Bros, I m hitting 35 soon and I feel completely different than when I was 30. Duh right? But let me explain.
My job is demanding, I work 60 hours a week in the office and then some outside as well.
That’s not a big deal other than the fact that I haven’t been able to gym/do sprints/etc like I want, I’m exhausted. I’m trying to remedy this by ordering in a peloton bike to do stuff before/after work in an effort to save my lower body, but it won’t be in until feb.
But since I stopped exercising a lot, now my right shoulder hurts, my knee hurts, I weigh the same because I eat way less but I’m still developing a small belly, and I’m just significantly weaker. It sucks, but a year after stopping my body is definitely caving. My eating and drinking habits are solid btw.
Tips anyone? Can’t work out like i used to, but I gym when I can (every 2 weeks) and do air squats at work. I have some dumbbells at home but it’s not the same (no actually it’s sucks).
What do you guys do?
My job is demanding, I work 60 hours a week in the office and then some outside as well.
That’s not a big deal other than the fact that I haven’t been able to gym/do sprints/etc like I want, I’m exhausted. I’m trying to remedy this by ordering in a peloton bike to do stuff before/after work in an effort to save my lower body, but it won’t be in until feb.
But since I stopped exercising a lot, now my right shoulder hurts, my knee hurts, I weigh the same because I eat way less but I’m still developing a small belly, and I’m just significantly weaker. It sucks, but a year after stopping my body is definitely caving. My eating and drinking habits are solid btw.
Tips anyone? Can’t work out like i used to, but I gym when I can (every 2 weeks) and do air squats at work. I have some dumbbells at home but it’s not the same (no actually it’s sucks).
What do you guys do?
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