I remember playing multiplayer games like UT, original Battlefield’s and even console titles like Gears of War 3 and being blown away at the visuals.
Today, almost every multiplayer title has that same shitty visual style of painting on meshes -
This is Counter-Strike 2 (For OGs I’m not even kidding); Valve is probably the worst developer out of the bunch that uses this shitty style in their games post Portal 2.
Dota 2
And the lists goes on of muliplayer titles using this style. To me (in my opinion) it comes across as these developers are not even trying at all, just bare minimum efforts, and new gamers let them get away with it because they don’t know any better.
Today, almost every multiplayer title has that same shitty visual style of painting on meshes -
This is Counter-Strike 2 (For OGs I’m not even kidding); Valve is probably the worst developer out of the bunch that uses this shitty style in their games post Portal 2.


Dota 2

And the lists goes on of muliplayer titles using this style. To me (in my opinion) it comes across as these developers are not even trying at all, just bare minimum efforts, and new gamers let them get away with it because they don’t know any better.