The Take Out Bandit
You see, you see - this is why I absolutely adore Blade 2!
See that caption? That's right - Pure Action Bloody Well Done! You see motherfuckers getting their mudhole stomped in, and it looks exceptionally painful.
It's certainly not because Blade is an interesting character. Blade sucks.
Blade 2 also avoids the use of Honky Fu. White people, or untrained Americans (Granted Snipes has marital arts training - I don't care), doing extensive martial arts scenes; which only look awkward.
Blade 2 is a love letter to ultra-violent action movie fans.
Shakey-Cam warnings (from good friends) have kept me from seeing Batman Begins. Stow it Bat-nerds, I ain't buying your faux intellectual comic geek bullshit! In addition to being the world's greatest pedophil^H^H^Hdetective - Batman is also a man of action, and the comics rarely miss a chance to mention this to readers. Showing him doing his shirtless gymnastics in front of Robin. Sparring with Robin. Packing fudg. . .
I'm not saying you need to copy Yuen Wen Wo Ping Pong Balls, because Jesus knows American cinema managed to churn out some utterly bad ass standard setting action movies prior to the release of the Jackoffski Brother's sweetboy wetdream.
Batman hitting shit yo!
Sort of how the Hulk punching that dog in the motherfucking throat rocked so god damn hard. In the throat! That's how you know Hulk not fuck around!
You can have a well written comic movie, without skimping on the action (The Hulk). Stop trying to explain away a huge percentage of why folks read these juvenile power trip tales in the first place, because that's part of what we want to see when we go to see these movies.
Getting away from Batman for a moment, shakey cam plagues too many action movies these days; and I can't wait for someone to drive a stake through it's heart. Or better yet, swing it around by the ankle, smack it's head into a marble pillar, beat it's face in, then stuff a super duper light grenade in it's mouth and say something totally bad ass as they walk off and Shakey Cam explodes into a million beefy chunks.
Castellan: You do the Discovery Channel cinematographers a disservice by likening their camera work to shitty Hollywood action movies. Yeah, it's chaotic looking but at least I can see the Cheetah is mauling the shit out of that rabbit.

See that caption? That's right - Pure Action Bloody Well Done! You see motherfuckers getting their mudhole stomped in, and it looks exceptionally painful.
It's certainly not because Blade is an interesting character. Blade sucks.
Blade 2 also avoids the use of Honky Fu. White people, or untrained Americans (Granted Snipes has marital arts training - I don't care), doing extensive martial arts scenes; which only look awkward.
Blade 2 is a love letter to ultra-violent action movie fans.
Shakey-Cam warnings (from good friends) have kept me from seeing Batman Begins. Stow it Bat-nerds, I ain't buying your faux intellectual comic geek bullshit! In addition to being the world's greatest pedophil^H^H^Hdetective - Batman is also a man of action, and the comics rarely miss a chance to mention this to readers. Showing him doing his shirtless gymnastics in front of Robin. Sparring with Robin. Packing fudg. . .
I'm not saying you need to copy Yuen Wen Wo Ping Pong Balls, because Jesus knows American cinema managed to churn out some utterly bad ass standard setting action movies prior to the release of the Jackoffski Brother's sweetboy wetdream.
Batman hitting shit yo!
Sort of how the Hulk punching that dog in the motherfucking throat rocked so god damn hard. In the throat! That's how you know Hulk not fuck around!
You can have a well written comic movie, without skimping on the action (The Hulk). Stop trying to explain away a huge percentage of why folks read these juvenile power trip tales in the first place, because that's part of what we want to see when we go to see these movies.
Getting away from Batman for a moment, shakey cam plagues too many action movies these days; and I can't wait for someone to drive a stake through it's heart. Or better yet, swing it around by the ankle, smack it's head into a marble pillar, beat it's face in, then stuff a super duper light grenade in it's mouth and say something totally bad ass as they walk off and Shakey Cam explodes into a million beefy chunks.
Castellan: You do the Discovery Channel cinematographers a disservice by likening their camera work to shitty Hollywood action movies. Yeah, it's chaotic looking but at least I can see the Cheetah is mauling the shit out of that rabbit.