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MTV's version of "The Apprentice" - "The Assistant"

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I just have to take a moment and laugh at MTV's continuing drive to deceive people.
. They're so very, very wrong. Just check out the application:

• This show is designed for people aspiring to careers behind-the-scenes in the entertainment (NOT MUSIC) industry: Directors, Publicists, Managers, Talent Agents, Studio Execs, etc. This is NOT a show for people who want to be VJs or rappers or entertainers.


• If you’re really passionate about working in Hollywood, then we need to see that right out of the gate on your tape. (If you’re not passionate about a career in the entertainment industry, then don’t bother submitting anything. Sorry!) You have five minutes to let us know what a great personality you have and why you’re perfect for this show. Don’t forget to tell us who has influenced your career decision. For example, if you hope to be a movie mogul one day, who are the moguls that have come before you that you respect and admire? If you want to be a publicist, who are the current power players in that field that you look up to?


Nowadays you're a nobody if you don't have your own reality show. Andy feels that he'd throw his whole career away to have his very own reality show. So he begged MTV and got his wish. Now he's gonna subject 12 innocent Hollywood wannabes to a grueling process as he searches for his next assistant. The winner gets a new car, a new wardrobe and a cool job working in Hollywood. Andy gets a revived career, 12 shrinks (the kids) to deal with his problems and the opportunity at cocktail parties to say, "Oh, you don't have your own reality show? Well, I do!" The contestants have a dream, Andy has an agenda--together they are headed for reality chaos as Andy begs, borrows and steals from other shows and discovers that "this whole elimination thing is a lot harder then I thought." Good luck, suckers!

Well, they DO get to work in Hollywood...after having been dragged through Tubgirl's shit.

The show premieres tonight at 10:30 p.m. ET/PT, 9 p.m. CT.

It looks hilarious (like the girl having to cut Andy's lawn with SCISSORS!).


He isnt the funniest man alive, but he is still funny as hell....

I will be watching.

That Daphney Agularia(sp) bit he does is beyond funny.


TaleSynz said:
He isnt the funniest man alive, but he is still funny as hell....

I will be watching.

That Daphney Agularia(sp) bit he does is beyond funny.

Did you see the episode on the "Andy Dick Show" in which both Tom Green and Andy Dick simultaneously imitated the other?

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