Why must the fandom do this to every antagonist?
I like how she moved to a new house, put up the posters, then tears them down.Why must the fandom do this to every antagonist?
Hi ponygaf, I want to make a PMV and I will need to cut movie parts, put the song and subtitle it. What software can I use?
Windows Movie Maker![]()
I like how she moved to a new house, put up the posters, then tears them down.
I might need to commission a little somethin' somethin' from this one so long as it's something I can afford.
I might need to commission a little somethin' somethin' from this one so long as it's something I can afford.
I picked up a pretty awesomely done Rarity plush at Anime North this year for $85, so I consider myself pretty lucky for that. Unfortunately they didn't have the right colour of minky to create Applejack. Though I realize the price these fetch online so I would be ready to drop down a couple bills to get one that I'd really like within reason.It almost certainly won't be. That person's plushes usually go for hundreds of dollars on eBay.
It almost certainly won't be. That person's plushes usually go for hundreds of dollars on eBay.
Re: Lightning Dust, right after a Trixie redemption episode we get a character that comes in and ends up outdoing her in being a jerk.
By which you mean Spitfire, right?
I mean, the first thing she does is start berating everypony, and telling them that they're not potential "Wonderbolt material" because they aren't already Wonderbolts. In the logic of the show, I'm pretty sure that Rainbow Dash is actually supposed to be more than "Wonderbolt" material, she's "Legendary Hero" material (I would guess that RD is as far above Wonderbolt as she thinks Wonderbolt is above her), but her sights are currently set on Wonderbolt. And Spitfire apparently has two Rainbow Dashes in her class this year. But apparently beating people down and breaking them is a military thing, so Spitfire will do that.
Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust show that they're both excellent and they both speak the same language and get along, and they smash Wonderbolt records.
Why must the fandom do this to every antagonist?
To be fair, the treatment of Lightning was more than a little harsh, at least if you interpret ripping her badge off as kicking her out of the Wonderbolt program instead of simply being demoted.
They beat the academy records.
Being kicked out for putting civilians lives at risk and not taking responsibility is harsh? In the real world you'd probably be looking at jail time even if you admitted your mistakes. Add to to fact that one of Wonderbolts primary responsibilities appears to rescue operations (Sonic Rainboom, Secret of My Excess) there would be no place for a maverick who isn't a team player and doesn't take the job serious.
Being kicked out for putting civilians lives at risk and not taking responsibility is harsh? In the real world you'd probably be looking at jail time even if you admitted your mistakes. Add to to fact that one of Wonderbolts primary responsibilities appears to rescue operations (Sonic Rainboom, Secret of My Excess) there would be no place for a maverick who isn't a team player and doesn't take the job serious.
The Wonderbolts are celebrity stuntponies who like to show off. Look at what Spitfire's doing in her office - she's signing pictures of herself, not participating in a military bureaucracy.
Makes you wonder why Williams made them look like a military organization in the first place.
how spitfire was a flankhole in this episode
Pretty spot on, except I believe she has been finding ways to embarrass Dashie not just in this episode but ever since The Best Night Ever.
Is Spitfire the one that's just standing there while the Ponyville pegasi nearly fail to get the tornado going to get water to Cloudsdale?
lots of text...
It's not really clear what the Wonderbolts are. On the face of it, they're apparently Equestria's most elite flyers and they perform in air shows. And... they jump in to help when they see danger right in front of them? Well that's just being responsible. But then... they get sent it to "do something" about a dragon rampage, and fail miserably?
Also, pegasi are naturally inclined to military organization, going by the history from "Hearth's Warming Eve."
This. All of this.
I still think they could have fixed it by either making her a different character or just simply adding a couple lines acknowledging that she was actually Spitfire.
In the beginning when she grilled Dash about quitting she could have said, "You may have saved my life, but don't think I'm going to make it easy for you" and at the end she could've been "aware" of Lightning Dust's intentions and reveal the LD was a lot like her when she was younger and really needed a cool head (RD) to save her when she was reckless.
I dunno, just tossing the idea out there. The fact that she seemed COMPLETELY oblivious even encouraging such dangerous action just stumped me.
I didn't even think she was Spitfire at first, thanks to the change in demeanor and outfit. Would have been better if she hadn't been, for sure.
Some reckon she didn't interfere because the pegasi there were going for the record initially, but because they were struggling to reach 800 unless Spitfire could produce hundreds of wing power alone it wouldn't have mattered.
Spitfire employs a body double/stunt double. She has high-ranking military/political power, so she doesn't need to perform. The Wonderbolt costume covers cutie marks. The "Spitfire" who RD won previous favor with was a double.Same here. I was half expecting them to reveal that she was the real Spitfire's twin sister or something.
Wall of fucking Hoots
I don't think that's fair. We've seen many background Pegasus ponies who just carry about their days normally. Even in Hurricane Fluttershy only a few seemed competitive about the whole thing, most just wanted to better themselves.
Speaking to some of your other points too, Equestria isn't much for rules and organization (and, well, thinking things through). Remember in Winter Wrap Up Twilight apparently invented the notion of efficiency. Flim and Flam had an obviously superior method for making cider, and nobody seemed to notice after the first batch. I would be surprised if there were more than a handful of bureaucrats in Equestria.I shall also contend the other ponies shouldn't have even been near or allowed to be near the POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS training grounds/air space too... but I needn't repeat my disdain for a certain Pink Pony more than I have already.
Regarding the Pegasi history: I do see their Race as being proud, but not necessarily militarily or fighters proud (although I am sure a Pegasi in flight with good weapons, and skills would be quite deadly).
Nah, only culture. Earth ponies need to cooperate to get things done. Unicorns get locked into a power level battle with each other. Pegasi need to be regimented to stay safe in the air.I think we're sort of meant to believe that these government styles represented something fundamental to the nature of each race.
Makes you wonder why Williams made them look like a military organization in the first place.
I think Cheerilee comprehensively demolished this a few posts up. LD was doing exactly what the Wonderbolts seemed to want, and it's a little hard to blame her for not anticipating a hot air balloon full of non-flyers. It's a bit weird for Spitfire to suddenly turn on her given that up until a few minutes prior it seems like Spitfire would have approved.
And I don't think it's reasonable to expect military-style discipline from the Wonderbolts. Pegasi may have a cultural affinity for the trappings of a military force, but it doesn't seem to go very deep. The Wonderbolts are celebrity stuntponies who like to show off. Look at what Spitfire's doing in her office - she's signing pictures of herself, not participating in a military bureaucracy.
Why? Negligence is one thing, but we typically don't hold people criminally responsible for things they couldn't reasonably have anticipated. Civil liability is different, but clearly LD's punishment isn't meant as compensation for Twilight and friends. Military and police policy is typically also not to punish people who take all reasonable precautions. Probably we're too willing to give police the benefit of the doubt when they shoot someone who turns out to be unarmed or bust into the wrong house and kill someone's dog.I disagree, regardless of being able to anticipate ponies in an airballon or not, her actions put them in danger. If I do something, but don't anticipate negative consequences I still expect to be punished if the bad out weighs the good.