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Move over, dinosaur feathers: T. Rex lips!

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T. Rex’s sharp teeth were likely covered by lips, Toronto paleontologist says

Toronto Star said:
One of the world’s most famous predators, the fearsome Tyrannosaurus Rex is typically shown baring dozens of sharp, jagged teeth — but a Toronto researcher says the carnivore likely had lips to cover them.

Robert Reisz, a professor at the University of Toronto who specializes in vertebrate paleontology, says that contrary to what’s shown in movies and even museums, T. Rex and his fellow theropods would not have teeth that stick out even when their mouths are closed.

Reisz said the popular depiction in movies such as the Jurassic Park franchise has annoyed him “for a very long time because there is no real biology behind it.”

Aside from their lack of lips, theropods are shown in movies without feathers and “looking emaciated,” which he said is also incorrect.

Scientists. Ruining your childhood since 1898.




Poor T-Rex. Every 5-6 years, we find further evidence that it was a goofy-looking freak, rather than an awesome, intimidating beast.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I would be willing to bet that dinosaurs probably looked a lot different than pop culture and even some of the scientific field make them out to be. I'm not even speaking of feathers on raptors or things like that but basing an animals entire physical structure on their bones alone doesn't really give you the whole story. There are parts of creatures that would not last long at all even sheltered from the elements, let alone long enough to be petrified.

I believe their are artists renderings of what many modern animals would look like if we tried to recreate them like we do dinosaurs from bones alone and its a pretty striking difference in terms of what the animals actually looks like and what the artist came up with.


I would be willing to bet that dinosaurs probably looked a lot different than pop culture and even some of the scientific field make them out to be. I'm not even speaking of feathers on raptors or things like that but basing an animals entire physical structure on their bones alone doesn't really give you the whole story. There are parts of creatures that would not last long at all even sheltered from the elements, let alone long enough to be petrified.

I believe their are artists renderings of what many modern animals would look like if we tried to recreate them like we do dinosaurs from bones alone and its a pretty striking difference in terms of what the animals actually looks like and what the artist came up with.

Animal Skeletons drawn like Dinosaurs


A horse, drawn based on its bone structure.


Not to forget that he apparently was also a lowly scavenger.
That's a minority viewpoint. There is evidence of healed Tyrannosaurus attacks on fossils of contemporary dinosaurs. Plus, the only obligate tetrapod scavengers today are carrion birds, which have the advantage of flight.


Crashing this plane... with no survivors!
Are there even any other animals with their all of their teeth exposed like that? It seems like they should have figured this out sooner.


Neo Member
That makes sense, I guess. Are there any other animals that have their teeth exposed all the time? Crocodiles and alligators do, I think.


Why would a t-rex have feathers? Aren't they large, and wasn't it very hot during that time?

Wiki says they may have averaged 99F. Interesting stuff.


I hate how every dinosaur thread is filled with posts glibly denying the latest science because it conflicts with their childhood view if dinosaurs. My childhood love of dinosaurs is a large part of what made me an adult accepting of science. Consuming every bit of information about dinosaurs I could as an eight year old exposed me to the scientific process and how our view of dinos changed through history.
I would be willing to bet that dinosaurs probably looked a lot different than pop culture and even some of the scientific field make them out to be. I'm not even speaking of feathers on raptors or things like that but basing an animals entire physical structure on their bones alone doesn't really give you the whole story. There are parts of creatures that would not last long at all even sheltered from the elements, let alone long enough to be petrified.

I believe their are artists renderings of what many modern animals would look like if we tried to recreate them like we do dinosaurs from bones alone and its a pretty striking difference in terms of what the animals actually looks like and what the artist came up with.

At least for something like a t-rex, we have birds to look at to get a rough idea of how their bodies would have been proportioned.

Theropod dinosaurs probably just looked like large birds, with mouths instead of beaks and slightly different hands and feet.
Yep this was it! I believe there was a drawing of a hippo done in the same manner and it looked like a totally different creature without the meaty parts.

Edit: Here is a cat drawn like a dinosaur and its pretty gnarly


Of course there is also this great picture:

I don't whether to find this incredibly disappointing or adorable


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Someone ask Steven Tyler to comment on this.


Only one guy claims that scavenger bullshit, and it's not taken seriously.
Oh, that's good to hear

So...are there any conceptual drawings for what this would have actually looked like?
Found this


Take with a grain of salt since it's from deviant art (dude is a pretty good artist though) http://amorousdino.deviantart.com/art/Tyrannosaurus-rex-Unlipped-vs-lipped-388291457
Edit: after reading some of the description the artist seems actually pretty legit
Now they're giant turkeys with lips? Go ahead, keep stomping all over my childhood.

Land Before Time had the lips! It just had everything else wrong.


I hate how every dinosaur thread is filled with posts glibly denying the latest science because it conflicts with their childhood view if dinosaurs. My childhood love of dinosaurs is a large part of what made me an adult accepting of science. Consuming every bit of information about dinosaurs I could as an eight year old exposed me to the scientific process and how our view of dinos changed through history.

Didn't you know? Dinosaurs and music have all been going downhill since the '80s. Dinosaurs with feathers and lips are like an all-female reboot of Ghostbusters.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I love this. Let's also not forget about Prehistoric TV Reconstruction Kitteh:

Haha wow that's terrifying! It kind of makes me wonder what some species in the future after humanity has died off would make of us if they only had our fossilized bones to work with.


now that you think of it, i think most of the giant dinos probally were just like giant birds/reptile like creatures of today.

makes way more sense than the constantly bared teeth which makes no sense biologically. imagine that being a real creature lmao.
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