Meier said:
Doves for sure (outside of the obvious answer for me, Don't Believe the Truth).
Yeah, I love this album dude. I don't know why everyone says it sucks, or pales in comparison to The Last Broadcast. TLB was good too, don't get me wrong. But Some Cities definitely has a kind of "magic" to it - maybe it's the production, maybe it's the band - I don't really give a crap, I love it either way. I was almost certain that when it came out it was my AOTY. I dunno, though. It's still damn good, and in my top 5. Nice to know at least *someone* appreciates the new Doves.
It's down to:
Doves - Some Cities
Jimmy Chamberlin Complex - Life Begins Again
Trail of Dead - Worlds Apart (fucking GREAT album... in fact this might be it, we'll see)
Billy Corgan - TheFutureEmbrace
Queens of the Stone Age - Lullabies to Paralyze
The White Stripes - Get Behind Me Satan
I'll agree - Coldplay's album is really good. I was expecting them to continue to go downhill after A Rush of Blood to the Head, but I was proven wrong. They are truly capitalizing on the fact that they are indeed a hybrid of U2 and Radiohead, not sure if they realize that or not - but, IMO, there's nothing wrong with that.
One thing I can say for sure, and I'm sure we can all agree on nomatter what we listen to, is that 2005 is a GREAT year for music. Last year sucked ass. Sonic Youth, Wilco and Burning Brides were my uh, albums of 2004. :| Fuck, I just listened to Sonic Youth's discography 80% of the time. They owned me in 2004.