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Most Haunted Appreciation thread

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Anyone else watch this show from the UK? If you haven't seen it, it is about a team of investigators who go into the most haunted places on the British Isles and spend a night. They start by discussing the history of the location and then flip on the night vision cameras and start recording.

Sometimes you hear strange noises and see glowing orb style light anomolies but other times the spiratual medium guy gets possesed and starts shouting like a mad man!


Smegging smeg of a smeg!
What channel is it on? Channel 4 gets a lot of DVD's put out and if it's the BBC, maybe BBC America will pick it up.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
The most convincing one was where the video footage shows the beds and chairs moving about on their own.

edit- It's on Living TV, you can get the DVDs from amazon.co.uk
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