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Most thrilling moment in a game?


What do you think is the most thrilling moment in a game that you've played?

I'm sure I'll think of something better in a couple of minutes, but my vote goes to the end boss in Area 04 of Rez -- specifically, when the guitars are screaming over the techno track, the tunnel starts twisting, and you realize that the boss has morphed into a giant running man.


Omega Pirate on Hard
Metroid Prime on Hard

Both fights came down to the wire. I think I only had 11 health left when I beat Prime.


Silent Hill 2

When Pyramid Head chase you around that spiral. Where you find his sword. It was so long since I played the game but I think it's very near the end.


taking that HUGE leap off the waterfall for the first time in tomb raider. MY GOD.
Seeing huge 20 car pile ups in daytona arcade.


- Playing GTA3 for the first time, exploring the entire world, not restrained by walls or tasks.

- Halo, storming the beach in Truth and Reconsilliation. Listening to fellow marines dying, cheering, reacting accordingly to the situation, while the tribal drum beats pump you up, making you feel like a hero.

Playing Splinter Cell Multiplayer for the first time on XBL. WOW
A few that instantly come to mind.

Beating Contra 3 with a friend through cooperative play. That was a major rush,the game was tough. Unfortunately my friend died a few seconds before beating the final boss. I barely made it out alive myself. When I saw the helicopter swoop down and lift me out of there afer defeating the final boss,that was a rush and at the same time mass relief,I had beaten this great #@!^& game.

Playing Daytona in the arcades for the very first time. I must have blown close to 30 dollars the day I fount it. Pure gaming bliss.

Sonic Adventure. I ordered an import DC,I remember when the UPS man showed up,playing Sonic was great. Many memories,the game is still greatness to this day. The Tornado City and Lost World stages being a few of my favorites.

Mario 64. Playing the game at a koisk was only a fucking tease. There were lines at Toys R Us stores that were just crazy,youcouldn't get any real enjoyable time to play it really.The day I picked up my very own N64 and had Mario 64 to play with in my own home=mass nirvana.

Halo-the last stage where youre trying to make it out of the area while everything is fireing/crashing down on you. Everytime I play it I get a huge adrenaline rush.
Wario64 said:

That video was amazing, indeed.

"Thrilling" is kind of a hard word to connect to a game experience, but let me try anyway:

-For personal reaction, the Metal Gear RAY army fight in MGS2. Going one on one with a Metal Gear, been there done that. One on three, now I'm sweating a little. What, up to 20? Oh shit.

-The E3 MGS2 trailer. Pretty much how that street fighter video goes is a lot like how the trailer went. Crowd reaction was amazing.

-S rank on the final Gitaroo man level. 'Nuff said.


The first Marine mission in Aliens vs. Predator 2.

Catching huge air in Hydro Thunder (although that's on almost every track, but whatever).


Finally making it to the plane alive in the Runway level of Goldeneye. What's the big deal, you ask? I didn't use the tank (I didn't even realize you could board them until long after I finished the game), instead having to run around on foot and throw sticky mines onto the guns and missle battery.


In 2000 after a two year absence, I returned to GoldenEye to finally beat the game (I was stuck on Control where you have to protect Natalya as she hacks in). I don't know why, but I was much more skilled than I used to be in that area, and beat the game later that day.

Another thrilling moment for me was the final boss fight of Final Fantasy VII... Sephy just used his mega attack. 3 members of my party were dead, I'd used up ALL phoenix downs, and Tifa was alive, poisoned, and had about 300 HP left. About to restart... Limit Break, only 2000 damage to Sephiroth, and he dies.


Unconfirmed Member
All multiplayer/online:

Tribes 1, playing in a "Heavy" on Raindance, and holding a base from incoming Lights for about 20 minutes with one other guy in a Heavy., Eventually they wise up and attacked with heavies in full baserape mode. But the previous 20 minutes had more than put a grin on my face :)

Also had a "Hero Moment" in Battlefield 1942, was flying the fighter, shot one plane down then got shot down myself, but managed to bail over an enemy flag, land and kill about 5 Axis players before taking the flag and winning the round.

Nascar 2003, 200 lap Daytona race, close for about 15 cars out of the 43 that started, all 15 finished on the lead lap, I won thru pit strategy, was a long race (nearly 2 hours) but felt really gratifying.

I love games that have those few hero moments in them.


Freeburn said:
I love games that have those few hero moments in them.
Yeah...I know what you mean. On the original Return to Castle Wolfenstein, I was playing as an Axis medic on the level with the AA gun on the hill and the communications post on the other side of the trainyard. The goal for both teams is to blow up with the other team's objective -- first one to do it wins. After 20 minutes of fighting with no progress, my entire team had decided to go attack the communications post...and they left me alone next to the AA gun with only one reserve clip of ammo and no supporting engineer to defuse any Allied dynamite. (Typical pub strategy...sheesh.) The other team had decided on roughly the same strategy, so I was pretty much doomed on defense. Still, I managed to fight off seven people by myself until I finally ran out of ammo and got killed. (My last kill was a backstab of an Allied engineer who was trying to plant, in fact.) Just before the surviving Allied engy planted...I heard the announcement of the Axis plant at the command post. We won 30 seconds later. :)


Kinda off topic, but my favorite gaming moment would have to be at Nintendo's E3 2004 Press Conference.

The DS had just been revealed, complete with a Metroid title and online play. The general attitude of the room is rather positive. Reggie says a few words, and suddenly the lights dim. Another trailer.

*panning shot of a forest*

Espio: "What do you think this is?"
Me: "I dunno, probably some RPG."

*figure riding out of a castle on a horse*

Espio: "I think it's a new Zelda. That was totally Hyrule Castle."
Me: "Nah dude."

*aerial shot of green figure on horseback*

Me: "Holy shit, you may be right."

*close up of MATURE Link on Epona, riding through Hyrule Field*

Espio and I: "...holy shit."

Suddenly, I'm on my feet, cheering. The rest of the audience is doing the same - a slow murmur had been building up as the trailer progressed, but at this point the room just exploded. An amazing moment, and I got to share it with hundreds of others who felt the exact same way.

Even thinking about it now, I still smile. Just a day before, Matt from IGN had hinted at a mature Zelda and everyone with me in the room went "...nah." Needless to say, I was speechless.
Jeep Fight in MGS.

Any number of police chases in GTA3/VC.

"Stealing" Epona at Lon Lon Ranch.

Killing the boss in the chapter 9 (a war to end all wars in Eternal Darkness) for the first time.

My first headshot in Counter-Strike. ;)


Taking down 10 CT's with various weapons in Counter-Strike on dust way back in v6.1 (back when there was no bomb indicator to tell you where it was). What a fucking rush that was. Ending the round by blasting the last CT with an awp shot (the other 9 were killed with m4's, ak's, mp5's, and glock kills). The resounding lot of "OMFG" from the CT team at the end of the round was the icing on the cake.


- first time I hit the 3000 kph speed limit in F-Zero X... All I could say was a Keanu's "whooa"

- First time playing through the 'Surface Tension' part in Half-Life. That was just the most awesome FPS experience ever..

- Zelda OoT, final boss.. you think you've won and than Gannon emerges from the rubble and the flames and dramatic music comes in.. Still send shiver down my spine..


-various police chases in GTA3. wish i could have saved the replays :(

-Tribes1, 32 player online game, Shifter mod, map=Canyon Crusade. If you've played it before you know what I'm talking about.


00Agent in Goldeneye in the final seconds before the rocket launches in the Aztec stage - so many sneaky enemies...

Also in Goldeneye trying to get the invincibility code in Facility stage..

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
trippingmartian said:
Jeep Fight in MGS.

Yeah, that was very cool. I didnt like the game as a whole, but the end sequence was awesome.

Grubdog said:
Starfox Adventures - The Test of Fear

Also didnt like this game too much, but the Test of Fear was also very cool. Very neat idea on Rare's part. But I wouldnt really call it "thrilling".

00Agent in Goldeneye in the final seconds before the rocket launches in the Aztec stage - so many sneaky enemies...
Also in Goldeneye trying to get the invincibility code in Facility stage..

Yeah, these would be my picks for console gaming. Also, 20 straight kills in 4 player Goldeneye deatmatch in 2 minutes.

On PC(and overall), the BF games have provided me with some of my most thrilling moments.


Here's a great CS moment.

I believe it was assault (the one with the house and toliet). Well I was ontop of the house above the skylights. Some guy climbed up the ladder and all I had was a knife. So i start trying to knife the guy, he shoots the glass out underneath me. I fall while knifing and land on another bad guy killing him instantly with the knife. The bad guy I killed had just about killed one of my teammates in that room, after the round he was going about how I was like some kind of hero that just came out of no where and saved his ass.

and it was all just some weird fluke.


I'd say Beyond Good & Evil, when you are running from the Alpha Sections and suddenly the speed slows to a crawl and all you hear is Jade's heartbeat and breathing. Very exhilirating moment and well done as well.


I'm more for those "Oh hell no" moments, the ones where you just gotta do your best Will Smith impression to yourself.

1. Psi-Ops, Barret fight. It all starts nicely enough, then he picks up a FRIGGING TANKER TRUCK TO THROW AT YOU.

It's kinda crazy when you first see it. :D

Even crazier is when you play with the Barret skin and throw the truck RIGHT BACK AT HIM.

2. Grand Theft Auto III, after killing a former boss to prove allegiance (after switching islands). I set up cars in front of his garage, his flank went batshit and killed him. I hopped in the closest car, and started to drive away...only to see a hail of bullets from TWO factions.

What made this worse is that I'm piss poor at directions. :p It was an...interesting ride.

3. Futurama, the ending cutscene. It was at this moment that I just realized I'd watched an episode of Futurama that few ever will. Geekgasm of the gods, for sure.

4. Metroid Prime, the Ridley battle. At this point, I had powered up Samus as far as she could to that point. The fight drug on for minutes, as we traded damage...Then, Ridley cracked and died. I had 1 unit of power left, no rockets, and beat Ridley while dodging his attacks for about 15 seconds. Now that was a rush.

5. Super Mario Sunshine, the first bootup. When I bought this, it was during my class break. I drove (half an hour!) home just to play it for a short while, then drove back to classes to finish the day. When I first saw what Mario did, I was shocked and awed...this was the true 3D version of the plumber, and I liked what I saw.

6. Infantry, the first bootup. I found it on Download.com, as a free online game. Up until that point, I had not experienced any online gaming...Well, I was pleased as punch. Gigantic in scope, instantly accessible, and something that lasted me for about a year (until the founding community died, and it went pay to play). Great times.


Some of my favs:

Getting called "mothafucka" and hearing people say "mothafucka" in Kingpin, before I played that game I used to be shocked just by hearing little curse words in games like damn and shit, this just blew my mind. "Ah said what's the mothafuckin' count?" classic

Seeing enemies fight eachother in Quake and observing enemies behavior when they weren't alert to my presence. I later found alot of Doom's games had enemy fights, but I noticed Quake's first, it just blew me away when I first saw a knight duking it out with an ogre. The other thing that was amazing was just watching enemies in Quake when they were just calm, seeing them sadly patroling the dead halls was crazy, to me it made the monsters feel like something more to watch out for a kill, it really felt like they had thoughts and feelings.

The death animations for Quake 2, seeing the enemies really do more than just die took my breath away and plain scared the shit out of me. I still remember how shocked I was when I got killed by a trooper I thought I killed, even worse, it happened again when I met the machine gun guys. I wish Id had added more stuff like to Q2.

Going on a killing spree in Daggerfall and then being sentenced to prison and really serving time.

Fighting Kain in Soul Reaver 1 and seeing that his lightning could go through the walls. I remember when I managed to slip up the wall without being zapped and ran behind the walls I remember laughing thinking I was so safe, then I got owned with a bolt, I laughed my ass off. I'm not sure if I had scales at that point in the game, or if I just did it with the all abilities cheat enabled, damn was that some fun.


Ganondorf at the end of OoT.

I was literally shaking and when he turned from playing the organ I got so cold suddenly. Of course I also got my ass kicked a bit before I finally beat him, but yeah. When I was running out of the castle I remember saying 'Oh shit oh shit oh shit' until I finally got free.
The three way battle in "Questionable Ethics" in half life. It was amazing the first time i did it and hasn't been nearly that cool since, though.

Theres already been a couple parts to Doom 3 that have given me major chills, and I just got the game today.

Assault on the Control Room in Halo

The sudden realization that I'm about to get my last platinum metal in PGR2(you better bet I was proud of that one, so proud i promptly lost interest int he game, haha).

Death Killer and my amazing dm's in quake 2 back at stroggos.quake2.com. We owned that server.

Quake 3 Test

First stepping out of the ship you crash on in the original Unreal. I was simply awestruck at the beauty of the environment.

The train mission near the beggining of FFVIII

Many moments in chrono cross.

That's about all, I think.


First thing that came to my mind.
When I first got to Mother Brain in Super Metriod. And after the Metriod
came and saved you. Almost brought a tear to my eye back in the day. Then the
dash to get out. Great times!


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Taking on Mizar at the end of Jet Force Gemini. Finally toppling that boss was amazing, and a totally thrilling end to a great game. All of the bosses in that game were pretty thrilling if I recall. In fact, I might replay that game soon.


BuddyChrist83 said:
Kinda off topic, but my favorite gaming moment would have to be at Nintendo's E3 2004 Press Conference.

The DS had just been revealed, complete with a Metroid title and online play. The general attitude of the room is rather positive. Reggie says a few words, and suddenly the lights dim. Another trailer.

*panning shot of a forest*

Espio: "What do you think this is?"
Me: "I dunno, probably some RPG."

*figure riding out of a castle on a horse*

Espio: "I think it's a new Zelda. That was totally Hyrule Castle."
Me: "Nah dude."

*aerial shot of green figure on horseback*

Me: "Holy shit, you may be right."

*close up of MATURE Link on Epona, riding through Hyrule Field*

Espio and I: "...holy shit."

Suddenly, I'm on my feet, cheering. The rest of the audience is doing the same - a slow murmur had been building up as the trailer progressed, but at this point the room just exploded. An amazing moment, and I got to share it with hundreds of others who felt the exact same way.

Even thinking about it now, I still smile. Just a day before, Matt from IGN had hinted at a mature Zelda and everyone with me in the room went "...nah." Needless to say, I was speechless.

I'd have to agree with this as a non-in-game moment. Presented without any warning as to what it might be (clues and hints... but no outright, "Oh and here's our next Zelda game. Enjoy the trailer"), and even still, it took a couple of seconds for us to see who was on the horse... with Riders of Doom kicking up into full gear.

Awesome stuff. Odd too, since I was thinking of unveiling a realistic Zelda the exact same way, except with different music.


Ganondorf/Ganon in Ocarina of Time.

I thought the game was over. I was disappointed because I really didn't want it to end. So to see Ganon rise up and then battle me in such an atmospheric setting was just awesome.

Kon Tiki

- Halo, storming the beach in Truth and Reconsilliation. Listening to fellow marines dying, cheering, reacting accordingly to the situation, while the tribal drum beats pump you up, making you feel like a hero.

Thats one of mine.

Majora's Mask final batttle.

Tharadus in MP is another.


Here's the ones that come readily to my mind :

Act Raiser : The first level in the forest just blowed my mind. The music and graphics where like nothing I had seen before.

Albert Odyssey : I was thrilled everytime there was a choice question and I could just say stupid things to very dangerous enemies ! Kudo to WorkingDesigns for this gem. Oh, also, I really like how you think you actually beat the game and its just the beginning. In that regard, I would say the first Tales of Destiny.

The very first Alone in the Dark. My first survival horor experience.

AnotherWorld/Out of this world, period.

The first monkey island. Those battle where so much fun.

Legacy of Kain : Blood Omen (PSX). Getting killed at the beginning and being a badass for the rest of the game.... suking the blood ! Oh yeah.

Suikoden, seing my castle grow as I recruited more heroes !

Zelda the Four Swords... kicking other butz and taking all the rupees.
No doubt the Ganon battle in Zelda: OOT. The whole initial fight...running down the castle as it collapsed...and then the final fight.

Others include: Playing Soul Calibur and Super Mario 64 for the first time, single handedly taking over games of Day of Defeat (I sucked ass at CS), killing 1200 units in a custom game of Starcraft, beating Halo on Legendary Co-Op with my friend, and (if you can call it thrilling) visiting Hyrule in Zelda: TWW.


Chili Con Carnage!
Matlock said:
3. Futurama, the ending cutscene. It was at this moment that I just realized I'd watched an episode of Futurama that few ever will. Geekgasm of the gods, for sure.

"Hey whats with the sombrero?"

I lolled hard when that all clicked into place.

I agree with Shinobi too, the final boss battle of Shenmue 2 and the following scene was extremely intense seemed like they designed it so you'd be *this* close to dying before being able to take him down. Also the 70 man battle in the first game was a supreme thrilling moment, and its just as great every time you play it.

Ganon in OoT too the atmosphere was perfect

The last level in Halo got me excited a few times but once id mastered the warthog driving it was kinda straight forward.

KOTOR had me sweating at the end too, probably just because my character was lame but still, i was sweating right till the end.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
The aircraft carrier level of Sin and Punishment... still gives me a rush every time I play it, and Nei's death and the ending of Phantasy Star 2 would have to be mine.
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