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Most thrilling moment in a game?


GAF Madden 2006 Season 1 NFC Champ
Here are a few of mine:

Y's Book 1 & 2 for TG-16 CD - I will never forget the begin of this game. It was my first CD RPG and it was one of the most amazing things I have ever seen. From that point on I knew CD gaming was the future.

Gunstar Heroes for Genesis - The battle against Force 7, amazing boss.

Street Fighter 2 for SNES - First time playing SF2 on SNES. I never thought one game could change history but SF2 on SNES did just that. I never dreamed that the SNES could do a port of SF2 as well as it did. At that point fighting games were not very big on consoles. SF2 was the reason 3 of my friends went out and bought SNES. Without SF2 Nintendo would have loss the 16-Bit war by a landslide.


I'll also add some of the opening stages and boss encounters in the entire Panzer series...just epic stuff, especially the last boss in Zwei.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
KoTOR...for those that have played you can guess what part I'm talking about....

And anytime I solved a puzzle Monkey Island or Grim Fan....


Console Market Analyst
Wolf ET: An enemy engineer had kicked our asses for 25 minutes, through smart mine placement. There was only 2 minutes left for us to blow the objective and win the round. So I switched classes to Covert Ops, stole a uniform, and made my way down to where the engineer was placing more mines around objective.

I pulled out my binoculars and spotted the 10 mines he had waiting for us. Then, as his team came out of their spawn, and ran by the minefield, I tossed a grenade into the middle of it. BOOM, all the mines blew at once, killing the engineer, 8 of his teammates, and clearing the field for our engineers. We planted, blew objective, and won.

To add insult to injury, that Engineer was automatically banned from the server for so many teamkills at once. :)


- First frag i ever got in an online game- Unreal Tournament
- First head shot in an online game- Unreal Tournament
- First level of Sonic Adventure
- Pulling off my first counter move-into a second tier level change i Dead or ALive 2...awe-inspiring to say the least.
- The dogs jumping out at you in Resident Evil
- Warthog escape in HALO
- Rouge Leader from start to finish on Gamecube
- Using a turbo boost into traffic to win the race- Burnout 2



Both first levels of the Sonic Adventures, but 2 moreso. I thought to myself, "HOLY CRAP. THIS GAME IS GOING TO BE THE BEST I'VE EVER PLAYED." Just so damn.. fast. It blew my mind.

Of course, the rest of the levels sucked. But getting A on Metal Harbor in SA2 is simply exhilerating too.
BuddyChrist83 said:
Kinda off topic, but my favorite gaming moment would have to be at Nintendo's E3 2004 Press Conference.

The DS had just been revealed, complete with a Metroid title and online play. The general attitude of the room is rather positive. Reggie says a few words, and suddenly the lights dim. Another trailer.

*panning shot of a forest*

Espio: "What do you think this is?"
Me: "I dunno, probably some RPG."

*figure riding out of a castle on a horse*

Espio: "I think it's a new Zelda. That was totally Hyrule Castle."
Me: "Nah dude."

*aerial shot of green figure on horseback*

Me: "Holy shit, you may be right."

*close up of MATURE Link on Epona, riding through Hyrule Field*

Espio and I: "...holy shit."

Suddenly, I'm on my feet, cheering. The rest of the audience is doing the same - a slow murmur had been building up as the trailer progressed, but at this point the room just exploded. An amazing moment, and I got to share it with hundreds of others who felt the exact same way.

Even thinking about it now, I still smile. Just a day before, Matt from IGN had hinted at a mature Zelda and everyone with me in the room went "...nah." Needless to say, I was speechless.

Haha. You are such a fucking nerd.


works for Gamestop (lol)
I just had a great 25 minute run on Bombastic. Got to level 59 in trial...crazy stuff. Blocks exploding everywhere! I couldn't even get the dice to match numbers


Halo - Escaping the exploding ship in the 10th level, the first level when the ship is being attacked, fighting on a bridge with hunters on another bridge shooting missles at you, basically the entire game was full of awesome moments. :)

Rogue Leader - Another game full of awesome moments.

Mario Sunshine - That last Bowser battle was pretty unique and fun.

Advance Wars 1 - Final battle with Sturm launching Meteors at you was great.

Medal of Honor & BF1942 - Storming Omaha Beach with tons of friends on a lan is fantastic.
LOL @ BuddyChrist83. Erase that post, dude. Because two days from now, you'll reread it and realize how utterly gaytastic that post is. Luckily for you, I've come to that realization right now, and am helping you out.

Hate to sound like a broken record, but Ganon in OoT is my first followed by Mother Brain in Super Metroid. The end of OoT was so amazing I was speachless when it ended. Especially when it went into the beautiful credits music with calm landscapes you had your journey in to finish it off.

Is the line "Do you want to know a secret" a reference to the great Beatles song? Please tell me no, as you've incorporated that great line into a fucking ANIME avatar.


Just yesterday, was playing Team Fortress Classic (yes, people still play that :p)... was an Engineer chasing an enemy Medic who had our flag in Crossover2. Shotgun-shooting him all the way from the bridge, when he reached the front yard of his base, and a defending Soldier (on his team) shot a rocket at my feet lauching me into the air... I had had about 50 hp, but as I glanced I now had 20hp and was going to land in the pit and die. Luckily, I had just also primed an EMP grenade, and as I fell past the capture point, threw the EMP, bouncing it off the inner walls of the front bit of his base (where the capture point is) because I saw the Medic with our flag had gone around to capture (must have run out of concussions grenades). As I fell, I glanced down and saw I did indeed have 20hp. I went splat on the floor, and as I looked up into the top right corner where an icon showed me killing myself, I heard an explosion and an icon showing 'me EMPed enemy Medic'. Great stuff... all happened in slow motion like something from a crap baseball or basketball movie or something. :)


Surprised no one's mentioned this yet: the Psycho Mantis scene in Metal Gear Solid. I was fucking blown away. That was by far one of the most amazing moments in a game ever for me.


The ghost of Dreamcast past
In Morrowind, first experiencing the power of levitation and being able to fly over the holy city of Vivec like an angel of death, raining down destruction from above.


Breaking into that corporation (Versalife?) in Hong Kong from Deus Ex.

Both times, but the second time especially. I don't think I've ever played anything as immersive.


djtiesto said:
The aircraft carrier level of Sin and Punishment... still gives me a rush every time I play it

"HOLY CRAP!!! I didn't even know the N64 could DO that!!!"

Those who've never played S&P are missing out on the greatest action game of all time, IMO.


Playing X-Men vs Street Fighter for the first time - I barely could believe the game existed looking at previews in Game Players - at the time I had a major obession with Marvel Super Heroes (and a lesser extent X-Men:Children of the Atom) and Street Fighter Alpha 1 and 2, so seeing my local arcade getting XvSF practically the day it was released (in a big screen sitdown cab no less) was nothing less than orgasmic.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Cool thread. :D

I personally love "OH SHIT" moments in MMOs, like situations with "trains".

I mean, for one... you're experiencing it with other real people, and part of the thrill comes from trying to keep your buddies alive in addition to yourself (unless you're a jackass.anyway ;) ).

Plus, dying is such a pain in the ass (with xp loss and all) that near-death situations tend to be scary.


MGS1 - The part when you get on the lift, then talk to Otacon. He tells you that the weight within the lift is too heavy, and then a bunch of soldiers decloak and take you on.


Sonic The Hedgehog 3 on the Hydro City Zone.


Oh yeah, the Doomsday Zone from Sonic 3 & Knuckles was great too. :)
Final Fantasy VIII - When the Spider bot jumps down from the communication tower and chases you! That whole part was soo thrilling and awesome the first time.

Ace Combat IV - Megaliath and Stonehendge

MGS - Fight with sniper and Jeep scene


go eat paint
I third the aircraft carrier level in Sin & Punishment. If every N64 game had been that beautiful, the PlayStation woulda been in trouble.

Most of my "thrill" moments came in the 8 and 16 bit eras.

In no particular order, and certainly not a full list:

Seeing Wart for the first time in Super Mario 2.

River City Ransom (NES). Whole game. Just opened my eyes to how an action game could be made better with RPG elements. Recently had a similar experience with Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow.

First time reaching Red Falcon in Contra (NES). Aliens had scared me sh*tless around the same time, so fighting a mock up of the alien queen was a real rush.

Fighting the arctic Wyvern in Actraiser (SNES). Also, Yuzo Koshiro's music at the end, which I once recorded to tape an used to listen to while on the bus to school.

Fighting Golden Silver or Seven Force in Gunstar Heroes (Genesis). Also, the ending... the music was so awesome.

The baby in Dynamite Headdy (Genesis)... a pro testament for abortion if ever there was one.

The final bosses in Contra III: Alien Wars (SNES). Actually, playing on the highest difficulty setting. I got so good at the game that I managed to beat the damn thing on one friggen life. Damn near had a heart attack fleeing Red Falcon up the helicopter tunnel. Sadly, the ownage I had over the game is gone now. I have to stick to normal mode now, and it's rough even if I cheat to max out the # of lives.

Aero Fighters, when the giant tank first appears. Woah... that's big. Nowadays, I get pretty much the same feeling whenever a shmup throws a huge boss in front of you, only to have it crushed or obliterated by a huge laser beam from an even larger boss.

Beating the original Starfox (SNES), which I thought was f-ing gorgeous at the time.

Storming the beach in Halo... I never tire of playing just that one level. Nothing like a D-Day style firefight and a couple available Warthogs to start a party.

Harrier battle in Metal Gear Solid 2. Too bad the rest of the game was Kojima's way of punishing rational human beings.

Fighting the giant sun and army train bosses in Astro Boy: Omega Factor (GBA). Also, the shmup stages. Hell, the whole game appeals to my 16-bit is God sensibility.


Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow

Seeing 100 bats become one big super bat boss and then CRUSH comes a giant hand and just squashes the damn thing.

Mario 64

Seeing the head flying around for the first time when I entered a neighbourhood gamestore and seeing it flying around on the display. This was like July, so I was shocked to see they imported a system.

Metroid II - Return of Samus

The first time you see a Metroid morph into one of those giant Omega ones.

Serious Sam


Nuff said.

Crazy Taxi



Has problems recognising girls
Learning to do the usual QCF+P move on Street Fighter II and perfecting it to become the most simple and easiest moves ever.

Playing Link to the Past for the first time at a friend's place. I needed it, it was crack.

Hitting two cave bats with one arrow in the Fire Dungeon in Ocarina of Time. Never again will this happen.

Finally getting my 120th star by collecting 100 coins in the Clock level of Super Mario 64. Took me at least an hour to do it but it was worth it just to say that I finished SM64 properly.

Getting hounded by police in the original GTA.

Scoring with less than 2 seconds left in a cup final of some obscure soccer game on Master System to lead 2-1. For some reason I could never win another again.

Defeating the last boss in Breath of Fire II (SNES ver.) on the third go. Whether it was me having a low level or whatever, that game was hard and the boss even moreso.

Versing my younger brother multiple times in the Pro Evo Soccer series. High emotions and rivalry = best matchups ever.


The first time I loaded up Beach Head II for C64 and heard speech in a game. That was really something.
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