humanity as a whole) will die. You can't just remove entire organs too - finesse is needed and in the end the incision must be closed and the body given time to heal.

EDIT: i took too long typing to make my point in a timely manner, but i think my paradigm and analogy are still valid and usefup


Black Canada Mafia
No! But at the same time I think we can differentiate people being angry at the situation from murderers killing hundreds to terrorize the world.
You don't think most terrorists/suicide bombers have similar origins?


Hooray for idiots doing exactly what ISIS wants. Gotta generate new recruitment materials about how the West are waging war on Islam by burning mosques.


Being angry at a situation and setting fire to a mosque are pretty different situations.

What happened in France and this are both terrorist acts.
This is what happens when a white guy can shoot up a church, theater, wherever and have plans for bombs all over their apartment but are simply called lone wolves or mentally disturbed. Terrorists can apparently only be Muslims.


For you.
Terrible, but some of you are acting as if these are in anyway comparable to blowing up and shooting hundreds of people.

No one has done that. Who are the imaginary people you're reading exactly?

No! But at the same time I think we can differentiate people being angry at the situation from murderers killing hundreds to terrorize the world.
Did you miss that the threats included killing hundreds of innocent people and bombing?Did you miss FUCKIGN SETTING FIRE TO A MOSQUE? Those aren't "people being angry at the situation". Those are fucking terrorists as well.

Evening Musuko

Black Korea
This is what happens when a white guy can shoot up a church, theater, wherever and have plans for bombs all over their apartment but are simply called lone wolves or mentally disturbed. Terrorists can apparently only be Muslims.

It's much harder to paint an "Us vs. Them" narrative when the perpetrator looks like the majority.


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
Thought my fellow Canadians were better than that. Shame on everyone who commits acts like this. Embarrassing.

Just because you live in Canada doesnt mean there arent bigots and racists walking around still. My gf is muslim and her mother used to wear a hijab. After 9/11 while my gf was shopping with her mom a fellow Canadian went up to her called her a terrorist, used strong language and told her to rot in hell. Ever since then her mom will never wear a hijab in public again, she felt frightened, feared for her life and didnt want to be labelled as a "terrorists" ever again


The fundraiser (to help rebuild the Peterborough mosque) just hit the initial goal of 80K, now it's going for 100K. Nice. Faith in humanity restored a bit.
ISIS leaders are basically high fiving each other now as this is exactly what they want.

Pretty much. To think part of the route in defeating terror is to not give into the "blind hatred". What the attack on Paris did was rouse anti-Muslim assholes who target anybody that's Muslim and use them as scapegoats. This, in turn, gives non-violent Muslims a reason to hate the West, buckle down and join ISIS(among many other terror groups, because face it, Westerners are going to single them out regardless if they are peaceful). It's adding fuel to the fire. Yeah, ISIS is saying, "Good, those Westerns are scaring more Muslims in our direction. Bring them on in, they'll make a good army!".


Just because you live in Canada doesnt mean there arent bigots and racists walking around still. My gf is muslim and her mother used to wear a hijab. After 9/11 while my gf was shopping with her mom a fellow Canadian went up to her called her a terrorist, used strong language and told her to rot in hell. Ever since then her mom will never wear a hijab in public again, she felt frightened, feared for her life and didnt want to be labelled as a "terrorists" ever again
A few months ago, I walked into a Tim Horton's with my aunt who wears a hijab and some white dude gave her an ugly look and said "you just ruined my coffee" and walked out. I was shocked.
One of the most depressing parts is that Muslims are one of ISIS's biggest targets, they've killed countless innocent Muslims in the middle east because they aren't sided with them, all these idiots are doing by burning down mosques and threatening Muslims in our own countries is doing ISIS's work for them.


No! But at the same time I think we can differentiate people being angry at the situation from murderers killing hundreds to terrorize the world.

The reason terrorists murder and terrorize in the first place is because they're angry about their situation. ISIS aren't decapitating people because they're bored at home.


I remember when Jesus said to bomb anyone who wrongs you...

It never ceases to amaze me how un-Christian some Christians can be...


The reason terrorists murder and terrorize in the first place is because they're angry about their situation. ISIS aren't decapitating people because they're bored at home.

Yeah, reading that back and other comments it then hit me, shit...exactly. That's how it starts.

Again very sorry.


Some of the shit I have to read on my FB on this whole incident makes me fking rage. Only reason why I don't engage these idiots is because it's a waste of my time and also for the sake of my sanity.

One of my very good Muslim friends told me that at times he wishes he wasn't labelled just as a muslim because after each attack like this he and his family has to face discrimination even without doing anything wrong. I felt so damn bad for him.


This will surely stop ISIL in the Middle East, attacking the mosques of regular Muslims on the other side of the world.


Do we know they were Christian?

Either way this is terrible. Probably some punk kids.

True - but with the amount of anti-Muslim rehtoric coming from many of the so-called Christians lately, it's hard to believe that these acts aren't the work of individuals that claim to be Christian.

Maybe it's because Mosques are the most "visible" Islamic targets, but if this wasn't at least partly a religious statement I would imagine other "islamic" locations would have been targeted (such as an islamic school or islamic center - which exist in my area and are not 'mosques')

Ultimately, it's sad that these religions that preach love and tolerance are used as a platform for other agendas. And it's not just Islam - it's all religions.

I just don't understand (in the case of Christianity) - where is the misunderstanding of Jesus' teaching that the 2nd most important commandment was to love they neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:28-31).
Where do you get all the killing and war mongering out of that?

Anyway - my post was a frustrated knee-jerk reaction more than anything else...

edit: words
Nah Ontario, outside of the GTA, is probably the worst.

Lol no. Is this the racist Ontario you're talking about? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9rFprD_Qf4

He's right, rural Western Canada and Quebec are where most racists are, based on hate crimes per capita.

This attack is unfortunate and I hope they find out who did this.

lol OK.

Toronto suburbs elected Rob Ford

Toronto suburbs, where all the immigrants live, elected Rob Ford, the white parts of Toronto voted Smitherman. Take that for what you will.
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