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Muslims forced to drink alcohol and eat pork in China’s ‘re-education’ camps


Muslims were detained for re-education by China‘s government and made to eat pork and drink alcohol, according to a former internment camp inmate.

Omir Bekali, one among perhaps a million people reportedly arrested and held in mass re-education camps, said he was detained without trial or access to a lawyer and forced to disavow his beliefs while praising the Communist Party.

Mr Bekali, a Kazakh citizen, said he contemplated suicide after 20 days in the facility – which itself followed seven months in a prison.

Since spring last year authorities in Xinjiang region have confined tens or even hundreds of thousands of Muslims in the camps, including some foreign nationals. One estimate put the figure at a million or more.

A US commission called it the “the largest mass incarceration of a minority population in the world today” while a leading historian called it “cultural cleansing”.


The internment programme aims to rewire the political thinking of detainees, erase their Islamic beliefs and reshape their very identities. The camps have expanded rapidly over the past year, with almost no judicial process or legal paperwork. Detainees who most vigorously criticise the people and things they love are rewarded, and those who refuse to do so are punished with solitary confinement, beatings and food deprivation.

So this is just a case of China gonna China? I thought there would be some outrage about literal concentration camps.


I'm curious what they did to get in there in the first place, but the fact that they're not being afforded due process suggests it won't be a satisfying answer.

For real, this is some ancient world torture shit, and this is by a country who's supposed to be stepping up as a leader on the world stage.
This is why we can't allow China to take over as the premiere superpower, and yet America's standing in the world drops a little further every day.


I'm curious what they did to get in there in the first place, but the fact that they're not being afforded due process suggests it won't be a satisfying answer.

For real, this is some ancient world torture shit, and this is by a country who's supposed to be stepping up as a leader on the world stage.

From what I've read, some provinces having growing muslim populations, and this is china's twisted way of nipping it in the bud before they become a problem to the government
I'm curious what they did to get in there in the first place, but the fact that they're not being afforded due process suggests it won't be a satisfying answer.

For real, this is some ancient world torture shit, and this is by a country who's supposed to be stepping up as a leader on the world stage.
who has practically got rid of term limits, using mass surveillance on their own people, and wants to control Buddhism once the current Dalai Lama passes away.
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I'm curious what they did to get in there in the first place, but the fact that they're not being afforded due process suggests it won't be a satisfying answer.

For real, this is some ancient world torture shit, and this is by a country who's supposed to be stepping up as a leader on the world stage.

Mostly likely they did nothing wrong. It's bussiness as usual in China.


I imagine this is their idea of how to tackle Islamic extremism, given the article. There're over 20 million Muslims in China, I doubt they intend to re-educate them all - they're probably specifically targeting the ones that aren't ethnically Chinese.

It's pretty reprehensible, but absolutely in line with what I'd expect of their government.

Robot Carnival

Gold Member
has there ever been a time when some government's "re-education" program is actually something good? that term just projects images of labor/concentration camps whenever I hear it...

I still hear shit from time to time, like "Muslim people are all terrorist!" from Chinese people who had been living in other countries for years. hell, I even heard something like this from a gay Chinese guy who grew up in Canada and lives a very Western style life. it's simply mind-boggling sometimes. and the worst thing is, they often don't even tell you they think that way unless you're someone they know pretty well and also happens to be Chinese too.

as someone with ancestry from China and deals with people from that country day in and day out, I'm so glad I don't live there as an adult. mainland Chinese people really do live in a world of their own, completely different from the outside in so many aspects in terms of mentality, manner, "common sense" and world political views. not all are like that of course but I've ran into enough bad apples to the point it had jaded me.
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Gun Animal

This is why we can't allow China to take over as the premiere superpower, and yet America's standing in the world drops a little further every day.
actually shit like this is exactly why China eill take over as tbe premiere superpower. Liberalism only works within certain population groups. You need to be willing to treat different humans differently if you want to rule the whole world.
actually shit like this is exactly why China eill take over as tbe premiere superpower. Liberalism only works within certain population groups. You need to be willing to treat different humans differently if you want to rule the whole world.

bruh what's up with your typing? You drunk?
At least we still have enough sense to recognize this as torture 😂 then again MOUSEE...MOUSEE...MOUSEE shit I eat bacon and I’m drinking rum right now 🤔
Disturbing. Continuation of the Cultural Revolution. Worst thing is that the people doing this views this in an "end justifies the means" mindset, the kind of mindset that's been creeping up lately even in the West. Hopefully most of the people fake through it and do whatever they're forced to under duress, as I believe they're allowed to in Islam (at least from what I've learned from muslims in Norway).


China is like a little bit of 1984, brave new world and fahrenheit 451 mixed together. Its probably the model most of the world is heading towards.. and it certainly will be the worlds foremost superpower if it keeps consolidating and projecting its power like this, both inside and outside its borders.

Deleted member 713885

Unconfirmed Member
actually shit like this is exactly why China eill take over as tbe premiere superpower. Liberalism only works within certain population groups. You need to be willing to treat different humans differently if you want to rule the whole world.

This...this right here..

Some people, and cultures can only be controlled and curtailed via strong arming/totalitarian means.
That's pretty freaking evil to force them to do that. Having said that islam is pretty dumb for avoiding pork, that shit is amazing. I could eat bacon all day, imagine missing out on blt's because of an invisible man in the sky
I read the whole article and this is some pure nightmare-inducing stuff. Absolutely disgusting and deplorable. I really hope something is done about this because reading that was truly depressing.
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Brutal, very barbaric. No one should be force to go against their beliefs. This is not only humiliating but it’s practically indoctrination and torture.
Brutal, very barbaric. No one should be force to go against their beliefs. This is not only humiliating but it’s practically indoctrination and torture.

This. Every time I hear about China re-education programs I am reminded at how fucked China is.


Thats a stretch, it's just food.

It’s not just food, it’s pork. Muslims for the most part do not devour pork. It goes against their beliefs, same with alcohol. It’s haram.

It’s torture, mentally and emotionally. You could argue physically as well if it’s forced physically.
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In the case of China I think it is people/cultures that have loyalties to other things than the state.
Even worse if there are things people are more loyal to than the state, such as religion.

(Religious groups have always had to be VERY careful and hold a low profile in communist countries. I think they see it as competition to the state.)

It is horrible. These things have been going on in China for many decades but get very little coverage in the west.
For the Fulongung (spelling?) movement there they interned people in camps and then use them for organ harvesting.
Truly horrible stuff.

Edit: Read the article. It mentions separatism in several places. Yeah, don't do that. They lose all sense of proportionality anytime separatism is mentioned.
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It’s not just food, it’s pork. Muslims for the most part do not devour pork. It goes against their beliefs, same with alcohol. It’s haram.

It’s torture, mentally and emotionally. You could argue physically as well if it’s forced physically.

And headscarves are not torture also? Religion in general is bullshit, eating pork wont kill them.
Being forced to suck dick won't kill you either, but it's not particularly dignified.
True, imagine if the other muslims found out you had sucked a cock.



And headscarves are not torture also? Religion in general is bullshit, eating pork wont kill them.

Eating pork is haram, it’s forbidden in their religion. Forcing them to eat it is wrong, it’s irrelevant what I or you think about it and sure forcing them to wear burka/headscarves is wrong as it’s wrong to force anyone to do anything that they don’t want too but last I check there are millions of Muslims in America, in Canada and other developed nations that aren’t forced to wear it and they still do because they want to.

The keyword here is forced, if a Muslim wishes to eat pork privately that’s his business. Doesn’t change the fact that those in the article were ... once again forced to consume pork and alcohol.

True, imagine if the other muslims found out you had sucked a cock.


Why are you generalizing all
Muslims as ISIS/extremists? They are in fact a very small minority of Muslims, and this is coming from someone who isn’t liberal, it doesn’t take a degree in quantum mathematics to see how wrong that comparison is.
Eating pork is haram, it’s forbidden in their religion. Forcing them to eat it is wrong, it’s irrelevant what I or you think about it and sure forcing them to wear burka/headscarves is wrong as it’s wrong to force anyone to do anything that they don’t want too but last I check there are millions of Muslims in America, in Canada and other developed nations that aren’t forced to wear it and they still do because they want to.

The keyword here is forced, if a Muslim wishes to eat pork privately that’s his business. Doesn’t change the fact that those in the article were ... once again forced to consume pork and alcohol.

Why are you generalizing all
Muslims as ISIS/extremists? They are in fact a very small minority of Muslims, and this is coming from someone who isn’t liberal, it doesn’t take a degree in quantum mathematics to see how wrong that comparison is.

And headscarves are not torture also? Religion in general is bullshit, eating pork wont kill them.


In a terrifying way it is shows some very impressive scale and resolve in the operation.
China is china. When the "separatist" is mentioned they truly go all in to stamp it out.


But there is a silver lining. Chinese are not white.
So while these folks obviously suffer at least they are not
victims of racism or islamophobia.

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That’s your opinion, many disagree with you all around the world. King of Foxes King of Foxes

Just forget about religion for a moment, you certainly do not want to be forced into something you aren’t comfortable with, so please show a little compassion at least.

What I or you think of religion is irrelevant. It shouldn’t even factor in or justify the abuse.


I guess two wrongs make a right.
This is the point. No matter what just because they do it does not mean it is justified. What China does is terrible and we should not try to argue that the other site does the same. We can condemn both.


Also good to point out that if they don't do this they get beaten, deprived of food and get solitary confinement.
This is some abhorrent shit.


This is nothing new for communist countries. It's sad that our companies are making China filthy rich by sending all of the manufacturing over there.


The idea of one adult forcing another adult to eat anything is stupid.
When that food or drink is something that goes against the persons ideology and morals, then what was only stupid at first becomes evil.

I guess this is one way of atheism gone wrong.
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That’s your opinion, many disagree with you all around the world. King of Foxes King of Foxes

Just forget about religion for a moment, you certainly do not want to be forced into something you aren’t comfortable with, so please show a little compassion at least.

What I or you think of religion is irrelevant. It shouldn’t even factor in or justify the abuse.

I agree completely, as i said earlier I think its evil to force someone to do something they dont want.

It's more that i would feel the same if a Furry who lived as a chicken went to jail and had to eat scrambled eggs or the same deal with a vegan.

The forcing them is bad but its just food, its not like they are forcing them to suck dicks as that other poster so elegantly put it
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