Google synopsis:
"Mr Inbetween" is a half-hour comedy series inspired by the cult film "The Magician" and centers around Ray Shoesmith. Juggling a relationship, parental responsibilities, friendships and a sick brother while earning a living would be difficult for anyone, but it's particularly difficult for Ray since he's a criminal for hire. Ray "takes care of people" -- collecting debts, relieving them of drugs and guns, and often taking care of them on a more permanent basis. Ray demands respect and does not tolerate it when someone disregards his very clear code of ethics.
Just finished this last night on Hulu. Fucking outstanding show. 26 episodes, ~30min each, across 3 seasons, so, just slightly longer in total than your standard season of 10 1-hour episodes of many modern shows. And it's far too good to be over so soon.
Based in Australia, it gets instant points from me, as I'm a bit of a sucker for good shows that take place outside the US, not to mention my insatiable predilection for anything British, Irish, Japanese, or Australian. And it is a very good show.
You get it all with this one; a good story, interesting characters, a great lead, drama, tension, heartache, comedy,.. just plenty of impactful moments across the emotional spectrum.
Can't recommend it highly enough. It wraps up rather neatly at the end of the third season, as this was the plan by lead star and showrunner Scott Ryan, but, if you're anything like me, you'll sorely wish there was more.
Not perfect, but close enough. A rare gem from my perspective. 9.5/10
"Mr Inbetween" is a half-hour comedy series inspired by the cult film "The Magician" and centers around Ray Shoesmith. Juggling a relationship, parental responsibilities, friendships and a sick brother while earning a living would be difficult for anyone, but it's particularly difficult for Ray since he's a criminal for hire. Ray "takes care of people" -- collecting debts, relieving them of drugs and guns, and often taking care of them on a more permanent basis. Ray demands respect and does not tolerate it when someone disregards his very clear code of ethics.
Just finished this last night on Hulu. Fucking outstanding show. 26 episodes, ~30min each, across 3 seasons, so, just slightly longer in total than your standard season of 10 1-hour episodes of many modern shows. And it's far too good to be over so soon.
Based in Australia, it gets instant points from me, as I'm a bit of a sucker for good shows that take place outside the US, not to mention my insatiable predilection for anything British, Irish, Japanese, or Australian. And it is a very good show.
You get it all with this one; a good story, interesting characters, a great lead, drama, tension, heartache, comedy,.. just plenty of impactful moments across the emotional spectrum.
Can't recommend it highly enough. It wraps up rather neatly at the end of the third season, as this was the plan by lead star and showrunner Scott Ryan, but, if you're anything like me, you'll sorely wish there was more.
Not perfect, but close enough. A rare gem from my perspective. 9.5/10