I personally have never hated this show. Even the powers changing never bothered me. I only wanted better for the show and all of the actors/characters involved. A lot of critics simply wanted the same thing, but they're being painted with a broad brush as being haters because the actual people downvoting and hating are muddying up everything.
All of the time travel, meeting Kareem's group, and the Naruto flashback stuff with her grandmother and Aisha should have been saved for a season 2. Season 1 should have just focused on Kamala and her family's life and culture in the city, with her learning her powers and secretly being a hero. Instead it's like someone pressed the fast forward button 3 episodes in and never stopped.
The best comparison I can make is when the Legend of Korra creators didn't know whether or not they would get a season 2, so they sped up a few crucial plot points and killed off a really well written villain just so they could try to wrap up everything possible. It's a terrible thing for a viewer when you can see this happening before your eyes and you know there must have been some internal issues that ruined a good thing.
I haven't even watched Thor yet but I've been hearing mixed things from friends about it. I don't know what's going on at Disney but this has been affecting Star Wars too. They're rushing too fast and simply need to slow down a bit. No one's double checking the writing for these shows to make sure everything flows well and sounds right. It's like the creation of Disney+ broke them.
I know and understand, I just don't want to use Covid as a catch-all excuse for when a show ends up bad, but then covid is conveniently ignored when a show ends up great, when it honestly just comes down to poor creativity and poor writing. If anything covid just revealed who the really good and adaptable writers and directors are in the tv and movie industry.Believe it or not but Ms Marvel was affected by COVID, one of the showrunners or writers mentioned that a lot was cut or truncated. I know Love and Thunder was affected as well.
I personally have loved all of phase 4 (Hawkeye is debatable) but COVID might be the reason the MCU quality is down for some people.
I know not all productions are the same and some things turned out really really well like Maverick and No Way Home. But some shows/movies had to change/adjust their scripts and shooting locations during COVID.
I didn’t hate on it, it just wasn’t as good as most other marvel movies and shows.It's funny seeing all this undeserved hate this show is getting. I loved it
Overall I think Phase 4 has been great, comics lend themselves really well to Episodic TV content with movies in between. It is great to see the main movies actors are not “afraid” or too precious to do TV as the format has been working very well for me.Believe it or not but Ms Marvel was affected by COVID, one of the showrunners or writers mentioned that a lot was cut or truncated. I know Love and Thunder was affected as well.
I personally have loved all of phase 4 (Hawkeye is debatable) but COVID might be the reason the MCU quality is down for some people.
I know not all productions are the same and some things turned out really really well like Maverick and No Way Home. But some shows/movies had to change/adjust their scripts and shooting locations during COVID.
Overall I think Phase 4 has been great, comics lend themselves really well to Episodic TV content with movies in between. It is great to see the main movies actors are not “afraid” or too precious to do TV as the format has been working very well for me.
Out of all of them maybe Loki had such a high high potential that in some parts it underwhelmed me a bit, but the bar for it was sky high… still thoroughly enjoyed it.
I have to say I really liked Ms. Marvel, fun and well paced, it definitely felt fresh and made me like the character quite a bit. Looking forward to The Marvels and the Young Avengers, very talented and relatable/fun cast. Including the Sheik yah
Funnily enough, right now I can't wait to see Kate Bishop and Kamala Kahn interact. Both have bubbly personalities with idols they look up to.
Watched one episode, incredible cringe pondering to introverted chubby girls picked on at school, of course they are the ones getting superpowers.
Wrong, it’s the main girl cheerleader blowing your crush in the bathroom because you are too damn lazy to get off your ass and put in the effort to be popular.
Also, hilarious how everybody thinks it’s ok to stereotype immigrant family (are they Pakistanis?) since we are in Disney territory.
Strict? Check.What do you mean by stereotype?
Strict? Check.
Traditional? Check.
Kids in love with American culture? Check.
It’s lazy writing with no nuance.
Second part is general point towards comic books, with Batman being the only one I can tolerate:
Batman is self made man, he didn’t get superpowers so he needs to be smart and resourceful. Every other superhero is a trope of the ‘chosen one’. If you are a impressionate teenager that loves Superman - congrats, because you are never going to be like him.
Strict? Check.
Traditional? Check.
Kids in love with American culture? Check.
It’s lazy writing with no nuance.
What are you trying to say - that example of Miss Marvel is accurate or not?You really know no one from Eastern India or Pakistan, do you.
What are you trying to say - that example of Miss Marvel is accurate or not?
Accurate - perpetuating stereotypes without showing life in an immigrant family can be different
Not accurate - basically lying and pondering to stereotypes
Seen Blackish? That TV series had a good premise that actually subverted the tropes of black family.
You avoided my question.
I have family from East India (not far from Pakistan) and friends from other parts of India and Ms. Marvel is accurate and in no way a stereotype.
Superman and Batman are cultural icons, Marvel forcefully trying to make this happen with Ms. Marvel and Captain Marvel is just desperate. This trope laden attempt at appealing to focus groups will be done and forgotten in a couple of weeks as it provides nothing of substance.
It is your bog standard "introvert teenager having a hard time fitting in gaining self-esteem and solving her personal issues through her newfound super-powers" schlock. Only this time it is coated in a pseudo socio-cultural veneer that skillfully sidesteps any real issues as not to provoke any real discussions or to insult any religious feelings.
It is by all intents and purposes absolutely vapid entertainment designed to please the braindead consumer-fanboys that are hooked on the equally stale Marvel formula. If this is the future of Marvel, it is no wonder their cinematic universe and their comics are going down the drain.
Superman and Batman are cultural icons, Marvel forcefully trying to make this happen with Ms. Marvel and Captain Marvel is just desperate. This trope laden attempt at appealing to focus groups will be done and forgotten in a couple of weeks as it provides nothing of substance.
It is your bog standard "introvert teenager having a hard time fitting in gaining self-esteem and solving her personal issues through her newfound super-powers" schlock. Only this time it is coated in a pseudo socio-cultural veneer that skillfully sidesteps any real issues as not to provoke any real discussions or to insult any religious feelings.
It is by all intents and purposes absolutely vapid entertainment designed to please the braindead consumer-fanboys that are hooked on the equally stale Marvel formula. If this is the future of Marvel, it is no wonder their cinematic universe and their comics are going down the drain.
I've seen this way of speaking a lot in debates. Your points come so close to being fully right, because they contain a few good and correct details about what Disney/Marvel does wrong. However, you sprinkle those correct details within reaching arguments and strong personal feelings, so much so that it ruins a great point that you were trying to make that others here could have agreed with.Superman and Batman are cultural icons, Marvel forcefully trying to make this happen with Ms. Marvel and Captain Marvel is just desperate. This trope laden attempt at appealing to focus groups will be done and forgotten in a couple of weeks as it provides nothing of substance.
It is your bog standard "introvert teenager having a hard time fitting in gaining self-esteem and solving her personal issues through her newfound super-powers" schlock. Only this time it is coated in a pseudo socio-cultural veneer that skillfully sidesteps any real issues as not to provoke any real discussions or to insult any religious feelings.
It is by all intents and purposes absolutely vapid entertainment designed to please the braindead consumer-fanboys that are hooked on the equally stale Marvel formula. If this is the future of Marvel, it is no wonder their cinematic universe and their comics are going down the drain.
Strict? Check.
Traditional? Check.
Kids in love with American culture? Check.
It’s lazy writing with no nuance.
Second part is general point towards comic books, with Batman being the only one I can tolerate:
Batman is self made man, he didn’t get superpowers so he needs to be smart and resourceful. Every other superhero is a trope of the ‘chosen one’. If you are a impressionate teenager that loves Superman - congrats, because you are never going to be like him.
Kinda in the same vein as Blackish - perfectly integrated, not making a big deal about their identity, just making it a part of who they are. Letting their kids enjoy what they want, etc.And how should a Pakistani family act on an American TV show?
Kinda in the same vein as Blackish - perfectly integrated, not making a big deal about their identity, just making it a part of who they are. Letting their kids enjoy what they want, etc.
The whole setting is just incredibly cliche, and especially given that if I understand correctly Kamala is a Muslim they could have handled all this differently. Asstrange headache mentioned:
It is your bog standard "introvert teenager having a hard time fitting in gaining self-esteem and solving her personal issues through her newfound super-powers"
Believe it or not but Ms Marvel was affected by COVID, one of the showrunners or writers mentioned that a lot was cut or truncated. I know Love and Thunder was affected as well.
I personally have loved all of phase 4 (Hawkeye is debatable) but COVID might be the reason the MCU quality is down for some people.
I know not all productions are the same and some things turned out really really well like Maverick and No Way Home. But some shows/movies had to change/adjust their scripts and shooting locations during COVID.
Strict? Check.
Traditional? Check.
Kids in love with American culture? Check.
Kinda in the same vein as Blackish - perfectly integrated, not making a big deal about their identity, just making it a part of who they are. Letting their kids enjoy what they want, etc.
The whole setting is just incredibly cliche, and especially given that if I understand correctly Kamala is a Muslim they could have handled all this differently. Asstrange headache mentioned:
It is your bog standard "introvert teenager having a hard time fitting in gaining self-esteem and solving her personal issues through her newfound super-powers"
Kinda in the same vein as Blackish - perfectly integrated, not making a big deal about their identity, just making it a part of who they are. Letting their kids enjoy what they want, etc.
The whole setting is just incredibly cliche, and especially given that if I understand correctly Kamala is a Muslim they could have handled all this differently. Asstrange headache mentioned:
It is your bog standard "introvert teenager having a hard time fitting in gaining self-esteem and solving her personal issues through her newfound super-powers"
And how should a Pakistani family act on an American TV show?
Perfectly integrated? You mean make an immigrant family as American as possible and completely disregard their heritage and where they came from? Serious question, have you ever been to an immigrants house in real life? I haven't seen Blackish so I can say I understand what you mean, is that show about an immigrant black family?
If you actually watch Ms. Marvel, you would know that the show does make their religion/background a part of who they are but doesn't dwell or try to preach to the audience. Even when they travel so Pakistan it still doesn't try and do any preaching, it introduces you to various things about their culture of course, it would be weird if it didn't.
As for "solving personal issues through her newfound super-powers", that's a very generic sentence and need more context.
I disagree. The show started out slow, but I loved it by the end of the series.Eh, this show was OK, but definitely not the best.
It's delicious how that poster doesn't realize how much they project, and how they simply parrot various ego-melting YouTube personalities. It's as if their every post was recited via teleprompter. Always attacking others, never attempting to actually articulate an original thought.
Just ignore them. NeoGAF becomes so much better when you ignore the incels and the people with anime avatars and Latin in their sigs.
What fanboys? Are you that angry that a brown person is in a starring role in a show and it's not a negative portrayal?
I mean, Spiderman didn't start far off from what you're describing.Superman and Batman are cultural icons, Marvel forcefully trying to make this happen with Ms. Marvel and Captain Marvel is just desperate. This trope laden attempt at appealing to focus groups will be done and forgotten in a couple of weeks as it provides nothing of substance.
It is your bog standard "introvert teenager having a hard time fitting in gaining self-esteem and solving her personal issues through her newfound super-powers" schlock. Only this time it is coated in a pseudo socio-cultural veneer that skillfully sidesteps any real issues as not to provoke any real discussions or to insult any religious feelings.
It is by all intents and purposes absolutely vapid entertainment designed to please the braindead consumer-fanboys that are hooked on the equally stale Marvel formula. If this is the future of Marvel, it is no wonder their cinematic universe and their comics are going down the drain.
That's certainly how opinions work.I disagree. The show started out slow, but I loved it by the end of the series.
Yeah, talking about projecting...
F*ck me, that's the saddest, saltiest comment I've read in a while... all because somebody dared criticize a sh*tty formulaic YA superhero series.
Yes exactly, I'm annoyed about "the brown people"...
This is about the level of intelligence this show is aimed at, people who can barely rub two braincells together.
...and here comes the Marvel shill brigade propping up their new champion while desperately clinging to the few remaining forum members who still defend this crap.
That somebody gave that low effort retort gold, only emphasizes the sweetly seething pettiness silently boiling behind the façade.
COVID and Bob Chapek. He took a lot of the creatives out that worked with Feige and put in money guys. Feige isn't as much in charge of the creative as he used to be.
That's not true. What did happen was a lot of Marvel Television (the Jeph Loeb side of the company) was integrated into Marvel Studios due to their experience with episodic shows.
Feige and the Marvel Illuminati is still in charge, and if anything the senior members of it such as Feige's two lieutenants Victoria "X-Men is an outdated name" Alonso and Louis D'Esposito have even MORE power now.
The difference between Phase 1/2 and now is back during Phase 1/2 Marvel Studios was controlled by the Creative Committee that was overseen by Ike Perlmutter and made up of comic people like Brian Michael Bendis and Joe Quesada. They worked out of the New York office and controlled what Feige could or couldn't make with an iron fist. Feige wanted to make Black Widow in Phase 1, that was killed because Ike said Black Widow toys wouldn't sell. Then he wanted to do Captain Marvel in early Phase 2, again killed. Feige put the Visual Development department to work on a version of Black Panther in 2011 (they showed this art at SDCC in 2018) and when Perlmutter squashed that, Feige went directly to Iger and threatened to quit unless Iger got Perlmutter out of the way permanently, so he did and then Feige would report directly to the Chairman (who was Iger).
After that Feige put together his version of the "Pixar Brain Trust", which is made up of him, his lieutenants, and people who have been involved on the creative side of the MCU from the beginning. That's who's still in charge.
There has been no mention of a Black Widow or Captain Marvel film yet but a Nick Fury film was on the cards extremely early on.
“We’ve already started discussions with Scarlett about the idea of a solo movie and have begun putting together concepts, but The Avengers comes first.”
Yeah I think the 23rdIs marvel comic con show this week?
Sweet heard lots of news will be coming from their show,cant wait.Yeah I think the 23rd
Sweet heard lots of news will be coming from their show,cant wait.
Hope they go all in on Fantastic Four, and Mutants. It's time, they gave it enough waiting time. I really hope they stick with X-Men. That's a iconic nameSweet heard lots of news will be coming from their show,cant wait.
F4 is apparently at D23 Expo.Hope they go all in on Fantastic Four, and Mutants. It's time, they gave it enough waiting time. I really hope they stick with X-Men. That's a iconic name
Shouldn't be changed just because it has the word Men in it
I hope so,and I hope they bring back John Bernthal as the punisher,since Charlie cox and krysten Ritter are back.Hope they go all in on Fantastic Four, and Mutants. It's time, they gave it enough waiting time. I really hope they stick with X-Men. That's a iconic name
Shouldn't be changed just because it has the word Men in it
F4 is apparently at D23 Expo.
I hope so,and I hope they bring back John Bernthal as the punisher,since Charlie cox and krysten Ritter are back.
Well that book is wrong, in 2010 Feige was already talking to Scarlett about doing the BW movie (which Perlmutter killed).
And then they actually filmed a stand-in for Captain Marvel in Age of Ultron. The scene is included in the Infinity Saga gift set. She was replaced with Wanda in the final shot.
It's delicious how that poster doesn't realize how much they project, and how they simply parrot various ego-melting YouTube personalities. It's as if their every post was recited via teleprompter. Always attacking others, never attempting to actually articulate an original thought.
Just ignore them. NeoGAF becomes so much better when you ignore the incels and the people with anime avatars and Latin in their sigs.
As a big fan of phases one to three, I do find it quite breathtaking how irate some hardcore Marvel fans get at anybody who dares criticise phase four.Yeah, talking about projecting...
F*ck me, that's the saddest, saltiest comment I've read in a while... all because somebody dared criticize a sh*tty formulaic YA superhero series.
As a big fan of phases one to three, I do find it quite breathtaking how irate some hardcore Marvel fans get at anybody who dares criticise phase four.
The level of vitriol reminds of Nintendo fans going crazy in 2017 at any reviewer who gave BoTW 8/10 or less.