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Most US GAFfers blindly repost articles without checking if the headline is true.

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samus i am said:
Beethoven the movie is about 20 years old. I doubt teens even know what that is.


Gaborn said:
Does ANYONE reeeeally think the results would be substantially different in, say, Europe?
Absolutely. I also think they'd be different within Europe, some countries doing better than others.

besada said:
Not only was this posted yesterday, the article really misrepresents what the list is.
Aaah, that makes more sense. What pointless drivel.

Mr. Sam

Gaborn said:
Does ANYONE reeeeally think the results would be substantially different in, say, Europe?
As an eighteen year old Englishman, definitely. But I question the validity of this article, too.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I can't believe someone funded this "study". It's just silly chain mail fodder.


listen to the mad man
erm, you guys do know that this is not a survey of students, and thus the title is inaccurate, right?

in fact, every single post in here saying "kids are so stupid" is inaccurate, right?


Some of this stuff it to hilarious to be true and some of it is something I might actually believe to be true.

38. Bud Selig has always been the Commissioner of Major League Baseball.
:lol I might actually believe this to be true if you asked me.


MBA in pussy licensing and rights management
I don't remember ever being taught about Beethoven in school. In fact why would you?


Borgnine said:
I don't remember ever being taught about Beethoven in school. In fact why would you?
Didn't you study music?

Off the top of my head we covered Elgar, Prokofiev, Beethoven, Mozart & Queen. Yup, seriously, Queen.


Gaborn said:
Does ANYONE reeeeally think the results would be substantially different in, say, Europe?

yes, (they are students for fucks sake). but i do think that this list is somehow wrong...it has to be.

edit: not students? well then carry on


Borgnine said:
I don't remember ever being taught about Beethoven in school. In fact why would you?

Did YOU know he wasn't just a dog in a 20th century movie? You don't need to "study" that in school to know something like that.


Will QA for food.
Stumpokapow said:
erm, you guys do know that this is not a survey of students, and thus the title is inaccurate, right?

in fact, every single post in here saying "kids are so stupid" is inaccurate, right?

Get off my internet lawn, you whippersnappers.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
EuroGAF get off your high horse. It's more like this is some dumb list that has been misrepresented to create a false impression. It's not really like this "over in America".

Kids know who Beetoven is in America: no doubt. The list is just "that dog movie is so old that kids have grown up with it WOW".
Stumpokapow said:
erm, you guys do know that this is not a survey of students, and thus the title is inaccurate, right?

in fact, every single post in here saying "kids are so stupid" is inaccurate, right?

Headline is the same as the article headline. My fault for not properly checking it wasn't already posted, apologies to all those upset by that
Here, I'll sum up the list for everyone:


I'm teaching every 8-year-old relative to say this, and every 14-year-old to do the same thing with Toy Story. Also, Pokemon hit the US over a decade ago and kids born after Aladdin came out will turn 18 next year

Stumpokapow said:
erm, you guys do know that this is not a survey of students, and thus the title is inaccurate, right?

in fact, every single post in here saying "kids are so stupid" is inaccurate, right?

Stupid adults!
BocoDragon said:
I didn't think it needed explaining, but the Beetoeven reference is more like "that movie is so old it came out at the birth of a generation that is coming of age now".

They never said anyone actually thought the name refers to the dog in the film.

I was about to write this. You people can NOT read. Put that on the list - Gaf has never been able to read or interpret things properly.

Mr. Sam

Stumpokapow said:
in fact, every single post in here saying "kids are so stupid" is inaccurate, right?
Knowing who people are - even historical figures - hardly equals intelligence anyway.


Gaborn said:
Does ANYONE reeeeally think the results would be substantially different in, say, Europe?

Well at least all european kids write in cursive...
But the article isn't about a test or a survey, it's only there to remind older people that the new generations had other experiences. For example even those who know McEnroe was an active tennis player never saw him play, because they're too young. (actually I'm not sure I ever saw him during his professional career myself)


BocoDragon said:
EuroGAF get off your high horse. It's more like this is some dumb list that has been misrepresented to create a false impression. It's not really like this "over in America".

Kids know who Beetoven is in America: no doubt. The list is just "that dog movie is so old that kids have grown up with it WOW".

question was, would euro students be as dump? ... some said no. and rightly so.
turns out this is not about students - this changes everything. because dump people are an universal burden.


MBA in pussy licensing and rights management
SmokyDave said:
Didn't you study music?

No that would cost money. I don't really remember if we had a music program at all, if we did it wasn't mandatory. There was band though, I'm sure they mentioned him in there.

Trurl said:
Seriously? That's kind of sad.

I agree.

way more

That title change is cathartic. It's nice when ones perception of the world aligns with the reality of the situation.
SmokyDave said:
Didn't you study music?

Off the top of my head we covered Elgar, Prokofiev, Beethoven, Mozart & Queen. Yup, seriously, Queen.

I think just about everybody could say that Beethoven was a composer, but I doubt that many U.S. students have studied him in-depth unless they took a music appreciation class in high school; there's very little room for more leisurely studies in the U.S. educational system, so 'extraneous' things like music tend to be elective, rather than something that is taught comprehensively to every student.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
sankt-Antonio said:
question was, would euro students be as dump? ... some said no. and rightly so.
turns out this is not about students - this changes everything. because dump people are an universal burden.

Yeah, those dump people are really dump.


I'm 30 now and one thing that strikes me is that I'm one of the last generations that will remember life before the internet and mobile phones. Even now looking back it's amazing to think I lived in such 'primitive' times. I mean I'm on here (from the UK), chatting with people from dozens of different countries like it's nothing, whereas before the mid-nineties people could easily have gone their whole lives without sharing a single word with someone from the US, say.

Even so I'm amazed at some of the oldest people in the world and what they saw living through the 20th century. The oldest person in the world was born in 1896 - when Queen Victoria was still on the throne, when there were no cars on the streets, no such thing as air travel, telephones, no such thing as TV (or even radio), even electricity was decades from being commonplace etc. I can't imagine what someone over 100 makes of the world now, it must be just bewildering. I mean for me man landing on the moon is a historical event.


1. I don't know what cursive means. I can probably do it, though.
11. John McEnwho?
12. Clint Eastwood should be happy about this so what's the problem?
14. Doctor Kevorkian - who?
28. Nobody wears watches any more, get with the... times ¬¬

Got bored after that, it's obviously contrived bullshit. So what if some kids think we always had cable TV? THEIR PARENTS CANT USE THE FUCKING INTERNET.


What a bullshit list. Yeah, some is justifiable like not knowing Beethoven is a world famous composer, but a lot of it is "get off my lawn with your new fangled game cartridges" tripe. Most of it is just random pop culture trivia. Let me just pick a random few to ridicule:

The class of 2004, for instance, "never referred to Russia and China as 'the Reds'"
So the class of 2004 aren't a bunch of fear mongers that write anti-Communist essays for class? The horror.

16. Korean cars have always been a staple on American highways.
It's called globalization. Are we supposed to remember that Korean cars used to not be so prevalent? Quickly, tell me what year German cars started to become prevalent on American highways. Who the fuck cares unless you're taking a class called "History of Automotive Imports and Exports 321"?

18. Fergie is a pop singer, not a princess.
So the name Fergie is now associated with one pop culture icon instead of another? Considering the first Fergie is someone who used to be part of the British royal family, something most Americans don't give a shit about, it's understandable that most people born past 1990 wouldn't know who she is.


Fucking christ, all you people hating on my graduating class (although I may be the class of 2015 now, who knows, I'm taking at least a semester off) can hop the hell off of our dicks. And go take some reading comprehension courses while you're at it.
Meus Renaissance said:
I think the original title of the article - as represented here - was worded that word to reflect the light-hearted nature of the 'study'.

Because it seemed like the guy actually did work like giving out a survey to all the freshman entering Beloit College, and was more a statement about the educational system in America then about the cultural changes in the US.

Instead, the guy just copy and pasted everything from the 1992 article on Wikipedia. Interesting to think about? Yes. Was the title misleading to blatant lie? Yes.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Woffls said:
So what if some kids think we always had cable TV? THEIR PARENTS CANT USE THE FUCKING INTERNET.



or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
It's pretty funny how this stupid Readers Digest-style article brought out some funny prejudices immediately... Youth are dumb... America must be dumb..

This list says nothing about youth in the slightest. It's a reminder to old people that stuff they remember as happening recently is actually so old that an entire generation has grown up with it.


Snowman Prophet of Doom said:
I think just about everybody could say that Beethoven was a composer, but I doubt that many U.S. students have studied him in-depth unless they took a music appreciation class in high school; there's very little room for more leisurely studies in the U.S. educational system, so 'extraneous' things like music tend to be elective, rather than something that is taught comprehensively to every student.
You lucky buggers. I had to do three years (age 11-13) of music before electives kicked in and I could drop it like a hot potato.
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